January 31, 2014

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Having M home for a day and half in the middle of the week made this week so much sweeter. We didn't get any snow, only a few flurries mixed with ice and cold temperatures! Everything is clear now and life has resumed. Make-up ballet classes are on the calendar and a certain little girl is eager to get back to school!

And between handling another case of head lice that spread to me and my girl this time and all the cleaning involved there, we still had some fun moments. Nothing says romance like having your partner pick nits out of your hair, right?

But seriously...we watched movies in bed together, played with icicles, baked brownies and spent some time outside on the warmer days before the storm. And, we tackled every load of laundry. That's a pretty amazing feat around here lately.

We're heading to Ikea this weekend to pick out a big-girl bed for L. It's been a battle all week to decide which size bed to go with and these sheets I ordered may have been the deciding factor. I can't resist a black and white polka dot. We're going with a full size bed and keeping our fingers crossed it's the right choice!
My to-do list will most likely rule the rest of the weekend. I hope you enjoy yours, whatever you have planned, xo!

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January 28, 2014

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We're waiting on a winter ice storm this afternoon! Personally, I wish that meant buckets of snow to be dumped on our little coastal town. It does not (insert very sad emoji here!). But, it does mean there's a small chance we'll be "iced" in for a day and hunkering down at home with my loves sounds pretty darn good for a mid-week treat.

While we wait, here's a few things I loved from the Internet this month...

I was cleaning out my collection of cookie sheets and finally pulled out the really old, sad looking ones. I think I'll DIY them up with one of these ideas instead of tossing them out! Here | Here | Here

THIS moment from the Grammy Awards. I rarely ever watch award shows of any kind, but I am honored to have caught this moment live.

These leggings are the cutest!

Giant Valentine's. How romantic (& fun!) would these be?
A good read for living simply | 8 things you can live without.
Spring is around the corner and I am pretty sure this yellow chair needs to live in our backyard.

This knitting series is making me want to pick up my needles again.
Printing this for L's room. We're embarking on a big-girl room soon!
And, now I'm eyeing every basket in the house.

Enjoy and stay warm, xo!

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January 26, 2014

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4/52 || She was so jumpy and excited as we were taking this shot because she realized her papi had pulled into the driveway. The camera was quickly forgotten as she ran to "hide" in my legs from him, giddy with excitement.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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January 25, 2014

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The library had a better-than-thrift-store-prices kind of book sale today. It was the best $2 I've spent lately. I topped of my stack with a few other books I had on the holds shelf. Go big or go home, right?

Lia cut her hair at preschool this week. As I predicted, with all of that hair, it was bound to happen at some point. We got lucky and I still can't figure out exactly where the hair was cut from. Here's to top-knots in the future!

A quick stop to our local Home Depot left us with a sweet little plant, paint chips and a sample for the subway tile I am dying to put in the kitchen. I love the small steps that lead to a big project you've wanted to tackle for a while. Even if it will be a long while before we get started, figuring out what we want is sometimes the most fun.

And the week rounded out with some brownie baking, a Barbie movie, piles of laundry, board games and a few episodes of Downton Abbey. It wasn't a bad one, I can say. Here's to the weekend, xo!
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January 22, 2014

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Inspired by several bloggers, her and her in particular, welcome to a new monthly series here on the blog! Please feel free to link up any of your "currently" posts in the comments, xo!

Watching... Downton Abbey. I'm in the second season and I'm hopelessly hooked.

Looking... for the perfect big-girl bed for Lia. It's time!

Reading... The Stuff That Never Happened.

Wearing... skinny jeans and oxfords.

Wanting... to add more of these colorful bowls to my growing stack.

Adding... books to my library queue.

Planning... some early Spring cleaning.

Sending... lots of birthday love in the mail!

Pinning... smart camera tips, clothes for the babe and a recipe I can't wait to try.

Spending... afternoons at the Farmers Market.

Trying... to stay on top of my to-do list.

Anticipating... February!

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January 19, 2014

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3/52 || This one I snapped last night after a long day. I, pretty much, had called it quits on doing anything else productive for the night until I forgot about this gem of a project. I do love this project. I just haven't been on my a-game in the camera field lately. Here's to black and white photos masking the bad lighting, my sweet girl and the hope that I pick up my camera a lot more in the next week.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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January 16, 2014

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It's been crazy lately. My amazing sister-in-law stayed with us this week and she pretty much rocked it. The house was a mess and the dog who has never had fleas caught fleas and she still loved hanging with us.

Also..And I debated for weeks whether I was going to talk about this on my blog. I'm still debating really, because Lia is getting older and I never want to embarrass her or over share her story here. It is hers, after all. But this blog is mine and sharing our life here is what I tend to do. I never want to forget a moment or a question or anything else I document here. Keeping things real here is a delicate balance for me. So here it goes - L caught a case of head lice a few weeks ago. It feels like a taboo subject. I know it's common and can happen to anyone. I also now know how it feels to have to explain to teachers and parents that your kid has lice. It's not a fun thing nor is it a fun process to deal with. We've been dealing with it since the last few days of December and while I think we're in the clear, there are certainly no live bugs in her hair, they also come back surprisingly easy. It's kind of a day by day thing. Every time I'm around her, I'm constantly looking at her head now. It's a new one for the book of motherhood, for sure.

