what i'm reading...

March 29, 2011

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I love reading. The term bookworm describes me to a tee. Well, the pre-baby me. Since having Lia, I haven't read nearly as much as I used to.

But today, I got a library card. Doesn't that sound corny but lovely in a elementary-aged way? I was in the library for my knitting class (because I took up knitting and I totally lurve it!) and wanted to check out a book.

I'm actually reading through a few books right now and I remember reading watching (a long time ago) a vlog on Call Me Laura Jane about her selection of books and it inspired me to give ya'll a peek at what I'm reading!

First up, my new crafty goodness obsession. Knitting!

Oh yeah, I'm learning from a kids book. Whatever works!

And just because I'm really letting knitting consume me. Also, I love books with some British in them!

Next up is my inspiring and get off my butt and do something book.

It's a novel about ugly ducklings and swan. Jemina, the main character, finds herself through change and major weight-loss. It is really an awesome book, the kind I can do read over and over.

Lastly, my fun book. It's just a book I am reading because I love the author (she writes amazing books!) and I really wanted to put that library card to use!

I haven't started it yet but I doubt I'll be dissapointed.

What are you reading?

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p365 - week 12

March 27, 2011


78. Trying a new look. What do you think?
79. Tea party with Grandma!
80. Lia riding her car around the kitchen.
81. Celebrating Grandma & Poppa's anniversary.
82. My practice knitting.
83. My  knitting project, waiting for me to stop procrastinating and start!
84. The only way to get Lia through the grocery store without whining and climbing out of the cart.

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all things lia.

March 25, 2011

Lia has been pulling at my heartstrings lately. Big time.

My little monkey has been changing and growing so much. She does something that amazes me each and every day. And I realized, I haven't blogged about her much. This blog, this little piece where I can write to my hearts desire is supposed to be filled with love and memories and quirky stories and all things I love. It's a better baby book than those pretty ones in Hallmark that I yearn to buy but know I will never fill them out.

So why haven't I posted all these amazing stories about Lia? All these small, treasured tidbits I want to remember forever? I know for a fact that her very special Aunt Shell would die to hear these things and probably wants to kick my booty for not posting them more often.

I think I got sidetrack with staying on top of everything else and letting blogging feel like a chore, something I have to do and not something I want to run to when something fantastic comes along that I can wait to share.

I really need to remember why I love having a blog. It fills my heart to the brim with pure joy and happiness when I read back and remember things I otherwise wouldn't remember.

So here's to remembering. And not just keeping up.

And for remembrance sake, I almost cried tonight. My little girl wowed my socks off. M was changing her diaper and when he was done he told her to put it in the trash. What do you know, L takes the diaper, walks to the trash can, makes sure that it was open, threw her diaper in then closed the lid. Then she gave me the biggest grin. Seriously is she a genius or do all 15 month olds do that?!

She is so funny and so particular. If a door or baby gate is open, she closes it. Open cabinet? She closes it. Ask her to clean up? She puts everything back in it's place. She's done eating? She stacks her fork/plate/cup and hands it to you. I've no clue where she learned this. I didn't "teach" her. I guess she is just very observant. Home girl is makin' mama real proud!

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March 23, 2011

I've been gone too long. Far too long. I know... I want to say oh my gosh, that'll never happen again and I'll be on the best bloggy behavior but I don't wanna lie to you. Instead, I promise to try harder to keep myself organized so I can tell you guys all kinds of cool (sometimes boring!) stuff.
For now, here's a rambling of what our life is lookin' like now.

We are still living with my parents in NC. The job that was offered to Manny is under a hiring freeze. He is applying to jobs and all we can do is leave it up to God and know that the right job will come along when it's meant to. For now, I am trying not to stress or worry.

I got a new iPhone! It's pretty awesome. But, not as awesome as my hubby who let me take his phone upgrade when he HATES his phone. For reals. I am a lucky girl.

I also took up knitting. I am knitting something which is basically nothing as I'm trying to get the feel of knitting but it feels great saying "I can knit...sort of". And honestly, I'm pretty much loving it.

Lia is in that "getting hurt everytime I turn around" stage. But it's not scratches or bruises, it's cuts. She falls in the living room on carpet and cuts her nose?! She cut her finger playing with a razor in the bathroom. Total mommy fail there. And, she somehow bit through her lip. I hope this stage ends soon!

