July 30, 2019


We took a trip to Disney last week and we brought my mom with along. It was so much fun! And, incredibly hot. The kids were troopers, though, and we really did have the best time!

Hollywood Studios is probably Nico's favorite! He's got heart-eyes for Toy Story land. Most 4 years old probably do! We rode Slinky Dog first thing in the morning. Nico said it was his favorite on our last visit and couldn't stop talking about riding it again. Then the ride ended and then he said he'd never ride it again! He said that about a lot of rides this time around. Anything he deemed to dark or scary or fast was not his thing. It was the funniest thing though - he'd ride them all without much complaint but he'd make it very known the second the ride ended that he didn't like them and would never go on them again! 

The kids met all their favorite characters and we shared a couple mickey pretzels. The breakfast of champion park-goers who are in too much of a hurry to grab real food, ha! 

Later that night, after a very long & hot day at the park, we left the kids with my mom at the hotel and M and I went back to catch Fantasmic! Hands down - one of the best firework shows at Disney. Grabbing a margarita and a snack and sitting down together without the kids felt like a mini vacation all on its own!

And the best part was grabbing the kids and whisking them off to Magic Kingdom the next morning. We ended up walking from our hotel to the Polynesian and catching the monorail. The kids love the monorail! We grabbed an early breakfast at one of our favorite spots - The Crystal Palace. The kids got to hang with all of their favorite friends from the Hundred Acre Woods.

The rest of our day was packed with rides and all the yummy snacks we could get our hands on. L's favorite - the lost princess cone. Of course, one has to eat a Rapunzel themed treat when wearing a Rapunzel dress!

One of my favorite rides ever is the teacups! There's just something about those pastel, spinning cups that brings out the childhood magic in everyone. I always try to capture the kids faces as we're spinning them as fast as we can. It's such a fun thing to do! Having those memories to look back on is THE best too.

We planned out a slower paced day at Epcot for our last day in the parks. I used to totally underestimate Epcot. If I'm being honest, we didn't even introduce the kids to it until last year. We stuck to the other parks every other time we brought them to Disney. I thought they'd find it boring but it's the opposite. They love Epcot!

Popping into shops from different countries around the world is so fun with the kids. They get to soak in some culture they may not otherwise get to experience first-hand. And the snacks? So good! The kids totally got a kick out of the shaped cotton candy in Japan.

We got pretty lucky with the rain and didn't get too rained on until Epcot. But, as one does in Disney, we just went with it. We rode a few attractions, saw a couple of shows, met a few characters! Then, headed back to our hotel when our tired feet couldn't hang anymore.

M ended up taking L back to the Magic Kingdom to catch the fireworks! It was lightening the night before so Tinkerbell didn't fly and L was pretty heartbroken over that. But, the weather was perfect when he took her back and Tink flew. Lia was all smiles when she got back to the room!

We seriously can't get enough of Disney. I've been terrible about posting our past trips so I think some catch-up posts are in serious need! But, we made the jump into annual pass holders this year and we are loving it!

You guys, the magic is everywhere in Disney.

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