September 24, 2017

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Happy Sunday! It's been a busy week for us. Between settling back in after our hurricane-induced vacation, getting back in the swing of life and school and our routine, and me jumping right back into work with a party to style, I feel like we haven't stopped and breathed much this week.

But, it's finally Fall! September-November are a sweet little break for us before the craze of the holidays and I always feel so much better when September rolls around again. I'm dreaming of quiet Sunday afternoons at home, raking up piles of crunchy leaves, and babes dressed warmly in sweaters and flannel. 

For right now though, I'm looking forward to a few calm days and the chance to sit down with a magazine or two and just be.

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September 19, 2017

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We're back in our sweet, little town. And we missed it! Do you guys realize how much you love your town every time you leave it too? We left town for a week to dodge Hurricane Irma and ended up back in my hometown. M spent a few days with us but mostly, it was just me, the kids, and the dog hanging with the grandparents.

We explored a firehouse museum.

And left with noisy firetruck toys!

The kids loved exploring the town. Checking out old houses is always my jam and the kids love having the freedom to run around!

 I may have said yes to way more sugar than two little kiddos ever need to ingest.

And, someone pierced her ears!! She was adorable and angry all at the same time and now she loves them.

Now we're just playing one big round of catch-up. I'm trying to get the house back in order and not spend hours wandering the aisles of Target. Okay, I did that once. But, you know, I'm trying to keep that on a realistic level!

Lia is busy this week making up ballet lessons. She's really excited to try-out soon for the part of Clara in the winter recital. Nico is going to his first soccer lesson tonight! It's a new-to-us league and the ages start at 3 but we're keeping our fingers crossed the coach lets him in. Something tells me an hour twice a week running around a soccer field will do that kid some good! He has so. much. energy.

Here's to a good week you guys. I think the world could use some good vibes right about now. 

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