December 11, 2020

Favorite Holiday Books

Nothing spreads cheer in our house quite like a stack full of magical Christmas books! There's so many amazing winter/holiday books out there and I would spend all of my money on them, if I could.

Instead, a few weeks before Christmas, I curate a list of the perfect books. They must have a pretty cover (I totally judge children's books by their covers) and be a good story (unless the cover is so gorgeous then maybe I'll let a dud book slide...). Then, I put them on hold at our local library using their online system! 

Of course, we have a decent stack of our own Christmas books which I spread out between our basket by the fireplace and the kids' rooms. But, I always like to make sure their shelves have the prettiest selections. I have learned that putting their favorite books (or just a good selection of pretty books) on their open shelves guarantees that they pick up books more often. The key is the display!

Here are my favorite holiday book for kids!

Pick a Pine Tree, The Christmas Eve Tree, and Home Alone are probably our top favorites this year. Though, it's just not Christmas unless Pick a Pine Tree is up on their shelves! 

And, this year, we've been reading chapter books together for the holidays, and How Winston Delivered Christmas is turning out to be the cutest advent story. The chapters are short (we read just one each night) and the kids are always excited to crawl into bed together, turn on the twinkly lights, and hear more about Winston's adventure!

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