January 30, 2012

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Oh man. I can't believe I've been away from the blog this long. Except, I should say I cant believe I haven't blogged - because I've logged into le blog almost every day - I just don't find the time to sit down and write. My phone has a growing to-do list of blog ideas and things I want to write down. I just haven't found the time.


So, I'm going to grab bits of time here and there (between cleaning, toddler-wrangling, cooking dinner, the 1525780 loads of laundry there is, catching up on The Bachelor and filling in my calendar for February) and write down all these things. Here's hoping it get's published today. Or tomorrow.

First off, Lia? Uhm. Girl is growing. She had her 2-year wellness visit a week{ish} ago. She's 26 lbs and 35 inches tall.  She is perfect, healthy and happy. And so smart! Her vocabulary has grown to include : bird, cat, cookie (goo gie), pee or poo (whichever one she does LOL), awesome, Dora & Boots, fries, cereal (which means anything from actual cereal to Goldfish), snack, eat, towel, duck and draw. She does not like having her hair washed or getting dressed. And whenever she sneezes, she says "nose" and expects a tissue to wipe her nose. Immediately.


I'm going to start a new blog series titled "things my husband says". Trust me, you're gonna want to hear these.

I've decided that I really like living in SC, so far. I missed the snow and real seasons at first - but I'm loving the sunny days that stay in the high 60s. And I don't miss bundling the babe up in boots and hats and mittens and a bulky coat. Plus, we can pretty much go to the park, or for a walk, or even to the beach whenever we want. Good times.

I also joined an online moms group - and after 2 playdates, I think L-bug and myself are gonna enjoy having friends here. She even played at another mom's house today. With other kids around. And me in a whole different room. That's progress, guys. Progress!

Lately, I've been thinking about my blog. I started it a few years ago. I was younger. And not a mom. Basically, I was a whole different person. I feel like I'm really growing into myself lately. I still have insecurities and issues (who doesn't?!) but I feel more like "me" now than ever.  I love the blog, but I feel like I've updated only when something big happened. Or just to update family. I really want to use my blog as my outlet. To blog everyday. Or once a week. Whenever I feel like it. Whenever inspiration strikes, you know? I want to share more of the small moments. I want my blog to be a mish mosh of everything I am and want to be. Everything I like. Or dislike. Whatever... as long as it's me. Does that make sense?

See these keys? I lost them this weekend. I realized once we got home from dropping my SIL off at the airport (btw, it's 2 hours away from us) that I didn't have my keys. After freaking out and blubbering (yes, I blubbered. it was bigger than L's toddler tantrums), I thought & thought and figured I threw them away at the aiport in the trash I tossed out. After calling the airport, we decided to drive back up there and look ourselves. We found them. In the trash can, right where I left them. So Sunday was devoted to driving in the car for 8 hours with a cranky toddler and digging through a public trash can. That's what I call a weekend.

Have I mentioned how much the public library here rocks? They have GOOD books. Pioneer Woman and Jodi Picoult and Tina Fey good. And if they don't have it - they will get it from another library for you. And the longest I've waited for a book on hold so far has been maybe a week. Maybe. It's awesome. I've kinda gotten a bit crazy and checked out way more books than I should read. So I squeeze in reading any chance I get. I just finished this one, this one and this one (very sad but very good!). Up next, P-dubs love story, this funny chick from The Office and Jennifer Hudson. Because ever since Sex and the City (the movie), I've loved her. Oh. And I'm starting The Hunger Games. Because why stop at the 4 books I already have?


I'm still taking February sponsors for my blog button swap! I'd love for you to join!

M has been working different hours this week, like 12 pm-8 pm. And in March, he'll be gone for 3 weeks. I know it isn't a lot - but some days it feels like we never left the Marine Corp. Go figure.

And M's little sister came to stay with us for most of January. She left this past weekend. We were sad to see her go, but it was fun while she was here! His older sister just had a baby last week. So there's a beautiful new baby girl in our family!


And that's basically our life these days. We're stuffing our faces with yogurt from the new place that just opened. We ate amazing wings & BBQ at a local restaurant. Me and Lia go to weekly story times at the library. The librarian has a English accent. Makes it that much more fun. And when M is home, we bunker down and hang out.


We like the simple life.

always, kristy
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January 25, 2012

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Do you ever feel like you are on a blind date when you go to a new mommy group or playdate? Because I do. It's sort of nerve wracking. 