This limbo stage of life has thrown me for a loop. I am trying to make the best of it but not having my own space for myself and my family totally makes my head jumbled and confused and I reallly lose track of things. But, limbos don't last forever. I just gotta keep my head up and figure our way through.

I am sure that made no sense to you guys.

We bought Lia her first pair of Vans the other day. They are the Yo Gabba Gabba Vans. Just the most awesomest shoes. Ever. She loves them. I lurve them.

My mom got on a plane for Germany today to visit my sister. I'm jealous. But seriously mom, HAVE FUN!! And bring me back something cool. You know I'm easy to pick for.

I'm craving the feel of a real blog post. But I don't have the mental capacity to get one out. Plus, my contact is slowing coming out of my left eye and I'm too lazy to get eyedrops from the bathroom.

I hate when my shirt gets wet when I'm washing dishes. Not that it has anything to do with anything.

I tipped over L-bugs stroller in the mall today and my sweet tea went EVERYWHERE. M grabbed the stuff, I grabbed L and I walked the heck out of there real fast. I was embarrased. And, I didn't know what to do. Lame?

What a waste of good sweet tea...

And the stroller? It's new too. We finally splurged for a real stroller, L's was really crappy. We decided on the Maclaren Quest Sport. I lurve that too.

I have a goal to lose 25lbs by my 25th birthday in August. Ya'll, I really need the movtivation.

Lia is really becoming a thrill-loving, outdoorsy kinda gal. That makes this mama happy!

Okay, if your still reading this then you are seriously the best! If you aren't, I totally don't blame you.

Hope you are all having an amazing week and maybe some Spring-like weather? It was in the 80s today in the south!

I've got a couple post ideas brewing around in my head and scrimbled down on notes so I'll try to get them going this week!

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p365 - week 11

March 21, 2011

This week's post is seriously late and my horrible attempt at an excuse will come later.

71. A yummy cupcake on a bad day.
72. Nothing says spring better than some fun with chalk!
73. Lia-bug ♥
74. Silly girl eating her spaghetti.
75. I'm learning how to knit!
76. Lia being such a good girl on the way to Greenville for shopping!
77. Testing out her new swing. An early Easter present from grandma!

PS. I'm so sorry for being quiet around here. I'll be back soon, promise!

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for japan, with love

March 17, 2011


Tomorrow, March 18th 2011, A Little Something will be silent.

I'm following in the footsteps of a few other bloggers and taking a day of blog-silence for Japan. It is such a devastation what has happened to them. This is the least I can do to honor, respect and help them.

Go here for all the details.

And pray. Prayers would be such a great help to them.

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real momma, real style.

March 14, 2011

It's Monday again? Well, it's technically an hour from Tuesday but wow - time flew! I am determined to use this week to get things in my life back in order, but that's a whole different post!

Now, on to the good stuff...the style!

Cardi: Old Navy
White tank top: Old Navy
Shirt: Old Navy
Belt: Gap
Jeans: Old Navy
Flats: Target

Can you tell where I shop?!

If ya'll haven't linked up yet, you should! Nina over at Momma Go Round has some awesome style going on and she's inspiring me and others to dig around our closets, step out of our comfort zone and find out style!

Momma Go Round

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P364 | WEEK 10

March 12, 2011

It's week 10?! Time flies and I am so glad I've kept up with this project. It's crazy the amount of pictures I've got to show for our year!

64. Happy Birthday, Dad!
65. Greasy-licious food.
66. The hubs was watching the space shuttle.
67. Tobes dog treat - so cute!
68. Dandelions ♥
69. Fake baking brownies. Only they turned out disgusting and I threw them out. Weird for a box mix...I blame it on my mom's oven ;)
70. Self-portrait.

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March 10, 2011

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I don't know about you, but when I get a new haircut I hate sitting around the house letting a good hair day go to waste. Long story short, I dyed my hair earlier this week and while I liked the dark brown color I decided with my outgrown haircut it was a bit too much. I finally gave in, told my fears to hush and drove off to the local beauty school for a cut. I ended up loving it! And, it cost me all of $13 (with tip!)
So, what did I do once I got back home? Packed a bag, picked up my loves (even Toby on this trip!) and headed to the park. Lia is loving the outdoors!

