You guys! It's way past time to introduce our little fellow to the blog.
Nicolas joined our gang on January 9th at 8:15 in the morning. I couldn't have had a better OB and my scheduled c-section went smoothly, despite how nervous I was. I was able to keep my boys in recovery with me afterwards and spend a little time face-timing Lia!
Sadly, Lia was sick the week I had him and with the flu being so bad in this area, she wasn't allowed on the labor and delivery floor. We did have an awesome nurse who wheeled N in his bassinet out of the ward so Lia could take a peek but she was feeling so bad that she didn't want anything but her parents. It was heartbreaking to know she was so miserable and I couldn't get out of bed until late at night after I had N so I couldn't even see her myself until the next day.
The past two weeks have been a blur and looking back on these photos, I remember how sweet our two days in the hospital were. Real life started all too fast once we got home with both babes and myself getting sick and we're just now starting to come around and mostly feel like normal. We've had family in town since N's birth so we haven't had a chance to just sit and breathe and feel what "a family of four" feels like to us. But despite the first week being a little crazy, it was still so peaceful and sweet. He has already changed so much and I miss those first days!
Lia is THE best big sister. And other than her seeming to age 10 years since we got home, she's done really well with the new change. Manny is an awesome dad, of course. Always there to wash bottles or take a midnight feeding and bring this mama a candy bar when my pregnancy craving for chocolate didn't exactly go away!
I've recovered well and honestly I was expecting much worse. I'm very thankful for that! And for now, we're just trying to go day by day. Hopefully, I'll be around a little more once things settle down!
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