Am I going to look stupid showing up knowing noone? Am I dressed like a bum today with my two-day old greasy hair pulled back into a ponytail? I did at least put on pearl earrings to show I made an effort{ish}. Of course, they are F21 pearls so not exactly the real thing. Am I going to look stupid bringing an actual picnic basket to a picnic playdate? Maybe I should play it cool with those reusable bags that are in style.

Then, I try to reason with myself. Am I really supposed to know someone in a new town? No. I'm sure they didn't care that I used dry shampoo instead of water and the real stuff. Everyone would pay $3 for F21 pearls given the opportunity and FYI - they liked my picnic basket.

I really do have these conversations in my head. Why do I get so nervous? I mean, I think i'm a pretty cool person to have as a friend. I bake. I love Pinterest as much as the next gal. I only blog embarrasing things about you with your approval. I'm pretty neat, right?

So anyways. Sometime last month, I joined a mom's group online. I wasn't really active (okay not active at all) until today's play date. It was a picnic lunch at a playground in one of the mom's neighborhood. It was right up the road from us and I love any reason to make some egg salad sandwiches. So we RSVP'd maybe, because I was too scared to fully commit, you know. And, we ended up going.

It went good. All the moms knew each other so I was clearly the newbie. But I chatted with almost all of them and they all seem nice. And the kids were kids. Not monsters or anything. Lia didn't freak out about other kids being in the park. She has kid/stranger/germ/dirty anxiety sometimes. Toddlerhood. And I was encouraged to go to Mondays standing playdate that rotates between the moms.

Sounds good enough to me! I'm just happy to be meeting someone. I don't expect to meet my best friend - she's in Hawaii, but we're trying hard to make them move here!, but knowing someone would be nice. It looks like we'll finally be in one place long enough to put down deep roots and a girl can always use a friend.

I just hope they liked me...

I know they liked Lia. Who doesn't find her adorably likeable? Her glasses...they just kill people with cuteness.

Anyways, here's hoping we fit in here. And like it ;)

always, kristy
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sponsor swap: february!

January 24, 2012

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Don't you just love her shy smile? Doesn't it make you want to sponsor our humble, little blog? Wink Wink.

The details are here.

Basically, all I need is a 160x120 button from your blog. And a small "about you" blurb with a picture and your contact links (FB, twitter handle, Etsy shop, Pinterest etc.)

I accept sponsors on a month to month basis. If you want to sponsor me longer than February, just shoot me an email about it!

All I ask in return is you put my button on your blog. Free, easy and supports fellow bloggers!

Email me at blogalittlesomething{at}gmail{dot}com.

Can't wait to work with you!

always, kristy
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January 23, 2012

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For a few weeks now, M and I have been loosely trying to teach Lia to say "i love you". What parent doesn't want to hear those words? She didn't show much interest in repeating us. Just smiling and giggling when we said them. But, she does show an avid interest in pointing. To everything. A lot of times, she tries to get away with not talking by pointing. (Sorry Charlie, ain't happening. You're gonna have to use your words). So I came up with this handy way for her to say "i love you" without all the words. We're still working on the words though.

I point to my eye and say "eye". I point to my heart and say "love". I point to her and say "you". Surprise. Surprise. She just smiled and giggled at that too. But being the mama that IS gonna hear her baby girl say "i love you", I kept trying.

And of course, she does it to M first last night when he was giving her a bubble bath. I take credit though. Wink, wink. Because I had just walked into the bathroom and said hi. Which obviously triggered her brain to show love. That's logical, right?

So, after the bath, Manny comes out and tells me about it and he gets her to show me. Oh. My. Grab me a box of tissues and mop my melted, sappy, mama heart off the floor. I love this girl. With the kind of love that uses up every fiber of my being. The kind of love that turns me into a mama bear when some kid pushes her at the playground. The kind of love you don't know exists until you have a kid. The kind of love that opens your heart and eyes and makes you think "THIS. This right here is what life is about. This is what we live for.".

Mind you, she does this completely adorable thing on her terms. When she wants to. But when she wants to? Oh man, get the mop. Because I melt in a puddle right on the floor. Every. Single. Time.

