a pre-blog.

February 28, 2011

I'm sitting in the car, in the parking lot of the hotel we are staying at.

We've been driving for almost five hours. The moving truck hauling our life and M's car doesn't move so fast. It's one of the "I think I can, I think I can" types.

I'm starving and in desperate need of a shower. I really wanted to blog about the things that have been running through my head this whole trip. But, no luck on that.

For now, I'll just tell you we left behind a lot of stuff, some pieces of our hearts and some amazing friends and family we already miss.

Look out in the next couple days for a real honest to goodness post!

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if I never have to move again.

February 27, 2011

1 comment
If I never had to move again well, I'd be pretty cool with that. But since I know that's impossible, we just have to make the best of it.

The best of this move is...

My father-in-law literally playing tetris with the moving truck and using every inch of space it had. We doubted him but he totally proved us wrong!

Finding a moment to play patty-cake and itsy bitsy spider with Lia.

At least having internet on my phone.

The Mcdonalds food my hubby is coming home with.

Not having to lean this house tomorrow, even thought it's costing us a couple hundred.

L giving everyone goodbye kisses.

Family and friends here to pitch in. That was a lot of extra hands!

Realizing we really need to pare down and simplify our life. Noone really needs this much stuff...

Sitting in the kitchen, surrounded by all of our extra stuff, watching L try to lift a pretty heavy box of paintballs. The girls got some determination and strength.

Knowing in two days we will be in North Carolina and starting our new life!

Now, I'm going to enjoy my food!

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February 26, 2011

I packed. Alot.

I cooked dinner with almost no cooking tools. I felt like I was in the old days...or something like that.

I watched Grown-ups. Seriously funny. We laughed our butts off.

I got in some good laughs watchin my sister-in-law play with Toby and a box.

I woke up with a smile on my face.

I got truly excited for one of the first times about moving. I cant wait to see my family again.

I blogged from my phone so please excuse all spelling and grammar issues!

I have one less day in New York.

I hope everyone is having a fun weekend! Bare with me because I will be internet-less for the next few days but I plan on blogging when I can!

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P365 - week 8.


50. White chocolate macadamia nut cookies. Yum-O!
51. Me, sick!
52. The start of our packing.
53. Baby clothes that are going to a new home!
54. L-bug learned how to eat with a spoon.
55. Mama and baby pictures!
56. Our messy dining room. We've got so much packing to do!

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a short post.

February 25, 2011

I. Am. Exhausted.

Between packing all day (ps, thanks to my awesome sis-in-law for all of her help!), going to the doctor for a blood test, running errands, dealing with Lia and Tobes, getting pissed about having no-hot water and just feeling tired in general, I am done.

I am looking forward to a (hopefully!) hot shower and relaxation before another big day of packing tomorrrow.

Only two full days left in New York. It still doesn't seem real yet....

Oh, and look who learned how to feed herself with a spoon!

Haircut, anyone?

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February 24, 2011

Dear Lia,
Thank you a million times for taking a three hour nap. Seriously baby girl, you did mama one huge favor.

Look how refreshed we you look. Mama didn't take a nap, she packed.

By the way, my finger is not your personal teething tool. Even though you seem to think so and laugh when you do it.
That's all.


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daily thoughts.

February 23, 2011

Ever have those days where things just run through your brain? Some meaningless, some not so much. Okay, so that sounds like everyday for me...

I really need to stop feeling weak and nauseous. I'm so sick feeling that I am only drawn to Popsicles and sips of Coca-Cola. On the up side to that, I've lost like 5 lbs.

My little girl is the cutest ever.

How the heck do we pack this house up by Sunday when M is working and I'm feeling cruddy? I know TMO could have came but really? I don't trust 'em.

It hasn't sunk in that I'm moving yet.

I'm dreading 3 o'clock. I've got a dentist waiting to fill my cavity and I am not thrilled.

This season of Teen Mom is kind of trashy-ish. Like, more so than the others. Except the girl with twins. She's kind of got it together.

