February 28, 2015

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There's so many smart and funny and good things on the Internet. Here's just a few!

This Bachelor recap is especially funny since I just caught up last week.

A grandma reviews Fifty Shades of Grey.

A good article on mothering and quitting.

Our new favorite glass to keep stocked in our cupboards.

Jimmy Fallon is rocking it lately : A Fresh Prince parody | Saved By The Bell | J. Fallon & T. Swift.

Black and white engineer prints.

Am loving this Orla Kiely print at Target.

How to have happy siblings.

And, a sweet link full of handmade valentines.

A little something to read over the weekend, enjoy!

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February 27, 2015

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I love when holidays fall on weekends. Especially Valentine's Day. It just feels a little more happy and special, don't you think?

I wanted to keep things simple around here so we stuck with picking some flowers, heart shaped foods and lunch at Olive Garden to carry on our tradition.

Other moments of our day:
Lia cutting up her fingers on a thorny branch. All is good now!
Watching Valentine's Day with my guy. Another tradition we carried on.
Snapping some photos of my babies.
A trip to Target for toilet paper. Because, let's face it, we're parents and V-Day isn't all romance around here.
Opening little gifts and reading new books.
Eating lots of chocolate!

Now, here's to Easter. Because Lia can't stop asking about it!
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Reading... Where'd You Go, Bernadette for book club and Yes Please for me. 

Wearing... the most perfect little black tank and nude flats. 

Pinning... this take on the wedge salad and a black & white house tour. 

Watching... Nico change every day. I almost cried in bed last night when I realized I can no longer remember just how tiny he was when we brought him home from the hospital.

Excited... for a surprise in March!

Still changing... diapers. Lots of diapers.

Wanting... more striped walls!

Making... painted flying discs with my girl. We love this line of art supplies.

Binging... on Scandal.

Also, thankful... for Netflix. Keeps me awake during those late night feedings.

Wanting... a bunch of yellow daffodils.

Finding joy... in babywearing.

Listening... to Hey Jude because it almost instantly calms Nicolas.

Learning... how to balance the act of mothering two who each have their own distinct needs and wants.

On the menu... lots of pasta and a request from the kiddo : cinnamon rolls!

Please feel free to link up any of your "currently" posts in the comments, xo!

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February 24, 2015

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It's a free day home from school today! What should have been freezing rain turned into just really cold rain overnight but I'm not one to complain about not having to get three people dressed and out of the house in the rain, you know.

Today looked like...

Tummy time. Nico is a fan so far!
Reruns of Scandal. I started the first season last week and oh, it's good.
Baking cookies and doing art projects with my girl.
Finishing a book from my probably too-large stack. But can you ever have too many books to read?
Washing bottles and laundry and wiping down counters.
Snuggling a sweet but fussy baby boy.
Macaroni and cheese.
And the sounds of cartoons mixed in with little girl laughs and baby boy cries.
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February 23, 2015

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Lia: rocked her well visit weighing in at 41 lbs, 40 inches and perfect.

Nicolas: went through a little nap boycott but looked handsome as ever doing it.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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February 15, 2015

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Lia: I asked for a silly face.

Nicolas: ten tiny fingers with a surprisingly good grip.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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February 14, 2015

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I almost forgot to make this card but we scrambled around this morning before heading out to pick flowers and here it is. And here's the past years, if you'd like to see those too - 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011.

Happy Valentine's Day from my little sweethearts!
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February 11, 2015

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One month...

He loves to eat, sleep and poop.
Only cries when he's hungry and overtired. And then, you have half a second to give him what he wants or else...
Is a fan of babywearing.
Still sleeps in our room. Forever and always, man.
Has the cutest grin. Gas or not, who cares?
Eats 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours. And then sometimes every two.
Adores his big sister.
Still firmly in newborn clothes.
Has the squishiest cheeks.

He's basically a dreamboat.
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February 9, 2015

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It's the month of love! February is such a short, but sweet month.

And I'm looking forward to...

