July 10, 2015


It's Friday, you guys! Which is great. Because, I am exhausted. We woke up on Monday morning and hit the ground running. We splashed in puddles, read lots of books, baked cookies, tackled load after load of laundry, avoided folding the laundry, had a park playdate and went to storytime almost every day.

Lia picked out a few of her school supplies last night and we have a couple uniforms tucked away in her dresser waiting for her first big morning. In a little over a month, she starts Kindergarten! Girl is excited. Mama has mixed feelings.

Nico and I are making the transition to a ring sling! I've been wearing this boy since he came home from the hospital and we're not ready to quit. I haven't quite gotten the hang of threading the sling but we're getting there. It worked great for our outing to the book store!

We're having a garage sale tomorrow so I've been digging around cabinets and closets for things that have been laying around un-used. I thought I had a handle on the clutter in the house but the spare room along with a cardboard box and a laundry hamper are saying otherwise...

So, here's to getting rid of the old, freshening up the house, and getting things done. We leave for New York in 5 days and I still haven't finished unpacking from our last trip!

Happy weekending!

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