July 30, 2010

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Every Thursday evening, during the summer, our local park puts up a huge movie screen, people gather around the lawn, kids run around laughing and playing and they screen a movie under the stars. It's a mixture of new releases and old classics.

Last nights movie was The Wizard of Oz! I love this movie. People really get into the spirit of the classic movies. They come all decked out in Dorothy, Tin man, Scarecrow and Lion costumes. Since M and I moved here three years ago, this has been one of our favorite summer traditions. I remember our first year. We talked about how awesome this was and we couldn't wait to start a family and have this tradition. The second year, I was pregnant and we talked about baby names for our little one. And this year, we got to sit our baby girl on a blanket in the grass and watch her take it all in. We sat on the great lawn and relished in the joy and happiness we've found in our little family.

I wasn't feeling so great that day. Stomach-ache from what I think was bad caramel sauce but I didn't want to miss out on the fun. So we packed up our lawn chairs, the necessary bottles, blankets, toys, snacks and sunscreen for L, grabbed some water and popcorn from 7-Eleven (this momma didn't plan this movie in advance!) and grabbed a pizza and we were on our way.

We enjoyed the movie but what we really loved was just hanging out in the park with each other. I took a gazillion pictures and M joked with me about that.

L rolled around and played with her daddy and her ball.

Then, she decided she wanted some pizza.

Getting closer...

And, she's got it! How's that taste, baby?!

Nothing says summer more than bare feet and soft, squishy grass between our toes. Being able to see my baby, sitting up on her own and playing in the grass always sends a sense of reality back to me. It reminds me to cherish every moment that we have together. To remember how something so simple as an evening in the park can bring your whole mindset back to a fresh and inspired state.

Sometimes, it's a struggle for me to remember to just stop. Stop and see the world a way a child does. Stop with all the computer, phone and TV distractions and just enjoy the moments. But, after nights like last night and afternoons like today, I'm reminded how sweet it is to stop and enjoy. To take in and relish all the sweet smiles and slobbery kisses I get from my baby girl. And enjoy the warm sun beating down, the blue sky, and the green grass that M is working so hard on to get it growing.

It was a beautiful day with my beautiful family. And, at the end of the day, don't they all end up being beautiful days? Despite your to-do list that didn't get a single cross-off or the build-up of dishes in the sink 10 minutes after you just washed all the dishes, or the days of nap-less, cranky babies. Having another day to create these beautiful moments with my family makes every day perfect.
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Day 13 - A Fictional Book.

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The Beach House by Jane Green. First off, all of her books that I've read are great! But this one, I LOVED. I loved the location of Nantucket and how all the characters were brought together. It was inspiring. A great beach read, but it got me through some boring sessions on the treadmill!
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Day 12 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy.

July 29, 2010

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We had internet problems yesterday so I was blog-less for the day.

A couple nights ago, we decided to take L to the park for the swings. She LOVES the swing and she's getting better at her balance so we thought it would be fun!

What's better than a beautiful day and seeing these two play together?
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Day 11 - A Photo Of You Taken Recently

July 27, 2010

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This was taken two weekends ago at the zoo.
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Mamarazzi Monday - A Daddy & His Baby Girl.

July 26, 2010

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Mamarazzi Monday

It's Mamarazzi Monday over at Household 6 Diva. You know, like the paparazzi only it's mamas going crazy with photos of their kiddos. Well, I'm joining up because who doesn't want a dish of this yummy girl every Monday?!

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Here's for you aunt shell!

L had her first marshmallow this weekend! We made 'smores on Friday night out on the grill and she kept watching us with those big brown eyes. We had to give her something!

She's getting so close to being mobile too. She can scoot and move herself in pretty much any direction she wants to go. But she gets frustrated easily when she can't get where or what she wants. M has taken to holding her hands and letting her take her own steps. She's doing great at that. And she LOVES it when you applaud and cheer her on!

Other than that, everything else is the same and different all at the same time. She's growing like a weed, as all mamas say about their itty bitty ones. She's the same happy baby only a little different each day. She'll be seven months in a few days. I'm still in shock with that one. These first seven months flew by and now in five months, we'll have a one-year old on our hands. What?! How did that happen??

I'm starting to plan her birthday party - scrambling up ideas of colors and decorations and the cake. I'm thinking lots of pink, turquoise and yellow. Balloons everywhere. Polka dots and cupcakes and paper windmills and a one-shaped cake. And, yummy food because most of her guests will be adults. This mama may need to use food as a distraction to her baby being O-N-E.

L sends her hugs & kisses, aunt shell.
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Day 10 - A Photo Of You Taken Over 10 Years Ago

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I was blonde. And I still suck at miniature golf.
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Day 9 - A Photo You Took.

