November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving is...

About being thankful and giving.
We may all have hard times but there is always someone out there that has it worse.
I have SO much to be thankful for this season. I have my amazingly wonderful husband who will do anything in the world for me. I have my beautiful daughter that will be making her arrival soon. I have my good health & the health of everyone around me. I have family far and near that love us dearly. I have my 2 furbabies, who can make me smile at least once a day, even on the roughest day. I have a few cherished friends. I have a nice house to come home to, a car that takes me where i need to go, the means to provide for ourselves. I have more food than manny & i need.

I really couldn't ask for more!

So this season - i want to think of others.
I just gave another marine wife (i don't know her, but what she's doing it really amazing) all these groceries to donate to families in need.

And manny & i will be giving toys to the marines for Toys For Tots.

Now, i challenge all of you to do the same. Even when we think we have nothing to give, we always have something. And the people on the recieving end are going to be so thankful for you and your kindess!

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