M took these photos. Lucky him. She just yells "NO!" at me when I pull my phone/camera out. Literally, I can use it as a bribing tool. "Lia, if you don't come over and get dressed now, I'm taking your picture!" Give her a few seconds to think it over, she'll usually choose to get dressed.

Ah, motherhood.

always, kristy

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weekending with friends.

January 22, 2012

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Yesterday was a hilarious, beautiful, good-weathered, fun day. One of the funnest days we've spent here. And reconfirmed my thoughts that maybe, just maybe I can see us living here forever. That makes M cheer that he doesn't have to find a new job!


My friend, Heather and her husband, Stephen were close by in Savannah this weekend celebrating their anniversary (Happy Anniversary, again!) and decided to come spend a day with us while they were in the area. Heather and Stephen live in my hometown in NC. She's been my friend since we were born. Literally, I was born in August. She was born in October. We were inseperable from that age on. Then we grew up and changed and grew apart. Then I moved to NC last year and we grew together again. Thats how we roll.

We decided to make the short{ish} trek to Hilton Head and see what's out there. We ate some really good food at this local restaurant. And it was surprisingly not over-priced or weird. Like another place a block away that will not split checks. Because their staff is too small. Hrmmph. Plus, they serve breakfast all day long. Because sometimes a belgian waffle or southern biscuits and grits hit just the right spot in the middle of the afternoon.

Us girls. Jasmine, on the left, is my pretty & sweet sister-in-law. She's staying with us this month.

Afterwards, we drove back up the street to a bike rental place. Stephen haggled the shop guy to give us a good deal (which the shop guy then told someone on the phone he had to go because he was in some weird stuff...uhm? okay.) and we were off. We thought it would be fun. And it was. For a few minutes. Then we realized riding bikes for a mile and a half{ish} on the beach isn't a leisurely activity. We felt like we were dying on The Biggest Loser. Which Heather and I firmly stated - "we'd never make it alive on that show" "never!!".



Once we finally reached the bike path, we cheered. And cursed our throbbing legs, parched throats and sand-filled flats. Until we realized we had bigger problems.


See, the thing is - Heather doesn't have a gall bladder. Which apparently makes her need a bathroom pretty immediately after she eats. I knew she didn't have a gall bladder. I just didn't know the latter part. So here we are - miles from the car, on some bike path driving through gorgeous houses. By the way - M said we can't live in said gorgeous houses. He claims he'll never make enough money. Hrmmph. Anyways - so there we were. She was pretty desperate for a bathroom. In fact - if I had baby wipes with me, I'm pretty sure she would have found a good bush. Just then, a man comes by on his bike and we ask for any public restrooms in the area. He led us to a communities pool (it had a bathroom near it) but it was locked. Heather was all ready to climb the fence and break in (seriously, this all happened. I am not kidding.). Instead, the weird (but very nice) man told her she could use his bathroom. In his little bungalow house in the neighborhood. At this point, I was doubled over on my bike laughing so hard I was crying. Good thing that Heather's a good sport about all this stuff. She gave me permission to write all this, just so you know. It was just too funny. And I was tired. I get weird when I'm tired.


After the bathroom incident, we had to bike another mile and a half{ish} to find our car. At least it wasn't on the beach. But we pretty much laughed while complaining about being tired and thirsty. But we saw an alligator. That hasn't ceased to amaze me yet.


When we got back to the bike shop and our car, we dashed into a gas station for waters and icees. And called it a day. We were tired and sweaty. And Heather and Stephen still had a 6 hour drive back home. So we said our goodbyes and made them promise to come back for a visit in the summer. We've got dreams of spending a week stay-cationing on Hilton Head.

We ended up getting fro-yo, pizza and movies and having a relaxing night in. After showers, of course.

It was good weekending. And I promise, this is all a true story. A very funny, odd true story.

I still love you babe, even if we can't ever afford on of Hilton Head's gorgeous homes! You know I'm happy as long as I'm with you.

Ryan Gosling is in Crazy, Stupid, Love. Shirtless. You should watch it.

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oh, hey ya'll.

January 20, 2012

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I had a small bought of inspiration and did a mini makeover on le blog and made new buttons! I keep going back and forth on which ones I want to use on the blog now. I think these are the two. The colors make me happy!

On a sad note, Picnik is closing down on April 19th. Anyone know where else I can use my limited design knowledge to do free buttons & headers like I have been using Picnik for?