Oh man, I'm gonna miss my TV. Seriously, we DVR everything and rarely watch live TV. We DVR a lot. Even if we get DVR for my mom's TV, I'll feel bad if I record too much. Sigh.

I could really use a nap and a second box of popsicles.

I managed to shower today and pack one box. That's some sort of productivity.

L-bug is getting pretty good at feeding herself with a spoon!

I can really smell Lia's dirty diaper from the trash can. Eww. If I wasn't so sick, I'd take the trash out. Even though the smell is kind of making me sicker.

Is it 5 o'clock yet so the hubs can come home?

How's your day going?

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quick blog question!


Okay, so this has stumped me since day one of blogging. I've kinda just struggled along making the best of it, but now I'm asking you guys!

How do you respond to your comments? Do you just be sure to return the comment love on a post of the blogger? Do you email them? What if they ask you a direct question?

What's the easiest, best way for me to communicate and let you know that I do read your comments and they are all so lovely and important to me?

I wish there was just this amazing reply button where I could send my feedback right to you from my comment. I tryed one comment program from another website (does that make sense?) but it wasn't working at so well.

So, help! It would be greatly appreciated :)

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i'm a baby clothes hoarder!

February 22, 2011

A keep pile.

Seriously ya'll, it's kind of a problem. I've been so lucky to find such good deals on clothing and receive so much from our family who loves to spoil L. But when it comes to packing up or getting rid of her out-grown clothes, I play the what-if game.

What if...we have another girl?
What if...I get rid of something I ended up needing?
What if...I regret giving away her baby clothes?

What if. What if. What if!

The other keep pile.

In every other aspect, I am not a hoarder. Every so often, I purge the house of stuff we no longer use or need. At least once a summer, I hold a big yard sale and take the leftovers to Goodwill.

There's just something about those tiny, adorable clothes. And there is SO MANY! I've got one large space bag full of baby blankets/burp clothes/wash clothes and two Rubbermaid's full of clothes I can't part with. That's after I did another purge and set aside three bags of clothing and a small box for two of my friends. One who just had a little girl and a second expecting one in a few months.

Pile for friends.

Pile for friends.

I know there are things in the "keep" box that I don't absolutely need. But, I'm not ready to part with them just yet. M and I are not done growing our family. We want at least one more kid, if not more. I keeping telling myself that if our next child is a boy, then I'll do another purge of Lia's clothing. I'm sure by then there will be tons more.

I think, as long as I know one day I will be ready, then it's okay to hold on to them for now. What do you think? I know the clothing isn't the actual memory, but she is my baby. And, they sure are tiny and adorable!

For now, they will get packed up with all the other pieces of our story until we settle into our next chapter!

What do you with old baby clothing? Any good organizing or storing ideas? I think I'd like to make quilts out of some special pieces one day...

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greek god posideon.

February 21, 2011

That's the answer to the Wheel of Fortune puzzle. I solved it. If only I were there, solving puzzles, racking up the big bucks.

Instead, I'm here.

Sick. As. A. Dog. I don't know why they say that. Whenever Toby (our dachshund) is sick, he surely doesn't puke like I do. I've puked 8 times today. TMI, I know. But, I'm miserable and so sick I really don't know what to blog about.

I don't even know what's wrong with me. My doctor couldn't/didn't tell me. But, he gave me antibiotics for my draining sinuses, anti-nausea medication and something for a burned esophagus? I don't think I have a burned esophagus, I think I have a pulled stomach muscle from hurling so violently but I'll take what I can get.

Unfortunately, I don't think any of them are doing any good sitting in my trashcan. Since I can't quit puking, I figured my mouth should at least taste good. I'm sucking on lifesavers like my world is ending. Which at times today, it felt like it.

Okay okay, I'm done. I know it's all grody and way too much info.

I'm going back to laying down, lifesavers and TV watching. Lots of good stuff on tonight. The Bachelor and the lifetime movie Amanda Knox are just two of my picks.