Valentine's Day and our usual family date.
Helping my girl create some handmade valentines for her pre-k class!
Catching up on some reading. I've got a stack of books I eye everyday, I just cant find the time.
Watching our little guy turn a month old!
Hitting the 6 weeks postpartum checkpoint and hoping to get back to normal.
Starting a book club with some mama friends.

And hoping for...
An early Spring!

We're keeping things simple lately. Less outings, more staying in. Trying to keep up with laundry and dishes while playing more games and puzzles. Finding time to snuggle and bond with our little guy outside of feedings and rocking him to sleep. And finding time to hang out with our girl so she doesn't feel left out. I figure if I can go to bed each night being able to look back and smile or laugh at some part of our day and we're all in good moods as we lay our heads down, then life is pretty good right now. This is our slow season and we're going to embrace it.

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February 8, 2015

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Lia: always there to oversee what mama's doing in brother's room.

Nicolas: that face. the fist. one of my favorite looks of his.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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February 7, 2015

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With two kids now, our week is pretty different. Staying home sounds easier and much safer to my sanity these days. But, I'm so excited for the new few months, when little man is not so little and the weather warms up and we can get back to our usual adventures at the farmers market and our favorite park.

This week....

Lia's learning how to write her last name at school. She flips her letters around and it's pretty cute.
She still holds the title of worlds best big sister!
This morning, she woke me up to tell me the new Wallykazam was on TV and her voice reached a new squeaky level on the excitement chart.
She tells me she can't believe we have a baby in the house (in a very happy way). My heart pretty much stays melted in a puddle on the floor most days.
She's been walking around the past few weeks with a mini lipstick and asks anyone around her if they need any and then gives them full instructions on how to apply it.
She won't let us take her tiny Christmas tree down.
Put on pajamas all by herself last night!
And has outgrown almost every piece of clothing she owns. And her beloved Saltwaters that were so good to us the past two years.

Nicolas turned four weeks old! We celebrated with a fun little photo shoot.
He was a  much easier baby this week than his third week. He's back to eating, pooping and sleeping with very minimal fuss!
He's eating around 3 oz every 3-4 hours and only making us wake once or (occasionally) twice to feed in the night.
Slept for a few hours in his crib last night!
But, he's still not a huge fan of it.
Gave his sister a smile yesterday morning. (Gas or not, we don't care!)

Other highlights of our week...
Nailing down this two kid thing. Some days we're pretty seamless at who tackles who and what.
Family dinner at Outback.
Catching up on Blacklist with M. 
Getting a Happy baby wrap in the mail yesterday. Though, I'm still deciding on it!
Did a little Spring cleaning in the kiddo's closets.

Here's to the weekend, xo!
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February 4, 2015

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A sweet friend stopped by our house on the Friday that Nicolas turned one week old and captured these gorgeous shots of our family. I was still recovering from my surgery and Lia really didn't want anything to do with having photos taken but I remember a feeling of magic as I stood in N's room feeling the warmth from the heater and the whooshing sound from the white noise machine. He was here and he was ours and I swear I had baby fever all over again in that moment. I still do some days. But watching over these photos was just perfect.

He's grown and changed so much since then. On Friday, we celebrate the one-month mark! It's hard to believe he's been here for a month but most days it's like he was always here.

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February 2, 2015

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It was a slow morning full of wind and rain and my two babes who were quite happy to see the sun come out eventually. The littlest one, I think, is going through a growth spurt and his usual bottles weren't filling him up. The biggest one wants to play all the time. And talk about the things she wants to do but can't today - like go outside or have a play date.

Lots of toys were strewn about the floors and tables. Laundry was folded. Diapers were changed. Dishes were washed. Mama got to read a few pages of a book! We watched the garbage trucks do their jobs and then watched the wind blow the empty bins away. And now, both babes are quiet and the husband is home and there's a homemade lasagna a sweet friend dropped off warming up in the oven.

All of this on a Monday...
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February 1, 2015

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Lia: she started climbing on the dining table this week to be closer to her brother and now she pretends it's just another personal jungle gym.

Nicolas: he napped all of ten minutes in his crib, just long enough for mama to snap a picture and toss in a load of laundry.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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