January 30, 2015

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So, it took me a few times to sit down and write this. That was after I made a mental note and than an actual note to remember to write this. And then, a car ride to Chick-Fil-A to feed the girl and make the boy stop crying and finally nap so I wouldn't go insane needed to happen.

Here we are now though. Armed with a borrowed Moby wrap to maybe free up my hands, full bellies and a more patient mama with a daddy on the way home. And can I just say, motherhood in this season of life isn't really glamorous (my feet smell from my over-worn favorite oxfords and I desperately need a shower) but it's always the best thing I've ever done. I mean, I get to spend my days with two of my favorite people and not put on real clothes and go to a job.

Getting used to two kids is challenging though and we're muddling through each day until our weary heads hit the pillow for exactly 3 hours before someone wants to eat again. I did over-bake a batch of brownies this week so that counts for something. The house is actually neater than it was pre-baby (no idea how that happened) and the laundry pile isn't a mountain yet. The first two weeks were new-baby bliss and now that guests have gone and M is back to work and I'm tackling life at home with two kids, it's somehow still as blissfully new and yet not. The babe has learned how to cry and fuss and and wants to be held all the time. Lia is doing SO well with it, but that doesn't mean I don't feel guilty for giving one more attention and help than the other.

And on the other hand, I have an amazing 5 year old who is adjusting in the best way possible and a three week old who just wants to snuggle his mom all day. Life won't always be like this so as dirty and messy and hard as it feels to be in the trenches, at the same time I wouldn't trade any of it. I just have to laugh in the worst moments and take a car drive belting out Annie tunes with my girl to stay sane every now and then.

And this post has been more honest than I figured it would be, but I want to document it the way it is. These are the days I'm going to miss so deeply one day. 

Also, it's the weekend. Things are looking brighter, yes?

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January 29, 2015

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There's so many smart and funny and good things on the Internet. Here's just a few!

Because, pizza and movies

Mama said.

I want to make these tiny tassels in every color!

"Just you wait". I loved this post.

This is the perfect print to describe me.

More than just take-out.

I'm in love with this Brooklyn home tour.

Because, come January, we always have too much kid stuff.

My party tips post was featured on Shutterfly's Pinterest board.

Homemade playdough in bright colors!

"Why I took my 7 year old to a tattoo parlor".

I'm happy to be bringing these posts back! Enjoy, xo.

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January 28, 2015

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And for a today's edition of the currently series...

Eating... soft pretzels with spicy mustard for mama and cinnamon sugar for the big kid.

Feeling... equal parts calm and overwhelmed on this first day of being alone with two kids!

Looking forward to... the husband coming home from work.

Playing... words with friends and putting together Frozen puzzles over and over again.

Reading... articles on whether baby smiles are gas and lots of texts between the hubby and myself.

Making... lots of bottles.

Changing... lots of diapers.

Wearing... yoga pants. 

Finding... things to occupy my girl.

Swooning... at the way Lia watches her brother and rubs his head saying "I love him" all day long.

Thankful... for a cozy, clean home that I can stay in all day with these two amazing babes of mine.
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January 27, 2015

Life with two is most definitely easiest when we're cozying up at home. We've ventured out on a few Target runs and one very long day out shopping at the mall and we've survived them, but we both agree it's tiring and being home is pretty a-okay with us right now.

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January 26, 2015

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Most of these have been on Instagram but they are sweet moments of our first days with our little man and I never want to forget them. Already his tiny features have changed and his face has filled out and I find myself missing the first day he came into this world.

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January 25, 2015

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Lia: this week she brought her first page of homework home and sitting down to watch her do her best work was one of those moments I filed away to forever remember.

Nicolas: sometimes he really just needs his mama.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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January 23, 2015

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 Lia: the first time she held her brother! Such a proud, happy little girl in this moment.

Nicolas: spending his afternoon in mama's lap. He's awake a little more these days and I love staring into his eyes. He looks so much like his sister!

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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January 22, 2015

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You guys! It's way past time to introduce our little fellow to the blog.

Nicolas joined our gang on January 9th at 8:15 in the morning. I couldn't have had a better OB and my scheduled c-section went smoothly, despite how nervous I was. I was able to keep my boys in recovery with me afterwards and spend a little time face-timing Lia!

Sadly, Lia was sick the week I had him and with the flu being so bad in this area, she wasn't allowed on the labor and delivery floor. We did have an awesome nurse who wheeled N in his bassinet out of the ward so Lia could take a peek but she was feeling so bad that she didn't want anything but her parents. It was heartbreaking to know she was so miserable and I couldn't get out of bed until late at night after I had N so I couldn't even see her myself until the next day.

The past two weeks have been a blur and looking back on these photos, I remember how sweet our two days in the hospital were. Real life started all too fast once we got home with both babes and myself getting sick and we're just now starting to come around and mostly feel like normal. We've had family in town since N's birth so we haven't had a chance to just sit and breathe and feel what "a family of four" feels like to us. But despite the first week being a little crazy, it was still so peaceful and sweet. He has already changed so much and I miss those first days!

Lia is THE best big sister. And other than her seeming to age 10 years since we got home, she's done really well with the new change. Manny is an awesome dad, of course. Always there to wash bottles or take a midnight feeding and bring this mama a candy bar when my pregnancy craving for chocolate didn't exactly go away!

I've recovered well and honestly I was expecting much worse. I'm very thankful for that! And for now, we're just trying to go day by day. Hopefully, I'll be around a little more once things settle down!
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