April 27, 2014

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A stolen moment from our picnic at the park with school friends. I remember she was wearing her new red sandals. Her rosy cheeks remind me the day was warm. And her smile is one from having a truly good time with friends. It's so hard for her to break out of her comfort zone and play alongside other kids without a care in the world and lately that's changing just a little and it fills my heart with joy.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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April 26, 2014

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A cheeky little girl who was pretty impatient with my photo-taking. I struggle with bad lighting and I forgot about the project over the course of the week so here we are.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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April 25, 2014

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This week was so full of good.

I went out for a workout almost every day and it feels like a routine now. Going out for a walk or jog feels like it should be a part of my day now. And, we're saying goodbye to our faithful jogging stroller. She treated us good for years but the seat is literally falling off and it's too much of a safety hazard. We researched strollers all week and man, it's a hard choice! We ended up going with this one. It's one that's more expensive than I originally planned for, if I'm being honest, but we're excited to try it out. You have to love Amazon's amazing speedy service (how do they do it?!) so me and the girl will gets lots of use out of it on our trip next week.

About other things, Lia had her first soccer game on Monday night. From now on, I'm the cool soccer mom minus the minivan. But seriously, it was one of the best nights we've had in a long time. It's fun having a kid old enough to do things. And, how about that ridiculously large uniform? We tied the shirt eighties-style and rolled up the shirts as far as they could go. They still fell off during the game but she had other shorts on underneath and she just yanked them back up as she was running!

The rest of the week was for drywall & paint appointments, getting back into the school routine, trying to pack for our trip, a target run with friends and too much Easter candy.

I'm signing off early this week to get everything done and hopefully slow down my brain and enjoy our trip. I'll be back next Monday but as always, you can hang with us on Instagram while we're gone. Enjoy your weekend, xo!

PS. Amazon & Joovy have no idea about this post, I just love them so!
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April 24, 2014

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There's so many smart and funny and good things on the Internet. Here's just a few!

My new Better Life Bags bag arrived this week. I am smitten with the stripes & leather combo!

I'm a fan of kid shirts with nice words

Inspiring runners from the Boston Marathon.

Best donuts in America, they say. And, ten favorites in New York City.

This makes me proud of Honey Maid. And, so happy that people like this are part of our world!

A new book added to my want list. Also, the blog it comes from which I just heard about. Thanks Instagram, you're awesome!

Love this post. It's good to know I'm not the only one that feels that way!

Ginnifer Goodwin. We're big fans of her show Once Upon A Time.

A DIY behavior chart. Pretty sure I need to make this soon.

It's a busy week here but I hope you find a few moments to enjoy these, xo!

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April 22, 2014

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Watching... The Blacklist. I'm hooked week after week!
Reading... The Light Between Oceans.
Celebrating... SO many birthdays for sweet friends and family this month.
Looking forward to... going to North Carolina next week!
Taking... Lia everywhere. Soccer, ballet, school... you name it. I've hit the chauffeur stage of parenthood, ha!
Listening to... the Frozen soundtrack on repeat while L belts out the songs.
On the menu... these chicken tacos.

Thankful... for a husband that washed dishes more nights than he should have last week!
Trying... to run! I'm clocking miles every day I can, trying to beat the husband in a fun little competition.
Researching... a new jogging stroller. Any tips or favorite ones?

Loving... this little soccer player.

Please feel free to link up any of your "currently" posts in the comments, xo!
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April 21, 2014

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Happy Easter, friends! Is anyone else relieved it's a new week? I'm excited to get the house in order and routines going again.

I woke up yesterday to a little girl asking if the Easter Bunny came and left eggs for her which was my cue to scramble out of bed, stuff some plastic eggs and toss them around the house.

We spent the day doing puzzles, cooking a nice dinner, watching Frozen and eating way too many chocolates. I think the colored eggs were the biggest hit of the afternoon. We used Kool-Aid packets to get the bright colors. And they were so much fun that the fridge is now full of more bright hard-boiled eggs than I think we can eat.

And things were pretty good. But I'm going to be honest for a minute - things were pretty bad too. All things considering, we're all happy and well and the day can go by with a check mark that says "Easter 2014 - completed!" but L complained and whined all day. She took almost two hours to finish dinner and thought we were horrible for not giving her dessert after that. I tried to keep her basket simple and full of things she only truly loved and needed and even then, she didn't seem appreciative. Don't get me wrong, she did say thank you for dinner and she did call me the best egg-colorer (if that's a thing...). I guess as parents we are so excited to see our kids excited, its a big let-down when a fictitious character takes the credit and the day is full of grumpy attitudes.

I'm all for the magic of holidays and the dreams that take place when you fall asleep knowing something truly special is going to happen the next day, but I'm also a big fan of manners and being thankful and keeping things simple. It makes me stop and think "did we take a wrong turn on the holiday train?".

