November 14, 2014

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Hello Friday! The beginning of the weekend is always cause for celebration around here. And we've had a full week of re-planting old plants and buying new ones for the front yard, prepping for a yard sale and the usual school, work, ballet routine. 

The house has gotten a little messy this week. And, that's putting it nicely. It's becoming very real that a new little babe is going to be living here soon and the urge to purge is going on, while the motivation and energy behind it isn't! 

His room is mostly ready minus a few little details and a lack of baby essentials. Diapers for Christmas, anyone? Some days, L and I like to go sit in his room and just hang out. It's the sunniest room in the house and the most peaceful at the moment. And L loves playing with his books and toys! 

As for L, she's a handful lately! Extra sweet and loving one minute, slightly crazy the next. I can't believe she'll be five soon! It's her favorite time of the year and her enthusiasm for all things birthday/Christmas/new brother is on point. She's doing great in school and working hard for her upcoming ballet recital. And lately, we've been making it to the local farmers market and park to meet up with friends! 

I haven't picked up the camera since Halloween and iPhone snapshots haven't been that often either but life is moving fast. It feels like Fall and most days I have the excuse to wrap a scarf around my neck and enjoy the crunchy leaves covering our front yard. The year is winding down, but in a way it feels like thing are just starting! 
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November 12, 2014

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She is so excited to run out the door for her ballet class each week. This week was extra fun because the weather let us pull out some legwarmers!

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here
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November 6, 2014

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November is my favorite month. It always has been. And I've always been the gal you can count on to ban all things Christmas from our house until the day after Thanksgiving when all bets are off.

I don't know if it's knowing this babe is almost here or if I'm trying to soak up every last ounce of holiday goodness before it turns into last minute things jammed into every spare minute because we're always so busy but I have to admit, I've already turned on the Christmas tunes, bought L her Christmas eve pajamas and I ask her everyday what she wants under the tree.

But, in an effort to also soak up every last ounce of Fall since the South is finally turning cold and there's crunchy leaves in the yard, here we go.

Am looking forward to...

The Turkey Coma. It's a thing and it's a good one.
A road trip back home to see my family!
Hot chocolate in the largest mug we have.
Adding some details to little man's room.
Finding time for the stack of books I just pulled from the library.
A movie date with my love to see the latest Hunger Games film.
Early party planning for L's movie-themed birthday party.
Cleaning out rooms and selling our clutter.
Twinkling lights decorating the town.
A pile of big, crunchy leaves.
Cozy nights with yummy candles burning.

Here's to you, November.

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November 4, 2014

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We hosted our very first Halloween party over the weekend! I've wanted to host one for as long as I can remember and our new (can we still call it new after two years?) house is the perfect size to hold all of our friends. We kept this one low-key for the kids so L could have a fun day with all of her friends.

There was about 11 kids running around in the cold, drizzly weather having a blast. I set up a fun outdoor photobooth in the morning but by party time the weather had taken a strange turn and we had to move it indoors. Sadly, I think it got overlooked and the only people who got any use of it was us! Still, it made for a cute family snapshot.

I set up a few games which were ignored but L's toys and swing set were a big hit. Lesson learned, just let kids be kids. But, we had a table full of treats and a fun eyeball cake that went over well with all the little ones that randomly stole pieces of it throughout the party! The skeleton fruit skewers were awesome too and so easy to make (a little time-consuming though...) Pinterest was the main inspiration-source for the party and my best party tip is always cover your tables with brown Kraft paper!

The party was a ton of fun and I'm already dreaming of ideas to make it an annual thing.
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November 3, 2014

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I took more of a "sit back and enjoy it" approach Halloween night. I snapped a few pictures before we headed out Trick-or-Treating but my camera stayed home and my phone was out of my hands most of the night. I guess that's what happens when you're seven months pregnant with a sinus infection!

But, we had so much fun! L was pretty shy and didn't say Trick-or-Treat or "thank you" or anything really until the very last house. But we were proud of her for trying and it turns out that four year olds walk a lot faster than three year olds. We made it through most of the neighborhood in an hour and then headed back home so L could pass out candy. Most of the kids had passed our street already but we did get a few and every time someone stopped, she'd get really excited and yell out "mom, we got lucky!"

And since then, it's been all about the treats and candy. And Christmas tunes...

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November 2, 2014

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 We took a mini morning adventure to our favorite pumpkin patch on Monday. She wanted to see the chickens and roosters!

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here
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