
July 26, 2011

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I just checked my email and saw this little gem from the brave girls club. How true is this? I really need to remember this while our little family is still going through this less-than-easy period. On top of that, I've been overwhelmed lately with how much I'd like to get healthy, lose weight and leave a better example for L-bug. I just am not sure where to start and our situation only makes it harder.

Luckily, I have this email to remind me of important things!

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p365 - week 29.

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197. We took a trip to the Farmer's Market and came back with some fresh peaches and peppers!
198. Indian Beach ♥
199. M surprised me with a single rose. It's in a Pepsi bottle because that's the only thing laying around it fit in ;)
200. The newest book I finished. It was really good!
201. We took a trip to the library.
202. Making a mess. She cleaned up afterwards without being asked!
203. It's a bad quality phone pic but I love it. My silly girl at her best.

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July 25, 2011

Okay, I know...everyone has blogged about pinterest by now. I've been using it for a few months but now I finally have time to just pour over it and pine my little heart away.

BTW, I've got a few invites left so send me those email addresses! You really don't want to miss out on all the goodness that's on pinterest. And if you want to follow me, you can look me up by my name (Kristy Villa).

My loves are 500ish miles away visiting family in New York. I stayed behind because I've got work this week and couldn't really ask for the time off. So what's a girl to do when she's missing her loves dearly and really has no other agenda?

Why, blog and surf the interwebs. Of course. And maybe a little movie marathon. I'm thinking Sex and The City? I really wanna have a Meg Ryan marathon but her movies always remind me of Fall (You've Got Mail, anyone?) and after stocking B&B Works with Halloween decor and Fall scented candles last night I am impatiently waiting for this heat wave to pass and bring me a crisp, cool Autumn.

In fact, all week my mind has been drifting to next season.

From my new rosy nail polish...

                                                                                         Source: via kristy on Pinterest

To this shirt I've been dreaming of and dropping oh-so-subtle hints to M about.

                                                                              Source: via kristy on Pinterest

I think I need to write up a post all about crossing off our summer to-do list before I go a little too crazy with wishing away time!

Since I have all this time on my hands and really shouldn't spend all day on pinterest, I think I'll try to fit in some reading, knitting (I haven't knitted in months!) and organizing photos. You know, all the things that's way harder to do when you've got a very curious and independent toddler running around!

But really, how else am I going to get through the week without moments like these?

 Yes, that's cookie crumbs. Oreo's to be exact! 
That girl is my entire world...and more.

M called me earlier from NY using FaceTime so I could my babe. Hands down, totally makes owning an iPhone worth it. Her face lit up when she saw it was mommy on the phone. And, I shed a few tears.

I think I'll end this totally random post here, go make some popcorn and watching Pretty Little Liars with my nephew. He's totally addicted now. Funny, huh?!

Good night to you all!

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July 20, 2011

the thing about North Carolina is that it makes up for it's small towns that have absolutely nothing to do with it's beaches.

the beaches are gorgeous. and the small-time charm of surf-side towns? oh, they restore my soul. there is nothing like driving down the highway with the blue ocean to your right and a handful of seafood restaurants, brightly colored houses that always have a beach-inspired name and surf shops to your left. with the windows down and music blaring, of course.

North Carolina is known for it's beaches. i grew up with a strong love for the ocean and it only grows stronger as I watch my daughter grow her own love for the ocean.

lately, we've been having quite a few family days at the beach. we look slightly crazy walking to the beach in a crowd of 7-12 people lugging towels, boogie boards, chairs, coolers, wagons, kids, sand toys and picnic baskets. oh, but it's so worth it.

I think I've found Lia's new summer-do. It's easy and keeps her hair up and out of her face. Not to mention it's adorable!

we typically hit up Atlantic Beach down by Fort Macon but last Sunday we decided to check out a new beach. beaches change every so often, either by the surf and tide or man-made changes. our typical beach site has gotten a little rough and we've left with a few too many sea shells stuck in places they don't belong. uncomfortable to hear, uncomfortable to deal with.

Indian beach was just the change we needed. the walk from the parking lot was slightly ridiculous with it's long uphill & winding walkway with the big drop of stairs that we didn't know about... but again, it was oh so worth it.

the Carolina blue skies overhead and the clear blue water was waiting for us. the water was cold at first, but soon warmed up and felt amazing against our skin. the tide was so easy-going. it was the kind of beach where we could (and did) let Lia sit in the tide playing with her buckets and sand toys.

there were sand castles to make. crabs and minnows to catch. dolphins to watch. books to read. naps to take.

my nephew trying to catch a fish.

hard to see, but there were dolphins! we missed the photo-op but one jumped right through the air.

it was one of the best beach days.

we topped it off with chocolate milkshakes and a worn-out toddler.

a perfect day.

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July 18, 2011

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                                                                               Source: via kristy on Pinterest

I posted my summer to-do list about a month ago. And then, I left it alone. I wanted to have fun this summer and enjoy what we did. Not just check things off a list. So, I didn't.

But, now I am! Summer will be ending before we know it. I know school is back in session in some places and that definitely puts an end to summer. I thought I'd repost our list and check off what we've done. And see what more fun lies ahead!
My summer to-do list:
Watch classic summer movies like The Parent Trap and Dirty Dancing.We got these through Netflix and I loved watching The Parent Trap! We had a mini-marathon watching The Parent Trap 1 & 2 and the remake with Lindsey Lohan. Even M enjoyed it! *wink*
Go to a baseball game. We made it a family event and headed out to the Kinston Indians game on military night.
Make homemade popsicles.
Raleigh Flea Market. Total bummer. We went later in the day to try and beat the heat and most people had left. Most likely because of the heat. But, we ended that night with a rodeo so we still had some summer fun!
Fly a kite.
Have a picnic. Bought a new picnic basket & blanket and we have put it to good use. Several times!
Take Lia to the aquarium.
Play a round of mini golf.
Feed ducks at the park.
Go to a fair or street festival.
Take a trip to Myrtle Beach.
Go to the Outer Banks.
Wash our cars.
Play croquet.
Perfect my chicken salad recipe. It's a classic miracle whip vs mayo debate.
Start my herb garden.
Sonic happy hour.
Rent bicyles and ride downtown. We'll be doing a repeat of this for my birthday!
Take Lia to the library for storytime on Fridays.
Water park.
See fireworks!

