ch ch ch changes...

April 30, 2012

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i feel like i've been SO busy lately. i've been here & there, you know, doing stuff. i feel like life is at one of those points where you can just feel that everything is about to change. a good change.

we had a yard sale this past weekend, and i have TOO much stuff leftover. even so, i made enough to start a new adventure! i have been thinking for a while about working from home and i decided to become a thirty-one consultant. basically the bags are amazing & they sell a bunch of other great stuff too. i love that i can help out financially and still stay home with lia-bug. she drives me nuts most days but i wouldn't give any of those days up.

so, a little shameless plug here, if you want to order any of your favorites (or you want to discover some new favorites!), email me :) or check out my website here.

in other BIG news, i've lost 7.2 lbs! remember this post here? being happy sunk in. taking the steps to being who i want and doing what i want sunk in. i don't hate working out. i don't hate counting calories. i don't get tempted like i used to. now don't get me wrong, some days i am feigning for a dr. pepper. and if it's really bad, i'll get one. but most days, i'm just inspired by the work i am putting in.

i'm excited for the future. i'm excited to freaking shop! and i'm excited for making money while still having time for everything else i do. i think this is going to be good.

i'll be back this week with a few new posts. lia has been talking up a storm + getting pretty big. so i've got things to talk about!

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campus book rentals {sponsored post}

April 27, 2012

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i don't know how many of you are in college, or planning to go soon. but do you remember the cost of books? the college bookstore always made me cringe. i hated waiting in line to dole out a ton of cash i could have spent elsewhere, on better stuff!  book prices are so high and the return value is merely nothing compared to what you payed. its pretty lame.

luckily, you can rent books now! i've bought them new & i've bought them used, i've never rented them. so i had my doubts when campus book rentals emailed me about their company. to be honest, i only checked them out because my two sisters are in school right now and anything that helps their lives makes me happy.

it looks like a pretty good deal to me. renting textbooks is cheaper. you can save anywhere from 40-90% off the full buying price. plus, shipping is free, both ways. and because life happens, there's a 30 day risk-free return policy. it couldn't be easier. you order, receive, use (you can highlight!) and return.

just take this psychology book for example. my oldest sister is taking a psychology class this summer. the retail price is $95. ouch. but, you can rent it for the summer semester for only $19.29 & a whole semester for $22.18. 

if you needed one more reason to rent books through campus book rentals, a portion from each book rental goes to support life-changing operations through operation smile.

so, you save money and help make others lives better. check them out if you are in need of cheaper college books!

this is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of campus book rentals. all opinions are 100% mine. i am receiving a $50 credit towards campus book rentals which is going to one of my amazing sisters to help make her college adventure a bit easier. i choose sponsored posts carefully. i want them to be relevant to my life and yours. my sisters are amazing and i felt like this was something good for them. no other compensation was received.
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little bits of happiness w10.

April 26, 2012



a happy smile // eating healthy // new library find for me & a potty book for her // the charlie daniels band, live in savannah // eating a "pop" // block tower

not pictured
losing 3 lbs
awesome 3 mile bike rides with my loves
downtown savannah at night
watching lia blow bubbles like a pro
making the garage all organized & neat again 

linking up with mrs stephanie t

Mrs Stephanie T
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sponsor highlight : april.

April 25, 2012

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i've got 2 new sponsors this month. meet brittany & crystal.

crystal blogs over at life of a mother 2 three.


hi! i am crystal. i am a north carolina residence who lives on the beach. it don't get much better than that. i have an 11 year old daughter, summer; twin 8 year old boys, kobe & korey; and a big surprise baby girl, samirah, born january 26 this year. i am a full time work out of the home mom, although i would love to stay home with my children 24 hours. i write about all things, including them. i consider it a hodge podge of sorts. i love reading mom blogs, especially ones with teens and multiples. hey, i need ALL the help i can get. motherhood is not easy, i learn things day by day, but we make it out alive every single day, thank the good lord above. i look forward to meeting new people and enjoying the new blogs as well.


brittany is the blogger of with two in tow.


hi, i'm brittany, aka the haphazard housewife. mother to two amazing girls, housewife to one wonderful man, lover of coffee, wine, all food and anything crafty. a writer, an avid reader and a self-proclaimed superhero; sharing my experiences trying to stay sane with two kids in tow.

and don't forget to show my other sponsors some love! you can find them all to the right.

want to sponsor a little something in may?

details are here. or email me at blogalittlesomething{at}gmail{dot}com.
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April 21, 2012

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hi, weekenders!