We managed to take just a few (okay... more like a hundredish) photos.

Oh and yeah, my dachshund likes to swing. He's a pretty hot dog. Get it, hot dog...because he's super cool and a weiner? I can be so unfunny!

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real momma, real style.

March 7, 2011

I'm linking up with Nina over at Momma Go Round to show off my real momma style! I've been meaning to do this for weeks but I either got distracted, busy or plain forgot. I'm really excited to join in today!

This weeks look was all about comfort while still looking cute. We were on day two


of driving to NC and I knew I'd be in the car at least six to seven hours. I wanted something pretty comfortable but I didn't want to look lazy or blah. Hence a white tee (a favorite classic of mine), a slouchy cardigan and converse. The baseball cap came into play figuring I'd be having a bad hair day considering my flat iron was buried somewhere in my car. It usually pays to think ahead!

It's hard to take pictures without my cutie getting in them!

Hat - Target
Scarf - Old Navy
White tee - Target
Slouchy cardi - Gap
Jeans - Gap, thrifted
Shoes - Converse

Momma Go Round

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March 6, 2011

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It feels weird not blogging for a week(ish) after having blogged every day of February. But, it's hard to settle in when you're in limbo. And if I'm not settled in, I don't get much of anything done. I really feel the need to get back to a somewhat schedule.

So...our big move. It went really well. We broke up the driving into two days. L did amazing for the length of time she was in her carseat and when she did get fussy then a paci, a snack or a couple rounds of the name game (Lia lia bo bia, banana nanna fo fia) usually got her happy again.

Us girls in our hotel room

I don't think it has really hit us that we're in a new chapter of our lives. It feels like we're on vacation here and we'll be going back to New York soon. But I know that's not the case. Driving through New Jersey and seeing the beautiful city behind me was bittersweet. I am happy to start a new journey, but I do love that city. There are so many memories we have. So much time we spent there. It's already dearly missed.

I may be a southern girl, but I left a piece of my heart in New York City.

Along with a computer desk, two chairs, a vacuum/mop/broom, a microwave, a Fisher-Price picnic table, a printer, a slew of hampers & storage bins, a bicycle, a cooler and a toaster.

Yeah - we sort of got the moving truck a size (or two!) too small. I didn't realize how much crap we had until we packed. And, while none of it is truly "crap" or worthless, no three person family really needs that much stuff. They don't. We don't. We packed what fit and gave away the rest. When we get to South Carolina, I am paring down. I really need to simplify our life a bit.

About SC, it's looking really good that we'll have a job down there by the end of March or into April. I'm really excited about that!

As for our time in North Carolina, we are enjoying it. L is in lurve with her poppa. She wants him all.the.time. She's pretty smitten with her grandma too. In fact, she'll choose both of them over me. And that has never happened before. She loves being able to run around outside and actually ride in her little car. We took her to the park yesterday and she had loads of fun on the swings and checking out the other kids.

I have high hopes and a small amount of motivation to use this limbo time for the good. Take the time for a craft, work out, have a date with M. Isn't it crazy how much we can say we wanna do stuff but we never get off our butts and do it? Or is that just me?! But, maybe putting it out there will help me. You guys can motivate me (and call me out when I slack) on really using this time.

I wanna work on my 101 in 1001 list, I want to lose 50 pounds (but I think I'll make a ten pound goal and work from there), I want to craft more, take walks with my loves, check out the Farmers Market here, get out and do something!

We should all strive for something from ourselves and our lives.

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p365 - week 9

March 4, 2011

I'm too tired to blog. Seriously, my eye are droopy and I'm forcing them to stay open. So, I'll just do project 365 tonight and put my energy into blogging tomorrow...or the next day. I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, even though it feels that way. I will blog again!

57. Funny drawings all over our moving boxes compliments of my sister-in-law. She wanted to give us a laugh later on!
58. Lia thinks there is so much more room for her in the cabinets when they are empty!
59. My handsome marine on his last day of being in the Marine Corp. I am so proud of him ♥
60. L-bug hanging out in our hotel room. It was about 1 am and yea, she was wide awake.
61. A tantrum. It may seem weird but I totally love getting pictures of them.
62. Having loads of fun in the toy section at Target.
63. Dairy Queen. We were there (today!) on their first open day of the season. Yum!

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