
June 30, 2011


We picked up my new car. How do you buy a car job-less? I know, I know. But we kind of hit a situtation where trading in our car was a good idea and we got a really good deal that works for us. I am now the very happy & proud owner of a 2011 Honda Pilot.

Meet Carolina. Yep, I totally named her.

I said goodbye to my sister and her family. They went back home to Germany. ::Insert very sad face here::

The hubby cooked a delicious dinner of steak, rice & beans. I didn't take a picture of it. But trust me, it was good.

Lia had a cute moment at dinner time. M asked her if she could just stay little forever. She looked at him, considered the idea for about 20 seconds and then shook her head no. I die of her cuteness. Really.

We took L-bug to the park to feed the ducks after dinner. She's really got the hang of actually throwing the bread to the ducks vs holding it out in her hand. And, she got to practice saying "duck". Score for talking.

Baby ducks! There were some teeny ducklings but some kid ran them off.

Pigeons make me miss New York.

Yesterday was a good day.

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June 29, 2011

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Oh my, baby girl. How you've grown in the past two months is crazy. There is no doubt about it - you are really officially a toddler.

In the past two months you've:
Gotten your 1st haircut.
Learned some new words.
Learned to rip your glasses off your face!
Started playing with dolls and using your imagination more.
Played in the ocean.
Become way too attached to your bobo (what we call her paci).
Visited 2 new states.
Perfected your tantrums.
And, been loads of fun!
I don't know your stats - I have to schedule your 18 month checkup. I do know your appetite has really changed and you don't eat nearly as much (meal-wise, snack-wise you are still a big snack eater!) so I would guess your weight hasn't changed too much. Height-wise you look like you grow every day!

You are in a size 4 diaper and wear mostly 18-24 month clothing. Depending on how they are made, some 12-18 months still fit you. You are working your way into size 5 shoes. Your have so much hair you sport pigtails most days! You've got between 13-15 teeth, you really don't like me messing with them. But you do love brushing your teeth!

Your favorite foods include cheese, freeze-dried fruits, apples, mandarin oranges, yogurt, applesauce, pasta, peas, ketchup (you seem to think this is food vs a dip), Gerber lil crunchies, cookies, fruit, french fries, macaroni & cheese. However, I can usually get you to eat eggs, pancakes, chicken nuggets (only from chickfila!) and bread and bites of other normal meals we have. Sometimes. You still refuse to drink milk.

You love to talk  but I have to say, I still can't understand most of what you say. You can point to things and make motions and get your point across, but it does worry me some that you don't speak super clear. I do need to work more on that with you.

So far you can say:
Mommy (very well and you are usually screaming at me).
Ma (which you use to get grandma, aunt shell's & aunt Ashley's attention)
Papi and Dada
It's mine
Gabba Gabba
Tres (3 in Spanish)

You are doing very good understanding English and Spanish!

You are starting to understand and LOVE games. Peek-a-boo is your favorite. You also love twirling around while mommy sings "ring around the rosie" to you. And, it makes you have a complete giggle fest to crawl all over your daddy and cousins and try to push/roll them over.

You can point to your bellybutton (and everyone else's!). You can also point to your nose. We are working on other body parts!

I have a feeling you may be slightly obsessed with cleaning/organization when you get older. You always find wipes or tissues and you "clean" tables and chairs and yourself! You also pick up trash when you see it and take it to the trashcan. You'll bring mommy or daddy things that don't belong where they are. And, usually, you'll clean up after yourself making sure everything is right.

Today we spent 5 1/2 hours in a Honda dealership trying to buy a car. You did awesome, by the way, and mommy & daddy are soooo thankful for that! We let you play in the toy room for a while and when we were ready to leave for a lunch break we asked you to clean up. You picked up all the toys, organizing them between two toy boxes. As we were walking out, you noticed you had left toys in the play mailbox. You pulled those toys out, put them away and we tryed leaving again. As we were walking out the door you did a double take and noticed you left the toy box open. You turned around and closed it, looked around the room again and then you let us leave. You are one smart and determined cookie!

Your tantrums are something else these days. If you don't get your way or get told "no", your face crumples up like your world is ending, you crouch down then throw yourself into the floor. You cry pretty hard for a minute or two then you stand up to see if you can get your way yet. You also seem to think that if you give us a kiss, we will give you whatever you want/are asking for. Sometimes we do. Because it's too cute to resist!

You are a messy outdoor girl all the way. You love playing with balls. We still can't get through a trip to Target without stopping and playing with all the balls. You like to go outside and ride in your wagon or cozy coupe car. You love playing with sand toys at the beach and chalk on the sidewalk. You can stay outside all day long if we let you.

You are still obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba. You dance and sing along with all your heart. It's truly adorable.