Oh, and did you guys check out my sponsor love post? These girls have some awesome blogs - go check them out!

I hope your weekending is starting off on the right foot. After one STRESSFUL trip to the grocery store that left me really wanting to rip my hair out and stick my newly bald head into a wall (what gives with the terrible two's!?) - I took a nice bubble bath, finished off "The Help" and started reading Tina Fey's "Bossypants". Have I mentioned how much I love the public library here? Because I do totally love my new library. Now the hubs is making brownies and chatting with his sister, the babe is asleep and I am free to blog my little heart out. And then read my little heart out.

Tomorrow, we're heading out to check out Hilton Head and Gullah Island (if I can find it!) with a friend and her husband who are going to be in the area visiting from NC.

Weekends make me happy.
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sponsor highlights : january

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I decided back in December to open the blog up for sponsorship! Instead of selling ad space, I'm doing a blog swap with other awesome bloggers! I love promoting other bloggers I believe in and helping my small blog grow as I change and grow with it.

You can read more about my sponsor swap here. I am currently taking sponsors for Feburary and I'm really exciting about branching out like this!

Be sure to stop by and show these girls some love on their blogs. They are amazing. ♥


Hello folks. I'm Jessica & I blog over at Sweet Green Tangerine. I mostly blog about my life & the things that inspire me. I love books, sewing, music, art and friends. I am a mom of two crazy boys and wife to one crazy soldier, but you won't find me talking about them much. Sorry guys. Sweet Green Tangerine is my space to be me & talk about all the things that make me Jessica. I hope you come by some time to check it out.

Twitter: @SweetGTangerine


Hello. I'm Emily and I blog over at "Writings of an Air Force Wife".

I take pictures. A lot of pictures. And I love taking these images that I've captured and forming them into a story - a story of our personal lives. I often write about our comings and goings, trials and tribulations, but most of all, the little moments of our daily happenings that I want my children to remember and cherish years from now.

I love Sunday mornings, coffee and conversation with friends, cuddling with my babies under thick quilts, all things sparkly, planning parties, fresh snow, jewel-toned autumn leaves, dreamy newborn photography, painting portraits, sunsets, sunflare... and much, much more.

Seven months ago we traveled from Alaska to Oklahoma City on military orders. We're now planting new roots and rebuilding our nest in the Midwest.

"Life is either a great adventure, or nothing" - Helen Keller

Join us in our journey...

Twitter: @emilyroe


i'm melissa. mommy to jc and finacee to charles. blogging started as a way to update out-of-town family about jc but has turned into a passion of mine. i love sharing my daily adventures with my eighteen month old son, crafts (knitting specifically), wedding planning, house hunting and my journey trying to lose weight that i can't blame on my baby. i'm obsessed with all things baby, tweeting, posting pictures on instagram, trying so desperately to fill my domestic role and finding a balance between me time and family time.

twitter: @knitpurlbaby

Alexandra from Being Mama

Want to sponsor me next month? Email me at blogalittlesomething{at}gmail{dot}com. 

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January 16, 2012

We just got back from visiting my parents/M's work trip. The refridgerator needs to be cleaned out and groceries need to be bought soon. But since payday isn't until Friday... this gal is going to scrape up what I do have around that hasn't expired or molded!

Monday - Baked raviolis + garlic bread
Wednesday - Chili
Thursday - Baked chicken legs, yellow rice + a salad
Friday - Tacos - my sis-in-law is cooking!
Saturday - Leaving this open as we may have friends coming for a visit!
Sunday - Chicken and rice - my sis-in-law is cooking again!

This week is full of cleaning, laundry, a doctor visit and trying to get settled back into life and more attempts at planting roots in our new town where I still feel like a stranger most days. There will be blogging and reading and trips to the library for story time. Possible adventures out to Hilton Head and soaking up more time with M's sister before she leaves.

Happy Monday!

Happy MLK Day.

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January 14, 2012

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Staying in this Saturday night? We are! And, we're loving it. We are homebodies to the core.

Here's some links to love...

I came across these amazing iPhone backgrounds a few weeks ago. SO cute.

Loving these free printables. This one and that one. Okay and these too! {1} {2}

Need a new dessert to try? These look delicious!

Check out this letter to the tooth fairy.

It's sweet Nella's birthday! Check out their 2 for 2 fund. They are taking donations & raising awareness for NDSS (National Down Syndrome Society). Whether you can donate or not, go read about them and what they are doing. Spread the word. It's a beautiful family and a beautiful cause!