Hope everyone had a much better Presidents Day. Maybe I'll be back to normal tomorrow so I can out of bed and pack this house up. M's been doing a great job today but I am sure he needs/wants help!

P.S. The purple lifesavers taste the best.

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February 20, 2011

Lia likes to share.

Especially with her good pal, Toby.

But wait, it looks like he took the whole cookie.

Hey! Come back here. We were supposed to share!

No cookies or dog germs were shared in the making of this blog post.

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P365 | WEEK 7

February 19, 2011

I'm feeling so good about keeping up with this project! It's becoming almost like a second nature to snap a picture every day. Almost.

43. Silly lovers.
44. Self portrait.
45. Heart shaped pancakes on Valentine's Day.
46. Roses from M. One for each of his Valentines.
47. A really bad cell phone picture. But, I love that Lia is so content to just hang out in her car sometimes. She'll get in, then out, then back in, and back out. It's seriously too cute!
48. Another bad cell phone pic. The hubs left this message for me. I lurve him.
49. A girl and her toys. It's not often she actually plays with them, but for this moment, it's nice to see her do it.

If you can't read the TV message, it says...Clean Me PS I ♥ you KAV (my initials)

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February 18, 2011


I think I need to may some of these this weekend. Because, oatmeal cream pies can solve all kinds of problems. Right?

My weekend is starting out on a sour note. I'm just flat out annoyed. Just annoyed. But, I wish you and you and you a very happy weekend!

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February 17, 2011

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It's a little late in the day but here's this week's camera embrace.

I snapped these pictures right after we got home from NC on Sunday. I was trying on those silly holographic glasses.

L-bug wanted them, of course.

She ended up getting them. Of course.

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i did it again...

February 16, 2011

And no, this is not some bad britney spears song...

I redesigned (and, I use that term loosely because I am no hmtl guru) my blog, yet again. Maybe I have issues. I love it when I design it but then I nit-pick it until it's something completely new.

I tend to do that with alot of things in life. Do you?

Oh well. What do you think? I think Lia's frilly skirt and converse shoes are retro and darling and inspiring. Therefore, they grace my button and my header.

Maybe this one will last?! Let's hope so for the sake of anything other than blogg-ness getting done during naptime.

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i am so late doing this but...

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Alyssa! Thank you so much for this award. You are super sweet and you always have something nice to say!

Here are the questions.

What inspires you?
My family. Reading blogs. Sunny, spring days.

What is your favorite season and why?
It's a tie between Spring and Fall.

What are you most looking forward to this year?
Seeing where our life is headed. We're moving soon and getting out of the Marine Corp. Those are huge, scary steps but I am excited for my little family's next chapter. I'm excited for new places, new people. And warmer weather!

If you could write a book about anything, what would you write about?
Oh wow. I think I'd want to write a semi-cheesy chick flick book like the ones I love that inspires me. I'd want to inspire other women!

What is your greatest passion?
My husband and daughter. They are everything to me.

If you could change one thing about your life or yourself, what would it be and why?
I'd be less of a worry-wart and more into doing what I say I want to do. Take a few risks, change things up.

Lastly, what is your favorite novel?
Oh, I don't think I can pick one. I love Jemima J. And, anything by Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult. But, I think Jemima J is my fall-back book when I need a little pick-me-up!

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February 15, 2011


The day started with two pretty ladies with bedhead.

We brightened the morning with heart-shaped pancakes. Yum!

There was a healthy dose of all things pink and frilly.

Then something real crazy happened. I got in front of the camera. And, did the finger moustache pose thing.

There was love emails and Valentine stations on Pandora.

And, homemade fortune cookies.

We went for a walk. In 50 degree weather. That's big news 'round here.

Lots of momma/baby pictures taken.

There was our classic takeout meal for special days and roses for each of M's Valentines.

We opened gifts. He made me cry. In a really good overwhelmingomghelovesmesomuchandissosweet way.

Sweet moments took place.

We snuggled and watched Valentine's Day.
And, it ended with dessert that looks much better than it tasted and our course, our holographic heart glasses.

Valentine's Day was spectacular.

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