You love animals, Little People, your new kitchen set and play food, your new grocery cart (it's super cute seeing you push your baby around and "shop"). Lately, you've learned how to unzip mommy's makeup bag and pretend to put make-up on.

You've been sleeping from 8-9 pm until 6-8 am and taking one nap, unless we're driving in the car and you typically sleep then too.

You are so insanely smart and pick up on everything going on around you. I still look at you in awe and amazement sometimes. You are growing so fast but I am loving all the new things you do!

Happy 17 & 18 months, L-bug. I love you!


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p365 - week 24 & 25.

June 26, 2011

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162. Night out with the siblings at Milligans. It's a bar/pool hall.
163. We made heart shapes on the ceiling with a light instead of going to sleep!
164. Us posing with the kicking machine. Gotta love feeling like a tourist in your home town.
165. L-bug at lunch with her Aunt Shell.
166. Pretty girl eating a cookie cake. Look at those eyelashes!
167. L snuggling with her Brobee on the way to South Carolina.
168. Paula Deen's restaurant. We say it on our tour of downtown Savannah.

169. South of the Border. Cheesey roadside touristy fun!
170. No picture :(
171. L has taken to grabbing the picture of her cousin (my sister's daughter) and kissing it!
172. Mommy & Lia date to Coopers for a bananna snowball.
173. Waterpark day!
174. Late night mexican dinner. Not so healthy but it hit the spot!
175. Lunch with M at Pollock Street Deli.

Whew. Caught up! So, last week I played around with the blog design. Maybe this week I'll sort through the recent photos/trips and get some posts up. Maybe!

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June 22, 2011

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I wish I had a better excuse for my quietness around here. It's not that I am exactly uninspired, I just truly do not feel like sitting down and sorting out the mess (in my head and of the thousands of photos I've taken lately!) and updating.
Life here doesn't feel like our old life, so while we go day by day doing what we need to do I just don't really have much to represent on the blog. It's kind of weird to explain. I don't feel settled, I don't think I will no matter how long we are here so it's really hard to blog on an everyday/normal basis as I did when my head is so far from everything.

This past weekend, we went to Savannah GA/Parris Island area SC. It was a bootcamp graduation/mini family vacation. I took lots of pictures! I will try to get around to them this week or so. I'll also try to get around to posting this past weeks P365. We had an awesome time! We completely love the area we were visting. We are (fingers crossed, hoping to not jinx us or get our hopes crushed) hoping/wanting to get a job in that area. And soon, at that. Say a prayer, throw good karma out there, wish on 11:11 for us. Whatever it is you do, do it for us! I have...

L-bug is getting huge! I mean like, totally smart and sassy and full-on toddler huge. I have so much to update about her that I'll save for another post. Let's just say, I fall in love with her more and more each day.

Now that it's almost 1 AM and I had no intention of blogging this late, I think I'll end it here. Just wanted to post something...try to clear the bloggy cobwebs.

If you're still following/reading, THANK YOU! I promise, once a job comes along and we move into our own home and things become normal and routine (however normal things can be after this) this
blog will be getting a whole lot more attention!

Until then, other than monthly Lia posts and P365, I'll try to update here and there when I am motivated but it will probably stay a little on the quiet side.

So thanks for being patient and sticking along with me.

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June 19, 2011

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Happy Father's Day, M! You are an amazing man who would do anything for the two ladies in your life. L is beyond lucky to be able to call you her papi. She may seem like a mama's girl most of the time but...

I see the way her eyes sparkle when she spots you first thing in the morning or when you get home from work.

Her loud and joyful laugh when you guys are playing.

The way she learns from you and listens to you.

Her smile when she makes you happy and she knows it.

The way she softly calls you papi every now and then, making it extra special.  Very unlike the way she screams mama every other minute.

Our little girl has a heart bursting at the seams for her papi. You are one of her favorite people. I know you two are going to have an unbreakable bond.

She's your princesa and you are her papi.

We both love you. Forever and a day.

Your wifey and daughter.

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p365 - week 23.

June 11, 2011

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155. Yardsale-ing! Scored these movies for my love for $3.
156. We went out for breakfast. This little deli has some small-town charm!
157. Taco night. We made sopapillas for dessert.
158. Bananna snowball from Coopers.
159. Beach day.
160. So, technically this picture was taken on Friday but I was getting off from Thursdays shift @ work so I think it'll pass this one time ;)
161. Watching TV with her papi. Around midnight. Guess she didn't feel the need to sleep!

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big girls don't cry.

June 7, 2011

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You're belting out the song now, aren't you?  I would be too, only I'd be fighting to be heard over the sounds of a video game and Angry birds being played on my iPhone beside me.

But to my story. Big girls don't cry. Like when they are getting their very first haircut. Or pooping on the toilet for the first time.

But L-bug did both this week. And cryed while doing so. That means she is still a baby, right? Oh. It doesn't work that way? Big girls do, in fact, cry?

