February 17, 2016

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Ha, that's a lot of food in one post. I'm popping in to say hi! It was kind of quiet around here last week. We were busy setting up the guest room for Manny's little sister, catching up on some school work and making Valentines!

This week we're loving all the time we're getting with M's sister, the kids are being the kids and I'm battling some weird skin rash/irritation that's decided to take up residence on my face. It's no fun and it ain't pretty.

Otherwise, things are good. The house is full of fresh flowers and laughter. We're getting a few extra days with M and our three day weekend was pretty perfect.

Here's to a few more good (and warm!) days this week.

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February 16, 2016

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016.

Lia: She lasted just long enough into the Super Bowl to enjoy the snacks!

Nico: He learned to climb in the toy basket this week!

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February 14, 2016

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It kind of hurt to post this year's card! These babes (especially the littlest one) grew so much over the past year. It's crazy!

It's been a morning full of pancakes, flowers and love! Here's hoping the sunshine stays out all day and the guy and I get to get a few quiet moments tonight with a date night in.

Happy Valentine's from our little family to yours!

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February 7, 2016

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016.

Lia: Waiting patiently for a bag of Valentine treats from our favorite bakery!

Nico: He's picked up a virus and with it is coming high fevers making him feel crummy and do weird things like lay down and not eat. Here's hoping he feels better soon!

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February 5, 2016

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So I heard the groundhog has predicted an early Spring. Lia came home from school this week all excited to tell me! Only, she didn't know what a groundhog was so she described it as "like a rat or squirrel and it goes under the ground". Needless to say, it was cute. Kindergarten Lia is pretty fun most days. I love hearing her take on the world. I'm not too sure about an early Spring but the weather did bless us with a couple warm days so, of course, we BBQed and played outside!

We had a lot of fun in Ikea. A little stressful and we probably spent way too much money but fun nonetheless. We're setting up a guest room and working on freshening up the living room. So far, we've got a new sofa cover that gives the room a cleaner look and a fun new arm chair that's waiting on it's legs. Because we always forget something while we're in the store.

Nicolas has his first tooth! And, he's still eating up a storm and mastering the art of mess-making.

I'm brainstorming some fun ideas for Valentine's Day while tackling a pile of homework. I'm taking an American Government course which is turning out to be a lot more interesting than I thought it would.

And tonight, I'm looking forward to making a homemade pizza with my loves and sitting down with a movie. Things got frustrating really quickly last night while L and I were working on her reading and I just feel terrible. So, here's to a quiet family night to usher in the weekend!

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February 3, 2016

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It's the month of LOVE! My girl, for one, is very excited for Valentine's Day. When I was younger, I remember having the same giddy excitement of what surprises lay ahead on that special day. The mantle is covered in hearts and garland and I've picked up a few love-themed books for the kiddos.

I'm looking forward to...

Valentine's Day!
The return of Shonda Thursday. Hello, quiet nights on the sofa with my guy.
A visit from Manny's little sister!
Freshening up the living room with a new chair.
Reading this book.
Leap Day! I can't say no to an extra day of life.
Helping my girl craft up her Valentine cards for school.
And, hopefully, a few more warmer days!

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February 1, 2016

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A portrait of my children, once a week, every week in 2016.

Lia: She's into Legos lately and I love watching her confidence grow as she learns to follow instructions and put things together piece by piece. Then when she's done, she "explores" for a while and listening to her play out loud in her own imaginative world reminds me so much of myself when I was young.

Nico: His version of exploring means digging into cabinets for extra bowls and utensils and figuring out new hiding places for his paci.

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