But here we are, it's a new day and the attitudes of yesterday have worn away. And, in my heart I know that I have one hell of a great kid who can be polite and grateful and amazing. I also know kids have their moments and I can't look back on yesterday and be unhappy about it. I just can't. Because when I look back, I remember the smiles and the happy moments and I hear her tiny voice shouting out the lyrics to every song from Frozen and I know regardless of any wrongs we did, we did so many things right.

Here's to a new week. It's a busy one for us before we take a trip to NC to spend time with family next week. I hope Easter was good for you, xo!
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April 18, 2014

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It's Friday, friends! Our official Spring Break is almost over and I kind of wish I could have L around a little longer. Getting off schedule hasn't been very fun (why is it that nap routines are so easy to break and so hard to make?!) but having five full days with nowhere in particular to run off to was so nice. It's funny to say but our four year old has a serious schedule going on and I feel we're always running off to a birthday party or a soccer game or ballet practice. Keeping her busy was our plan, but it's the weirdest feeling to be that parent.

The week was good, though! The weather wasn't there for a beach trip like I had hoped for so mostly we stayed home to watch movies and catch up on laundry but we did play with friends, hang out at the park, wandered around the farmers market and spent a rainy day at the library adding to our book stacks and siting in on story time with our favorite librarian.

I dusted off my sneakers Monday night, bought some new leggings and I've been hitting the pavement almost every day this week. I'll post details next week but the husband and I are having a little weight-loss bet and something finally clicked in my head. And really, it's just fun to mess with each other on who logged in more miles that day!

And today, this lovely Friday, is for cleaning and playing with the new toys that hit our doorstep this morning from one of L's favorite aunts. She's discovered Polly Pockets and has been playing all morning long!

We'll be spending our weekend at the soccer fields, attending a birthday party and hopefully fitting in a family run. Here's to a happy one. Enjoy yours, xo!
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April 16, 2014

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While I didn't technically fail on this project last month, this is THE only photo I have of the three of us. A bad quality iPhone snap while we were waiting for the circus doors to open. But, it was a good day and the smiles were all around.

So, here's to that!

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April 15, 2014

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Around here, April is for celebrating. And we've done a lot of it!

For the rest of the month though, am looking forward to...

Bare feet in green grass and soft sand.
Painted toes and sandals.
Coloring Easter eggs!
Spring break.
A trip home.
Welcoming my brother's teeny-tiny baby boy very soon!
Spring cleaning.
Fresh flowers.
Spending our Saturday mornings on the soccer field.
And, hopefully making more spots in our home feel more like our home.

It's going to be a good month, I can feel it.
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April 14, 2014

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Bath time is a favorite. I'm finding with warmer weather and soccer practice twice a week, bath time is almost much needed around here lately. Dirty knees are the newest little happening!

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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April 12, 2014

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This week we celebrated our favorite guy with his favorite dinner and my sisters famous strawberry cake. 

This week my little lady helped me with laundry. We made progress, even though you can't tell anymore!

This week I became an official soccer mom. Every Monday and Saturday from now until June will  be filled with practice and games and a girl who's learning to love the sport. 

This week my Warby Parker trial frames. But I'm still on the fence about which ones to choose. I'm thinking a second home trial is needed...

And today, we're off to soccer practice and a much needed trip to the grocery store. Happy Saturday, xo.
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April 9, 2014

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We celebrated our handsome guy's birthday over the weekend! We got lucky with a warm, sunny day so we headed across the bridge to the Island for some mini golf and an afternoon at the beach.

I underestimated the weather (again!) and should have just brought Lia a swimsuit but that didn't stop her from running around in the waves. We stopped at this sandwich shop. The bread...oh! Homemade and amazing! I'm pretty sure we stopped to eat there simply because of how good it smelled.

We rounded out the day with some Rita's, fresh tulips and pizza for dinner. Kind of the best way to celebrate a birthday, I think!

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April 8, 2014

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You know, sometimes I find no words to talk about our week. It was our week and mundane things went on as they tend to do and we found happy moments and we had bad ones and it was life. Like, I spent most of last week not talking to my husband. He hurt my feelings, I hurt his. And sometimes, it just seems that brooding silently and taking your space is the best way to let the argument just settle. No one was going to win and saying "I'm sorry" and letting our defenses down after a few days was the best case scenario here.

I also found all of my old CD's, from when CD's were an actual thing and I spent all of my grocery store cashier paychecks on them as a teenager, and popped in a happy-sounding one to get me through some Spring cleaning.

As for the Spring cleaning, well, it's going to be Summer before I finish that task. But, I did toss out a couple bags of trash after two rooms. The more clutter I move out of the house, the more mind space I clear up. And then I fill the empty space up with mind-swirling check-off tasks of all the cleaning I've yet to do.

But then I added a new latte bowl to my very small stack. A mustard yellow mini colander found its way home. Shiny new rugs from Ikea cozy up the house. I spent sunny afternoons at the park and catching up with my girl and her tricycle. We did puzzles and played with friends. I cooked a few good meals. And just like that, I found words and life seemed full circle again and another week started. 
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