I may need to cry then.

So while I cry over my wee babe not being so wee anymore, you enjoy these pictures of my big girl.

I have to give my sister a HUGE thanks for giving Lia her 1st haircut. We've waited 17 months so she could do it and I am so glad we did. She did an awesome job!

I wish there were pictures of her pooping. You know, the clean version
that doesn't show her goods or  the stinky goods. I'm not for pulling a Kate Gosselin and having those pictures to prove it. But my hand was covered in poop that had smeared out of her diaper that was somehow on crooked so with my only clean hand I was trying to keep a not-so-toilet friendly todder on the toilet. Total mom moment there.

Seriously though, my kid pooped in the toilet. I'm not saying we are super good in the potty training department. I just got to her while she was starting to poop and plopped her down and luckily she stayed on long enough. I'm pretty sure we scared her back off with all the loud cheering we I was doing.

That's whats been going on around here these days. Tomorrow the beach is calling our names. It's gonna be a hot one.

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p365 - week 22.

June 5, 2011

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148. Lia-bug at her first Build-A-Bear trip. She made a dachshund that looks just like Toby!
149. Perfect road trip snack.
150. We spent Memorial Day relaxing and drawing Yo Gabba Gabba characters in chalk.
151. Are you really taking my picture?
152. Playing football!
153. L's first trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. She had SO much fun!
154. We went thrifting! Among tons of clothes, me & both of my sisters scored shoes for $2 a pair. I got the Isaac Mizrahi camel pointed toe heels and the yellow flats!
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June 4, 2011

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Oh sweet blog, how I've missed you!

This past week & a 1/2ish has been crazy. Absolutely full of fun and laughs and family. Which is the way life should be, I believe. It was exactly what my little family needed. A small break of our everyday "norm" life we've had the past few months and a taste of our old well-missed life.

And we have missed our life. We missed the smells & sights of the city, the highways and busyness. The food. The places to visit. The family and friends we haven't seen in so long.

Trust me, we soaked it in. From the minute we arrived in the city, we had plans every. single. day.

We got to see some amazing friends who we call family. Some are moving to Hawaii in the next week or so and they will be dearly missed. Although we are totally going to plan a trip there! The others just had a beautiful baby. She's still in the hospital so if you pray, can you spare one? Her name is Josephine and she's absolutely presh. We were lucky enough to see her and it totally made my day.

We took advantage of our Bronx Zoo season pass and used it one last time. Felt like old times. Only with had a toddler who actually wanted to run around and enjoy the zoo versus a baby who just hangs out. Okay, so maybe it was slightly different than old times...

We stormed the city stopping at Build-A-Bear. Jamba Juice. Popbar. Forever 21. Fao Scharwtz. Victoria's Secret. Times Square ToysRUs. We shopped till we dropped.

Build-A-Bear Workshop.

Somewhere in Manhattan. P.S. That's M's little sister! We ♥ her.

FAO Schwarz - The Big Piano. Did you see it in Big?

We did family breakfast and family parties.

I wish we had more time. I wish we had seen more people. But I am truly glad we had the time we did. I'm so blessed to have the memories we made on this trip. I realize now that I didn't appreciate NY as much as I could have. Isn't that how it always (sadly!) works? We don't know what we have until its gone.

I truly left a piece of my heart in New York. The city captured a part of me that small-town living doesn't. Maybe one day we'll find ourselves back there. Maybe. Until then, we'll keep living and finding beauty wherever else life takes us.

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playing catch-up.

June 3, 2011

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                                                                                 Source: via Anna on Pinterest

We're home.

We've actually been home almost a week. We've been crazy busy since!

I am so behind on, uh everything?! Laundry, blogging, any/all social-ness/networks, to-do lists, organizing photos, uploading photos. Ugh describes it all.

I'm slowly catching up in any little slot of time I can find. It's not easy but I am determined to get back on track.

Oh. And I got a job! Nothing major. It's a small part-time job at Bath & Body Works. I'll be working to set the store up for sales. But, it's a little bit of extra money in our pockets and a foot in the door.

We're still waiting on news for M's job situation. For now, we're hopeful something will happen soon!

I've caught up on Project365. Will be posting tomorrow's on schedule! I've also got 2 posts being worked on and they should be up anything within the next week (wishful thinking say's next few days!).

Now, I'm shutting down the power and heading to bed. Time for some sleep! It's been a crazy day full of thrift shopping. I'll show you later the mounds of stuff we got!

Have an amazing weekend!

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p365 - week 21

June 2, 2011

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141. Carowinds! M & I have a half weekend to ourselves to spend here.
142. Jack in the Box. We tried it...YUM!
143. Caught red-handed playing with my makeup.
144. Sleepy beauty on our way to NY.
145. NYC ♥
146. Spent the day in the Bronx Zoo.
147. Spending time with great friends!

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