I wish I was crafty enough to whip one of these up!

Uh, Handmade Ryan Gosling. Hilarious!

And, this post? It was something I am glad I read. Something I needed to read.

Now I'm going to go spend time with my loves. Happy weekending.

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just dropping in.

January 11, 2012

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I have to apologize to you/the blog for being missing. I miss the blog. It's part of my routine that I love and crave and I've missed not having the time to sit and pour out my heart, pictures of Lia or something funny/awesome/tasty I've come across.

I've had a little over a week to scheme and dream about what 2012 should look for me. I've got high hopes and I'm re-inspired to delve back into things I love. Crafts (knitting especially), reading, trying new recipes and restaurants, getting healthy and discovering our new town & state.

I'll be back next week with a real post about twenty-twelve, a little something (links to love!) post and my sponsor love. Huge apologies to my amazing sponsors! This year started out a little hectic but I will have your feature highlights up soon!

We've had family for the New Years, M's little sister is staying with us for January and we're currently in NC on a mini vaca while M takes a class in the area for his job. I've been on instagram and twitter here and there and I've stayed somewhat caught up with reading blogs but that's about it.

I hopped on my moms laptop to get this post out because if I didn't write something, my brain was going to explode. Seriously, blogging is an outlet for me and it's something I truly enjoy doing.

I'm excited to get back home this weekend and jump back into our regular routines and act on my new years goals!

Hope you all are having a very happy week!

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January 4, 2012

I don't know why I get such anxiety before planning parties. I slept horrible the last few nights before her party. Like waking up in the middle of the night with party disaster nightmares and remembering cake plates and extra decorations. It went off without a hitch. Okay, there was a small hitch. The rainbow cake fell apart right before her party. I may have went into the garage and blubbered like a baby for a minute. My dad may have tried to calm me down and tell me everything was going to be okay while I lost it. But then, my siblings went and got the most awesome Yo Gabba Gabba cake and saved the day.

Seriously though, I think her party turned out great! We were worried she'd be shy and clam up and have a horrible time. She was shy but she did great and did enjoy herself.

Mind you, this picture is missing some details! Like the cake that fell apart. And the dazzle berry lemonade (pink lemonade) that I forgot to take pictures of. And the sandwiches.

So the theme of her party was Yo Gabba Gabba-Rainbow-DIY inspired. Lovely, right? I don't do characters. Hate me if you will, but I hate character parties and bedding and yadda yadda. But, this girl? She loves her Gabba. Therefore, we have Gabba dolls, shoes, shirts & jackets, blankets. If it has Gabba on it, we're most likely buying it. And it makes her SO happy. I can't say no. I did draw the line at the whole bedding set though.

Welcome to Gabba land//Having fun decorating our palm tree

But the smile this Gabba-explosion party put on her face? Priceless. She loved it. She'd walk up to the table and point at all the characters and try to say their names. She was happy.

Piñata from Target//All Yo Gabba Gabba printables were found free online at NickJr

Gumballs for fun & color//Chips, pretzels & rainbow goldfish
Not pictured: Dazzleberry lemonade and sandwiches cut into fun shapes like tulips and hearts and stars

The favors were DJ Lance's boom box! Animal cracker boxes with a printable taped on front

Cookie idea from Pinterest//White chocolate covered oreos

Rainbow cupcakes with tinsel pom-poms found at Michaels. I made yarn ones but I wasn't crazy about them.

Most of the decorations, including the cute cupcake stand, were made by me. Budgets around Christmas time are usually a little tight here. But I love the simple, fun feel it gave the party.

We had games & coloring pages set up inside but the weather ended up being so gorgeous that we set up a tent and some chairs in the back yard and the kids had a blast with the sidewalk chalk & bubble machine!

Streamers//Coloring pages found free online at NickJr

Balloon badminton game was a hit//Pin the eye on Muno


Piñata time!

The cake that saved the day!

Make a wish//Family picture

Balloon printables from NickJr with ribbons attached to them//Opening presents

Sometime during the festivities, a cake fight broke out between the siblings. It always happens.

We had a great time and I can't believe that I've got a TWO year old now!

Throwing your own Yo Gabba Gabba party? Here's my Pinterest board that I used for inspiration.

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