October 29, 2015

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Nine months...

Has me on my toes!
This boy crawls like he's on a mission. And, he pulls himself up, "walks" along the furniture and crawl up the stairs.
He's eating chunkier baby food and we're working on table foods (diced apples, puffs, peas...).  Honestly? I hate feeding him table food. It gives me anxiety and reminds me he isn't tiny anymore.
Learning to drink from a sippy cup.
Rarely sits still for a bottle.
Weighs around 18 lbs.
Size 3 diapers.
Still in 9-12 month clothing and rocking the skinny jeans.
Loves peek-a-boo.
Going on walks is his favorite.
Puts everything in his mouth.
Tries to climbs out of shopping carts.
No teeth yet.
Says mama!
Has THE best smile.
And, he loves knocking over stacks of blocks.

My tiniest babe.

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October 28, 2015

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The Internet is this great thing just out there and it can be full of funny bits, good things and inspiration. 

"Having a hot body is just not my thing. I care a little, I don't care a lot." - Drew Barrymore.

This girl can do Halloween. The "Red" costume is my favorite!

Pharrell's Happy is a children's book!

As fans of The Beatles seeing this human peace sign made us all smile.

This is all kinds of ridiculous but I can't stop myself from following on Instagram anyways.

This piece from Cup of Jo on getting kids to talk about school is great.

Harry Potter festivals have been going on this month (sadly none are around us...) and my hometown is even hosting a "Halloween at Hogwarts" symphony. Gryffindor LOVE!


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October 27, 2015

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Making... a slew of mouse costumes for the family!

Stocking up... on new library books. 

Pinning... this amazing looking salad and these words.

Relieved... that midterms are over. Here's hoping for a little breathing room until finals.

Wanting... the perfect pair of oxfords and a plaid shirt to go along with them.

Buried... in work of all kinds!

Filling... in the calendar with holidays and festivities!

Thinking... of what new hair cut I should get.

Chasing after... a very mobile (& curious!) little boy.

Watching... reruns of Gilmore Girls.

Enjoying... this busy season of life. L is thriving in school and Nico is growing by the minute and M & I are swamped but still carving out this life we love.

Please feel free to link up any of your "currently" posts in the comments, xo!

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October 25, 2015

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Lia: she took way less interest in this year's pumpkin carving than past years. I'm hoping it's just a fluke and not the start of her growing up way to fast!

Nicolas: the looks this kid gives. He took his first hayride and seemed to love it.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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Lia: we were walking down the street heading towards a local arts festival and L saw another kid with a balloon and couldn't stop talking about them until we found her one.

Nicolas: wasn't a fan of pumpkin patch pictures but he looked like a tiny little heartthrob anyways. 

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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October 22, 2015

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I have to get it to our little town. It doesn't typically scream Fall around here. And that usually puts me in a funk right about now that makes me take cover in bed all day with a Meg Ryan marathon.

Actually, that sounds pretty good now anyways.

But! It's been feeling suspiciously like Fall lately. I do all of my homework at the kitchen table and from this little spot I've carved out for myself I have the perfect view of our dining room window. I've tried hundreds of times to photograph it but the lighting is never right and I can't really capture how perfect it is so I've stopped trying and settled for a mental picture instead. But, if I tried with words it would go a little something like this. I can see a black mouse cut-out that looks like it's quickly scrambling across the wall right underneath a window surrounded by black and white stripes. And through that window I can see our ghosts fluttering in the wind and the most perfect tree in the entire neighborhood.

I don't know how we got it but we did and it's the best tree in our little 'hood. It's big and full of large green leaves that have taken pity on our lack of Fall vibes and has turned golden brown leaving leaves scattered across our entire yard. And our neighbors yard. They are all welcome for that! When I'm sitting here and ignore the homework aspect, it's pretty dang awesome.

And now I'm rambling about a tree. To my point - it's feeling like Fall and I'm a fan. We decorated the porch more than we ever have for Halloween. I've got big plans for some cookie decorating with my girl this weekend and putting the finishing touches on costumes. October, you aren't half bad.

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October 18, 2015

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Lia: the weather is cooling and family walks in the evening are becoming a thing again. It makes a happy bunch of us.

Nicolas: turns out if you put a hat on a handsome 9 month old, he starts to resemble his much older nephew a bit and the idea of him growing up fast makes me weak at the knees.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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October 16, 2015

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Time again for a weekly breakdown! 

These kids ran the show, of course. We spent an afternoon sampling all the samples at Sams Club. We've officially entered the bulk box store suburban life. Nights were full of homework and stacks of books. Fights over what's for dinner and tantrums over not being able to play outside with friends.

I'm telling you, almost 6 year olds in Kindergarten are a whole new breed of child.

