April 9, 2010

it's a blog party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

It's officially time for the Ultimate Blog Party 2010 hosted by 5 minutes for moms. It sounds like a heap full of fun. You meet new blog friends, find great new blogs and  have a chance to win some prizes (who doesn't like prizes?!).

There's some great prizes too!
My top picks if i'm so lucky to win are...
16 - A custom made tutu for my little girl
USC 3 - $50 giftcard to Target
USC 60 - $200 gift certificate for any Wall Slicks.
If my top 3 are taken, i'd love 7 (tupperware) or 12 (netflix) or anything for babies (my daughter is 3 months old!) or Target /Bath + Body works giftcards.
It's simple. Just write up your party post, post the link over on 5 minutes for moms and start commenting on everyone else!

So without further ado...

Hello other UBP bloggers! I'm Kristy, a 23 yr old wife + mother. I started blogging about 2 years ago to keep our family connected to my hubby (we'll call him M) and I. We have family all around the world, literaly. The furthest are in Germany + Mexico (but i'm pretty sure we don't have any followers in Mexico!) I met M four years ago when he was stationed at a marine corp base about an hour from my hometown in North Carolina. We hit it off, got married a year later and have been inseperable since. Our daughter, Lia, is 3 months old. We are constantly amazed by her. I'm a SAH mom to Lia. We're lucky enough (still clueless how!) to be able to afford me staying at home with her and I really enjoy it. Of course, blogs + twitter help me stay sane when the only other human interaction I get is Lia! We're currently living in Long Island until it's time for our next duty station. M has been in the marine corp for about 6 years and until he decides he is done, Lia and I will follow + support him everywhere it leads us.

As for me, I'm pretty easy-going. Give me a pretty day, a book, + a tall glass of sweet tea and i'm set. I love family + reading. The beach is where I spent all summer at back home (LI beaches just aren't the same). I tend to leave most of our bank account in Target everytime I go (who doesn't though?!). And, i've got the coolest weiner ever (my dachshund, of course!)

My blog is about my family and our military life. Most posts are all about Lia + chock full of her photos! Seriously, one look at that adorable face and you're hooked!  It's called "A Little Something" so I like to add a little something every week. Usually just a photo of something fun or inspiring or those "little somethings" in life that are extras that make life more exciting (like the nuts on a chocolate sudae).

Can't wait to meet you party bloggers!

My twitter is mama2lia - Love to meet all you other "tweeters" out there!


  1. I would love to follow your blog, as a fellow milspouse I am looking to connect with more people living the military life. I will look forward to reading more.

  2. So now you've made me want a sundae with nuts. Have a great party week!

  3. Hi Kristy,

    I'm a new follower from UBP, I hope you'll stop by my blog and follow back. There's a fun game for the party and you can win a $25 Target gift card.
    Nice to meet you!


  4. Hi! Visiting you back - thanks for stopping by my blog! I had to smile when reading your post, because a tall glass of sweet tea is probably one of my favorite treats!

  5. Hi! So nice to meet you! I <3 my doxie mix too! :)

  6. It's great to meet you! I completely understand about Target. I have to limit how often we go because I spend way too much in that store!

  7. Hi Kristy!
    It's nice to meet ya. Thanks for visiting and following my blog today.

    I'm sipping on a glass of sweet tea right now. MMMM good stuff!

    Cool Weiner, eh? hehe

  8. Just stopping by from the blog party! What a beautiful family. Isn't being a mommy great!
    Joelle & Barbie

  9. *dreamy sigh* I miss Target!! We live in Germany courtesy of Uncle Sam! (Army) And there are a few stores that don't ship to APO! :)

    Sounds like you might enjoy my Mamarazzi Monday meme - us Mamas LOVE to share pictures of our kids!

  10. Your family is adorable! How fun that you get to travel all over the place, that must be nice :)

    I'm your newest follower! you can see my part post here!

  11. Hiya Mama to Lia! Marina here (From Energizer Bunny's Mommy Reports)

    How blessed hubby is to have such a loving wife supporting him in his call for duty. God bless and protect your family

    Hope you have a great time and do hop over to visit me when you get the time. (Psst...Secret....If you love giveaways...I've quite a few live!!!....;>)


  12. Hi there! Just popping in to be your newest Google Follower from UBP! Hooray! You have a lovely blog. Hope you can swing by mine! Have a great weekend!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  13. Hi, nice to meet you! Lia is a beautiful name!

  14. Woo Hoo! You joined the Party!

    I hope you have tons of fun. TOO MUCH even : )

  15. Poppin in to see if you have any snacks left from the party..Love your blog and your Lia is too cute!
    Following to see where in the world you end up next!

  16. Stopping by from ubp! I totally agree that it's impossible to leave target without spending a ton! I followed you on twitter because I am on there the most. Hope you'll stop by and say hi :)

  17. I'm here for the party.
    I'm a military wife, too. My DH is Army.

  18. I'm an Army wife! I wanted to say Hi and support my fellow military spouses.

  19. Hi there,

    I came across your site through the ultimate blog party (I used random.org) and so glad to come across your site :)

    I love tea and the beach too!!

    Take care & Happy Blogging,



  20. Aww! Your L is such a sweety girl!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I also love Target, who, along with Steve Jobs, has most of my money!

    Hope to see you around more often!

    Thanks Again!

  21. Ladies! Thanks so much for stopping by - i'm so happy you all like + want to read my blog! I'm working through and if I haven't checked out your blog yet I will (:

    Keep the party going!

  22. so very nice to meet you, I am visiting from the UBP

  23. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you had a great party week!

  24. Thanks for stopping by my page! Your daughter is beautiful, and I love the photo of the day! My parents live far away so I try to email pics often but it's not as much as I'd like...I'll be back to read more!


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