April 24, 2015


Our sweet girl is back and she's been busy running around the house and taking care of her teeny tiny plants. Those grass kits grow amazingly well for this black-thumb household!

This week was a little rough getting back in the swing of things after a week off from everything. Nico has been practicing his screaming this week which is really unusual for him and I don't know if his drool is a sign of teething or if he just needed a little extra love and food this week.

I stocked up on some children's books at the library last week so we'd have a new stockpile for bedtime this week. Lia has fallen in love with this one and this one. It's the whole interactive thing that pulls her in. I've been reading stacks of books too. This one had so many good things in it, it's like my brain couldn't take it all in at once so I ordered a copy to dig into in smaller chunks.

And somehow, April is almost over. I feel like we're on the verge of things changing. Lia graduates from pre-k in a month. M is working towards his bachelor degree and he's a few weeks from this semester ending. Then we have a summer chock full of things to do and places to go.

I think I'll enjoy the slower pace days while I have them. Here's to the weekend! M is off on today so we have a family lunch planned and then I get to sneak away for book club which is always more mama talk than book talk but it lets me go home feeling lighter with a little more sanity!

Enjoy yours!

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