The girl and I both agree though that waking up early in the morning is for the birds.

Nico is 9 months! I'm behind on his post and pictures but he rocked his checkup and was deemed perfect. I'd have to agree.

I'm looking forward to dinner out with my loves tonight, a rendezvous to our local arts and seafood festival tomorrow and maybe a pumpkin patch? Bring it, October.

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October 14, 2015

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Life, I tell you. It's's FALL! And, things are slacking in our parts. But, we've got pumpkins, the beginnings of a couple homemade costumes, a bowl of candy and a yard full of crunchy leaves so most things are good.

I'm craving an afternoon on the sofa watching all the Meg Ryan movies. It just isn't Fall without one. With midterms and quizzes, it ain't happening. But sometimes this feeling comes over me that so much is right in our world and when we get a cool day and the leaves are scattered across the yard, I can breathe and slow down and know it's my favorite season and it's going to treat me good. 

My iPhone bit the dust last week and after having to wait a few days for a miracle from the husband, he brought it back to life just long enough to get my pictures out. Which makes me insanely happy. So, I'm hoping to get back on the blogging bandwagon so I can document these sweet days.

And, a few favorites before I'm off to scoop up one kid from nap time and the other from school...
Skinny jeans on a 9 month old. Heartbreaker, guys. I'm in trouble.
An entire day alone to clean. I mean nine to five. It never happens, but it did and SO much got done. 
Finding an hour or two to catch up on some TV with my guy.
The fact that the leaves in our yard make it look like Fall even when it's 80 degrees.
And, I am officially done with one class (and I got an A!). I started another one and by mid-December I'll be four classes closer to my degree! 

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October 8, 2015

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It only took MONTHS and months but this guy is officially a true fan of bath time. The tub makes him pretty serious but he doesn't mind a little splashing and nomming down on a toy boat!

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October 6, 2015

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THESE TWO! Seriously.

Bestest of friends right here, you guys. They adore each other. They make googly eyes at each other. When she comes home from school and plays with him? He thinks it's THE BEST. When she wakes up in the morning, she always ends up in his room to read books or dance for him until I make my way in there.

And I'll say it again and again, watching these two grow up together is the single best thing I'll do my entire life.

Heart eyes forever.

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October 5, 2015

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It's October! The air is cool, there's chili in the crockpot and pumpkins line the porch. 

It's been a crazy few weeks and we're only looking down the start of our normal crazy season here. But today, amongst the mess of dirty dishes, piles of laundry waiting to be folded and toys strewn everywhere, it finally feels like a perfect fall day and I'm choosing to breathe instead of freak out. 

I'm looking forward to...

Crafting up a couple costumes for my littles.
Finishing up one of my college courses.
Carving pumpkins.
Raking up some crunchy leaves.
Pumpkin patches.
Making some Fall treats.
A new washer & dryer!
Fall festivals.
Apple cider donuts.
Watching Hocus Pocus.
And less scary Halloween movies with my girl.

Here's to the sweetest month of the season!

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October 4, 2015

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Lia: it was jeans day at school. You can see just how happy she was not wearing jeans. This girl is a lover of skirts and dresses!

Nicolas: watching mama make an apple pie and not entirely happy that he was stuck in the highchair. 

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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Lia: eating her homemade strawberry popsicle on the last day of summer!

Nicolas: standing is his new favorite thing!

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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Lia: cheesing (and complaining about the sun!) while I tried to document school picture day.

Nicolas: hanging out while sister was in ballet. 

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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Lia: kindergarten is SO good for her.

Nicolas: becoming a little boy a little too fast. 

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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October 2, 2015

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It's Friday! You guys, it's finally Friday and I get two whole days with my loves all together. The weather may rain out our weekend plans but we've got a laundry room project happening, a new set of laundry machines being delivered tomorrow and the promise of a great season ahead.

I've got so much on my plate and I feel a bit out of sorts but life is good and happy and well.

Nico had his checkup this week! Turns out, what he had is so rare that his doctor only sees about one case a year and we were the lucky winners. But, the good news is the doctor says he's recovered so well he can't even tell there was a problem to begin with.

And on that note, he now climbs up the stairs and laughs at me because he knows he's doing something wrong.

L has been sick for over a week and missed the past two days of school but she's back today and pretty happy about it! It was jeans day and in true Lia fashion - she opted for leggings and a skirt. She's getting so excited about Halloween and has helped me come up with a great idea for costumes. I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe it'll be a family affair this year.

M and I both finish up one of our school semesters in about two weeks. It won't lighten my load too much since another starts the week after BUT, it's one step closer to my degree. College wasn't what I expected but I'm doing it.

So, here's to a calmer next week and all of the laundry just magically putting itself away!

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