July 22, 2010

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Mind you - I have no nice, suped-up, "real" camera. I have a little silver Kodak (EasyShare, I believe) and I don't own photoshop. Therefore, my photos never look amazing. That will change in due time, though...

So, Day 9 - A photo you took...

I snapped this a few minutes ago. It seems someone has 'forgotten' how to properly sit in her swing. I swear, she's going to fall out of that thing one day. Or become a gymnast.

*Her swing was swinging at the time the photos were taken so excuse any blurriness.
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Day 8 - A Photo That Makes you Sad.

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A photo that makes you sad...

I can't believe that this was L a short 6 months ago. Time flies too fast.
I love my big, full of personality, happy and chatty L but I do miss snuggly, new-baby L.

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Weekend Fun.

July 20, 2010

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This weekend just screamed summer. It was chock full of sunny days and the smell of sunscreen. Strawberry, coconut and rainbow coquitos on the sidewalk (they are like Italian ices but better). Baby lions and carousel rides at the zoo. Carlos Bakery and long lines. Quaint downtown scenes. Shopping sprees and the most delicious rocky road caramel apple. Sonic burgers & slushes. Twice. And, lots of birthday cake.

Sounds fun, right? Oh, it was!

We spent Saturday at the zoo with M's family. It was very hot. But it was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun. We followed it up with a backyard BBQ and birthday cake.

Sunday started out as a lazy morning. I made grits and toast for breakfast and we ate while catching up on our DVR. Trying to decide what to do, M had the idea of a trip to Jersey. We could visit Carlos Bakery (from TLC's Cake Boss), hit up Sonic and do a little window shopping at the outlet mall. Uh, GREAT idea! We left everything where it was, got ready and packed a bag while L napped. As soon as she woke up, we were on the road! Carlos Bakery is in downtown Hoboken. I LOVE downtown areas. There's something about them...they just makes me feel refreshed and inspired! Carlos is quite famous what with the TV show and all. There was a line. Not HUGE, but long for a small bakery. About 2 blocks long? A block and a half? Either way it was long enough for us to decide not to stay for a treat. There was some shade but it was way to hot to have L out there. We awed at seeing the building in person and snapped a picture then we were on our way. We stopped at Sonic for lunch and we were in time for happy hour. Half price slushes? Yeah, that qualifies as happy! Lunch was delish. I really wish Long Island would get with the program and get a Sonic. As for our plan for window shopping. It sort of went out the window when we saw all the sales. Sales & clearance are my weakness. We got lots of goodies and somethings we actually needed. It was nice to have a fun shopping trip as a family. It's not usually M or L's favorite thing to do but we all really enjoyed it and we all (for once!) got something. Then, of course I had to stop in the chocolate shop. Who doesn't stop in a chocolate shop at a mall when it's dinner time and you are starving and the food court sucks? We got a caramel apple with chocolate and white drizzle and marshmallows. It was good. So good. And of course, we hit up sonic again for dinner. We rounded out the night by stopping at his sister's house for even more birthday cake.

It was a good weekend. I love it when last minute 'hop in the car and go' plans become so much more. So much better than if you had planned it in detail.

Now its a fresh new week and I need to get motivated to get the house into shape and do the grocery shopping and make a care package to mail off and make a meal plan of healthy but yummy dishes and get back to the gym and The Shred.

But at least I can look forward to another weekend in only 3 days!
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Day 7 - A Photo That Makes You Happy.

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It's a bad quality camera phone picture BUT it's one of my favorites. It makes me so happy. It's me + M, in the beginning of our relationship. In the times of take-out from our favorite mexican/chinese place (yes, both foods were in one place and it was the best!) and walks on the beach.
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Day 5 & 6.

July 19, 2010

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Day 5 - Your favorite quote

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
   - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Day 6 - Whatever tickles your fancy
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Day 3 & 4.

July 17, 2010

My handsome hubby came home yesterday! We spent a great day together having lunch at Panera Bread and shopping (we spoiled L at BabyGap!). Hence the reasoning behind putting Day 3 & 4 together...

Day 3 - Your favorite television program.

Hmm...all year round, M + I pack our DVR with shows set to record. I guess my favorite would be Greys Anatomy. At least until I remember something different later. I am really bad at making decisions...and I hate choosing favorites.

Day 4 - Your favorite book.

Again with the favorites. Books. I LOVE books, I can't choose a favorite. Anything by Nicholas Sparks and The Beach House & Jemima J by Jane Green are the ones I could read and reread.

Now, I am off to spend the day with two people I can easily pick as favorites. We're going to the zoo! Then we're having dinner with his family for a special birthday.