So there was that. And the dog. And the heater went out last night. I am pretty sure a sneaky little mess-fairy swept through our house. Okay, no, we got lazy. We got caught up in de-fleaing the dog and washing the bedding constantly and trying to cook dinners that everything else was ignored.

It sounds like our week was hell, I'm sure. But it wasn't. I have good things to document too. The hubby and I went on a date. It was a Monday night and perfect because the restaurant was empty and we had the best brownie afterwards. Anthropologie opened recently and there were two (!) trips to snag some pretty bowls and knobs. Harry Potter has stamps, what? And my sweet girl was equally sweet and naughty.

So, let me tell you...even though most of this month has made me want to pull my hair out and drink copious amounts of alcohol, I did neither and life celebrated that with some good moments.

But seriously, January. Let's get along, shall we?

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January 12, 2014

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This week was a busy one and my iPhone was my most handy tool so for week numero dos, we've got an iPhone shot.

2/52 ||  Taking a morning bath. Our bathtub is rather large and the sun streams in through the big window. It gives a little more sparkle and fun to bathtime.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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We stayed busy getting back to normal around here. Preschool and ballet classes. Returning library books. Doing dishes and laundry and taking down the Christmas tree (finally!). And, M started a new semester in school this week.

Parts of the week were crazy and parts were comforting. Having clean toilets and made-up beds can do a lot for one's spirit but on the other hand, wow. The house was in bad shape.

M's little sister in town for a few days so we're on the go and soaking up as much time with her as we can! I'll be back on Monday with a weekend post, xo.

PS. Lia has become obsessed with My Little Ponies and my new doormat has made me swoon every time I walk in the door!

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January 7, 2014

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January, I'm glad you're here. It feels like I've been running some kind of crazy celebration hoopla between Thanksgiving and right after the New Year. It's fun, of course it's fun. But it starts to take a toll.  So right around the second week of January is when things become fun in the "oh lets just go on with our ho-hum ordinary schedules and see where life takes us" way.
Here's what I'm excited for...
Cold mornings. They give me a reason to cover up bad hair days (or weeks!) with cozy knitted hats.
A fresh start to the New Year.
A visit from my sister-in-law. She's kind of the best and we love her so.
New episodes of Pretty Little Liars. Because, yeah.
And on that note - Juan-uary.
A moms night out!
And the return of our favorite Farmers Market.
I've got some new series and blog post ideas I'm excited to share with you guys this month too. Here's to you January, let's do it right, xo!

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January 6, 2014

We threw our girl a simple breakfast birthday party over the weekend. She wanted a sleepover and we did not, so we met in the middle. This little party was my favorite of any we've thrown her! She had her own friends which was huge for her! She did so well all morning. It was such a happy (and loud!) morning in our house.

I kept the decorations simple and picked out my favorite plates and napkins and the rest fell together. I made a quick garland for the wall and added a lot of balloons. It doesn't hurt that the stripes in our dining room are fun by themselves! And all of the mason jars, pots and dishes I used were things I had on hand already.

We served up waffles with fresh fruit, chocolate chips, and powdered sugar to top them off with. Of course, cereal! And mini donuts just because our girl loves them so. I poured some orange juice in a thrifted glass carafe and served up white and chocolate milk. Everyone got to take home a mini notebook & crayons with some fun "sausage & egg" treats!

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January 5, 2014

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1/52 || A stolen moment during her birthday party. Seconds after this picture, she was up and running around again. Girl had fun!

I'm back with this project. I seriously love having fifty-two pictures of my babe from last year. But this year, I want photos a little more candid. L hates when I say "stand still and smile". I can literally see her cringe sometimes as she does the exact opposite of what I say. And then I suck at keeping my cool.

So, here's to things getting a lot more candid around here. And my camera becoming my side-kick.

 I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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January 3, 2014

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Happy 2014, you guys! We're three days in and I've decided this year will be about making small changes and better choices. I could go all gung-ho and make grand plans but in all honestly, that isn't my style. And I'd only feel terrible when they all hit the ground after I failed. 

But there are things I want to do with this year. It's a fresh new slate and those little butterflies of possibility are in full effect around here. Even Lia made goals to start soccer and do well in school and ballet. Ha, we start early around here!

But I think I'll skip making some long list I can check off this time.

I will never give up caffeine but I will try to drink more water. It would be really nice to lose enough lbs to squeeze into my favorite black party dress a little easier. It's always nice when your clothes let you breathe. And, it wouldn't be so bad if date nights weren't as rare as UFO sightings around here. So, that's where it's going to be.

Here's to the awesome things ahead. And the hair-pulling bad ones, too. Yin and yang and all that jazz!

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