Five months...
Weighs 15 lbs.
Has cheeks for days.
And, a dreamy smile that makes me weak at the knees.
Eats 6 ounces every few hours.
Likes bananas, pears and sometimes avocados. Does not like organic sweet peas.
Is a happy, calm baby.
Still loves to be worn!
Rolls over. And over, and over, and over...
Loves his jumperoo.
Size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes.
Is a fan of his stuffed taxi, Sophie the giraffe and squishy balls he can grasp in his hands.
Still flails around in the bath tub.
Still a big fan of being outside in the big, bright world.
Loves to stand up (with help, of course!).
Has all the heart eyes in the world for his big sister.
Big belly laughs!
Naps in his crib again.
Gave us a few weird days where fevers, viruses, screaming and not eating were involved.
And, drooly, open-mouthed mouth kisses are pretty popular.
Gave us a few weird days where fevers, viruses, screaming and not eating were involved.
And, drooly, open-mouthed mouth kisses are pretty popular.
He steals my heart every minute of every day. I swear, we're all obsessed!
five months already?! I'm pretty sure I'm obsessed with him too!