Have a fantastic Saturday!
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Day 2 - Your Favorite Movie

July 15, 2010

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My favorite movie...

In fact, I'm crazy about most 80s flicks.
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Question for the mamas.

July 14, 2010

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Okay, all you mama's out there. I need some advice!

L just turned 6 months old. In this past week, she has decided to be everywhere and into everything as much as she possibly can. She's not crawling yet, but she scoots and arches her body to push herself in whatever direction she pleases.

I've discovered this poses a "crib issue". We don't use bumpers. In fact, the only thing in her crib is the sheet and her music toy hooked on the side. Whether SIDS is partially caused or affected at all by bumpers, I just decided I was uncomforable using them. That's never been a problem. Until now...

Now, in the mornings when I get L out of bed, I find her rolled over on her tummy, turned around facing the wall, with her legs sticking out the rails. Maybe I'm just a first-time mama freakin' out, but I am freakin' out.
Just tonight, when I put her down she didn't want to go down (she never does, at first) so she started arching her back and pushing her head into the crib trying to move. Then she started scooting herself in a 180.

I know I could just wait until she's almost asleep elsewhere and then try putting her to bed (for the arching herself issue) but she doesn't like being rocked. And when she's sleepy, she gets antsy. When M isn't home and her swing is in the washer (thanks to a nasty blowout), it's kind of hard to wait for her to just fall asleep. Because she doesn't just fall asleep. This girl has to see everything and touch everything and know what everything is! Don't get me wrong, that's a good thing. I love that she is so curious. It just makes bedtime a little more challenging.

But what about the waking up to find her in crazy places with her limbs dangling? I've started to read about the mesh breathable bumpers. Has anyone tried them out?

Any advice from mamas (or dads!) with the same issue?
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Nautical Stripes.


Under $5 bucks, baby!
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Day 1 - Your Favorite Song

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It's Day 1 of 30 days of ME. I hope you don't get too bored of reading all about yours truly...

My favorite song...
I don't think I can pick just ONE. I love music and I have a lot of favorite songs. It kind of depends on my mood or the day. Sometimes even the weather.

Lately I've been pressing the repeat button for these songs.
Hey, soul sister - Train
Wild at heart - Gloriana
Beauty in the world - Macy Gray
Haven't met you yet - Michael Buble
Maybe - Ingrid Michaelson
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30 days of me.

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30 days of ME. I snagged this from The Sometimes Single Mom.

This is going around the blog-o-sphere a bit, so I think I'll join in.

Day 01 - your favorite song
Day 02 - your favorite movie
Day 03 - your favorite television program
Day 04 - your favorite book
Day 05 - your favorite quote
Day 06 - whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 - a photo that makes you happy
Day 08 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 - a photo of you taken recently
Day 12 - whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - a fanfic
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 - whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a YouTube video
Day 24 - whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 - your day, in great detail
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - this month, in great detail
Day 28 - this year, in great detail
Day 29 - hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 -- whatever tickles your fancy
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Know what I love?

July 12, 2010

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I love...

When I am working on the computer and I look over at L in her excersaucer and this is what I see...

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I know I wished L a happy half birthday on here already, but I didn't write her a proper letter or give stats.
So here goes...

Dear L,
My sweet, happy daughter. You are now six months old and your personality is starting to show. Happy, happy, happy. You are always happy. Of course, you are still a baby and you have your moments of sass, but for the most part you are always happy and smiling.

You draw attention everywhere we go. Some days, you love the attention. You give them your best smile and bat your eyes at them. And other days (most recently), you bury your head in my shoulder and act bashful. I don't want you growing up to be too shy, but mommy loves that you are showing that you know who I am and choose me over strangers.

It's so fun to watch you see something you like or want. Once you spot it, you just go for it. Whether you are sitting, standing, laying in mommy's bed or your crib, or your swing. Nothing stops you. Sometimes you get overly excited and you just shake your hands all over the place! It's the cutest thing. Ever.

Food! You love food. If it looks like something that can go in your mouth, you want it. You've been eating baby food since you were 4 months and now you're moving up to Stage 2 foods, Gerber Yogurts and some table foods. If there is something on mommy or daddy's plate that you can taste, we let you. You licked ketchup on a french fry! You love fruits too. Strawberry's, apples, watermelon, bananas. The other day, mommy was eating breakfast and daddy was holding you on the kitchen counter and you picked up a whole apple and tryed eating it...all by yourself!

You are really into toys now. Things that make noise or lights up and anything that has texture to make your gums feel good. You're doing better in your excersaucer. You can move the seat in different directions to get the toy you want. And you'll stay in it for longer periods now.

