October 2, 2013


We're back around here! We should have been hitting the pavement in New York this week, enjoying the Fall weather and our family but with the government shutdown, M had to return to work. That said, I am incredibly grateful that he is considered essential personnel so whenever we do get paid, it will be for his normal amount of hours. It's a big relief for us, but I'm so heartbroken for all the people affected that weren't as lucky as us in this situation.

We put our New York trip on a temporary hold. Fingers crossed that our government can fix this mess that they've left us in because we're hoping to re-plan the trip in a few weeks! For now, we're settling back into routines and schedules and planning what to do this Fall. It's weird adjusting back to everyday life when you expect to be on vacation. Unpacking things you never even used isn't so much fun. But, we're doing it. The whole thing makes me realize how grateful I am for what we have. You never really know when your world can be flipped around. It's humbling, to say the least.

As soon as we walked in the door on Monday night after our six hour drive, I opened the windows, lit the candles and dove into some pizza. We just wanted to soak up home, you know? Fresh air can make a world of difference. And now we've got mini pumpkins on the mantle, the perfect littlest white pumpkin hanging out on the dining table and a mum on the front porch. The crock-pot has been my lifesaver this week, the suitcases are unpacked and the lull of the washing machine has been comforting. Life is good, even amongst the mess outside of life in the gray house.

Our weekend trip was great, if you're wondering. L is in heaven when she's around our families. The spoiled toddler sort of heaven. My brother's wedding was fun. We got to watch a scene from Sleepy Hollow film and see them turn my sleepy hometown into another place. You guys, the show is awesome. But, it scares the mess out of me. And, I only took a few photos this weekend - we were either on the go or being incredibly lazy. That's what vacation is really about, right?

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I've got big plans to do some laundry and catch up on some TV shows tonight. Happy Wednesday!

PS. I am finally feeling normal again. Other than catching a cold/sinus thing that hit me this weekend, I am breathing much better with some inhalers. I still have a few moments where I don't feel at 100%, but overall it's so much better. I have a follow-up in a few weeks with the pulmonologist, but it looks like it was an allergen of some kind and nothing more serious. Here's hoping it all gets better from here!

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