We haven't gone crazy with our list but we've crossed off a few and genuinely had fun! Now I have some ideas for the remainder of the summer.

Did you make a summer list? How's it going?

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p365 - week 28.

July 16, 2011

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190. A new picnic basket I picked up that I've already traded in for a better (and cheaper!!) one.
191. L-bug getting another haircut (this is her 3rd trim up!). The girl has got hair!
192. Cheesin' in the car.
193. Having lunch at the mall.
194. My new goodies from the day before.
195. Playing at the park.
196. Picnic at the park (my new basket!).

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July 11, 2011

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Oh darling, don't you ever grow up. Don't you ever grow up, just stay this little.
Oh darling, don't you ever grow up. Don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple.
 - Taylor Swift, Never Grow up.

Little girl,
I look into those deep brown eyes of yours every day and wonder when you are going to just slow down and stay little. And then, you look up and smile at me, reminding me how proud I am of the girl you are growing up to be. As sad as I am to say goodbye to yesterday, I am even more excited to say hello to tomorrow.

I love you, Lia-bug.


18-month stats:
Height: 32 inches
Weight: 24.4

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p365 - week 27

July 8, 2011

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183. We rented bikes and rode around downtown. I can not wait to buy a nice retro bike now!
184. Breakfast at Cracker Barrel.
185. Fourth of July celebration.
186. Cheesin' because her Aunt Shell let her play on the laptop.
187. Kinston Indians baseball game.
188. A clean plate makes a mama happy. She rarely finishes her plate these days.
189. Picking out books at the library after story time.

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July 6, 2011

Remember when I talked about my summer to-do list?

Well, here it is. I am happy to announce we've already crossed off a few items! Posts about those will come later. For now, here's what fun we'll be chasing after the next few months.

Watch classic summer movies like The Parent Trap and Dirty Dancing.
Go to a baseball game.
Make homemade popsicles.
Raleigh Flea Market.
Fly a kite.
Have a picnic.
Take Lia to the aquarium.
Play a round of mini golf.
Feed ducks at the park.
Go to a fair or street festival.
Take a trip to Myrtle Beach.
Go to the Outer Banks.
Wash our cars.
Play croquet.
Perfect my chicken salad recipe. It's a classic miracle whip vs mayo debate.
Start my herb garden.
Sonic happy hour.
Rent bicyles and ride downtown.
Take Lia to the library for storytime on Fridays.
Water park.
See fireworks!

Got any fun ideas I should add? What's on your summer to-do list?

Does anyone know how to make banners or put links onto pictures for the sidebar? I made an image for my summer to-do list but I can't figure out how to put a link with it so I can pop it into my sidebar. Does that make any sense? Help, please!

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July 5, 2011

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I had all intentions hopes of getting a good post out. I'm trying my hardest to keep everyday life normal and in control despite our not-everyday-normal situation. So, I'm really trying to keep up with posting like I used to.

But, the world of parent-hood had a different idea of today. It started out with a normal day where I had to work a few hours. Came home tired, fixed dinner and we decided on a family trip to Target. It ended with a possible chipped tooth, blood everywhere, and an extra tired mommy. L-bug took a spill while running after a ball in Target and bit her lip or pushed her tooth into her gum. Either way, a strawberry popsicle seemed to make her happy and her mouth looks like it will be okay.

So, I'll just leave you with a few pictures of our holiday instead of giving you yet another holiday post to read ;)

I'll be back later in the week with a post that may or may not have something to do with my summer bucket-list. Okay, it probably will!

P.S. Lia-bug has recently learned to make the smack noise when giving kisses. And she's currently showering me and her papi with kisses. We have the cutest toddler. Ever.

P.P.S She's taken 2 more spills (since I started writing this post a good 30ish minutes ago) which = more blood. Can I just put my toddler in a plastic bubble?

My mommy nerves are a total wreck. Fingers crossed the night gets better. I hope yours is!

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p365 - week 26.

July 2, 2011


176. What! You don't take bread to the bath with you? Maybe that's just L-bug.
177.  L and her poppa taking a walk on the beach. My sister says it looked just like me and my dad when I was little.
178. Late-night car shopping!
179. Lia's new trick. She climbs on top of tables and thinks she rules the world. I've got my hands full.
180. My new car!
181. A frog jumped onto my car as I was pulling into my driveway. Freaked me out but these things tend to happen in the South.
182. Kind of hard to see in a small picture but...Baby footprints ♥ Also, she got her first pair of Reefs. Flip flops are a must in NC.

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July 1, 2011

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"Summer is where the girls go barefoot and their hearts are just as free as their toes." - Unknown

On a side note, I am feeling a serious yearn to watch summer movies and really sink into the season.

In NY, we would hang out at a local park every Thursday evening to watch a movie under the stars and eat dinner at on the great lawn. There's nothing like that here but we had an impromptu picnic of chicken salad sandwiches, chips & fruit at the park tonight. Of course, we had to feed the ducks again! It was lovely. It felt summer-ish.

I think I need to make a Summer to-do list. This, this and this make my list! What would make yours?

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