You also love your pool and bathtime! You could sit in them all day chewing on your bathtoys.

No teeth yet! But you're drooling like it's going out of style.

You are still wearing size three diapers and mostly 6-12 month clothing. We still don't get many shoes on your feet - but it's okay. It's summer and it's hot and we love letting our toes hang out in the breeze!

Last week was your six month checkup. You weighed 18 lbs and you are 26 1/4 inches. You got two shots and had your finger pricked for a lead test - all which you did GREAT at! Better than mommy...she had tears in her eye again! You had a hearing & vision test too. You passed the hearing test in one ear - you wouldn't sit still and stay quiet long enough for the second ear to be tested. You failed your vision test. Dr. Laura said not to worry though! We will have to take you to an eye doctor in the near future and she said most kids just need to be watched and some eventually get glasses around age seven or eight. It didn't come as a surprise - mommy and daddy have bad eyesight too. Everything else went great though! Dr. Laura was very happy with how you can sit up on your own and how good you are at pulling yourself up (with help) to a standing position. You can now go to your checkups every two months.

Monkey - I hope one day you get to read these letters yourself. I hope this whole blog serves as a baby book for you. I never filled out your baby book but I am starting your scrapbook this week. But I do think this blog just holds more details that I think you'd love to know when you are older.

I heard a Macy Gray song recently and it's lyrics were exactly the advice I'd love for you to get.

There is beauty in the world
So much beauty in the world
Always beauty in the world
So much beauty in the world
Shake your booty boys and girls for the beauty in the world

There is beauty in the world and I want you to find it. Live life but remember to find the beauty along the way. It may be the smallest and simplest of things but if it's beautiful to you - notice it and remember it.
And don't ever forget how mommy dances with you in the kitchen and we shake our bootys together and make beauty in the world!

Mama loves you more than you could ever imagine...

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Project Kristy.

July 8, 2010

I started up a new blog for Project Kristy.

I decided I wanted to keep A Little Something for family and everyday life with them. The work on myself deserves it's own blog.

If you want to follow my progress in losing weight and creating a even better than pre-baby body, getting a healthy lifestyle started and learning how to take life by the reins and live it while enjoying the small things, head on over.

Feel free to leave lots of motivation and inspiration over there!
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One week and 3 pounds.

July 6, 2010

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It's been one week since I kicked off Project Me. I weighed in at 217 last Monday and yesterday I weighed in at 214. Lost 3 lbs! It may not be alot, but it's progress. I know I am on my way to my goal.

I have been counting my calories every day, minus this past holiday weekend. I use sparkpeople.com and it's working good for me. I am shocked by how many calories I was probably eating in one day compared to what my goal is now. But it really doesn't seem too hard for me to stay in my range of 1200-1500 and not have hunger pains all day.

And I've really noticed my mindset is changing. I'm not dieting as much as I am making a lifestyle change and I gotta find what works, but I really am thinking twice about everything and more than often going for what I should go for instead of what I think I want or eating because I am bored, angry, sad, etc.

On to other stuff...

We had a great 4th of July. We spent it with family & friends watching fireworks, BBQing, playing with L in her baby pool. M & I even fit in (and stayed awake for!) popcorn and a movie. It was a date night at home. And it was so nice to just relax with him and reconnect.

We finally got the house completely set up. I need to buy more frames and stuff to hang on all the extra walls we have now but all the boxes are unpacked and put away. The only thing I have left to finish are some painting projects.

And since I haven't talked about L lately, I will now!
She is getting BIG. I keep trying to make a deal with her about staying the size she is now but she isn't buying into it...darn. She hasn't rolled over anymore. I know she can do it, she just seems to not care about doing it. No crawling either, but she's starting to push up on her knees to move in whatever direction she wants. She is sitting up great all by herself - we just have to watch her because sometimes her head pulls her off balance. She's been trying some new table foods! She LOVES watermelon. Like, no joke. She will take the whole slice, shove half in her mouth and just suck. We started putting small chunks in her fresh food feeder and if we take it away to refill she screams. Loud. She loves strawberries, apples and bananas too. She seems to want anything and everything we put in our mouth. And her personality these days? She is happy. Always so happy. We get a few attitudes if she's over hungry or restrained when she wants to be loose but otherwise she's happy. She smiles at everything. And she's getting to the stage where she cuddles into my shoulder or on my chest when she's tired or we're just relaxing. I could hold her like that all day.

Since L is napping, I'm going to go finish The Bachelorette. I'm not the only one addicted to all the fake drama, am I?! And then, straighten up the house.

I will leave you with these ADORABLE photos of L's first time around farm animals. There was a petting zoo at the 1st birthday party of my friends son.

Have a happy Tuesday!
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