 i don't usually post on saturdays but the hubs is doing some work and l-bug is quietly playing. i thought i'd share a peek into our weekend.

last night we grabbed a pizza and ended up in savannah to check out the charlie daniels band and little big town. i said i was only going to eat 2 pieces. but i ate 3 1/2. it was SO good. but i did regret it. i felt sick and full of grease. we ended up parking a good 1/2 mile or so away from the park so i squeezed in an impromptu workout. yay me! 

we got to the park just in time. the show started about 15 minutes early and it was packed. the show was amazing. it was seriously awesome to see the charlie daniels band live. and lia did great. this was her second concert (third if you count the one i took her to while i was still preggo!) and she LOVED it. we danced and sang and she would clap after every song. the girl loves her music.

we left the show early but it was a perfect evening. and savannah is gorgeous. i complained most of the walk back to the car because of my shoes, but walking downtown savannah reminded me of the streets of new york city and that made me happy.

she was eyeing the playground next to us.

today has been pretty low-key. l-bug slept through the night so we got to relax in bed a little longer this morning. i made a healthier version of french toast for breakfast, m did the dishes, we ran a few errands & rented a couple movies and then we took a 3 mile bike ride to the grocery store and stocked up on some fresh fruits and veggies.

we may take a family walk this evening but the day is just open. some weekends you just need an easy, open day.

ride a bike, enjoy family time...have fun. enjoy your weekend!
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April 20, 2012

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                                                                                                   Source: via Natalie on Pinterest

i'm happy today. maybe it's endorphins. maybe it's because i made a change. maybe it's because i deserve it.

it's probably because i deserve it, huh? haha!

we all do. we all deserve to be giddy, shout it on the rooftops, don't care who knows happy.

i decided that this week was the start of a new week. i haven't always been happy. i haven't always taken care of myself. i haven't always been able to fit into my jeans. and that's pretty crappy.

i have told myself a million times that tomorrow is the day. and then i lied to myself a million times. so i'm not saying this time will be perfect. i'm not saying i won't get frustrated, or want to quit, or have a slip up.

i am saying that when that happens, i'll put my big girl panties on and keep doing what i need to do. i'm starting with small goals and when i accomplish those, i'll dream up bigger ones :)

right now:
count calories and track all food
exercise at least 3 times a week, track workouts
eat more fruits + veggies and less sugar, fat + processed junk
drink water
lose 30 lbs

i have only been doing this since tuesday. but i haven't wanted to quit yet. that's a start. and i've learned these past few days that when i eat like this, lia eats like this. girl loves her juice, but it's not just great for her. once i started drinking more water, so did she. and it makes me feel like such a better mom. knowing that i am showing and teaching her good, healthy habits.

i'm a caffeine-freak. i love the stuff. especially in the form of dr. pepper and sweet tea. typically, i don't drink any water. so bad, i know. but this week, i've only had 1 soda and 2 sweet tea's. that's a huge improvement from having 3-4 a day.

i feel like something has clicked this time. i'm still not crazy about counting calories but it helps me so much seeing what i am putting in my body.

i'm still figuring out how to do this all. but i'm going to get there. i'm going to get to the point where i am happy about how i feel and how i look. where i can walk into a store and not shop only shoes & accessories because i can't fit into their clothes. i'm going to be confident. healthy. happy. and i'm going to look good doing it. one step at a time. one pound at a time.


on another note, it's friday! hip hip! i overheard on the radio this morning that the charlie daniels band and little big town will be putting on a free concert in the park in savannah tonight. i am SO there. i may love my big cities, but i am a country girl at heart. and i can rock out to the devil went down to georgia any day. especially when i'll be in georgia. we're gonna grab a pizza and drive down. and i promise to blot the grease off my pizza and only eat two slices. 

it's a life change i am making. not a diet. not a temporary thing. so i know nights like this will happen. where something pops up last minute and we'll miss our nightly workout and pizza will be dinner. but that doesn't mean i have to feel guilty or overeat. i just adjust.

i'm happy. and i like that feeling.

happy weekending!
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April 19, 2012


i haven't picked up my camera this week. actually, i don't think i've picked it up since easter weekend. i've been wrapped up in my iPhone and instagram pictures lately. so i grabbed my camera this morning, hoping to get a good shot.

but someone wasn't too happy about me taking pictures so this is what i got. it's full of happiness for me though. this kid is where the majority of my happiness stems from. and the shirt she's wearing? it was a sweet gift from my friend emily. she sent it while they were still living in alaska and it has the cutest puffin on the front. friends + puffins? we'll take it.

linking up with mrs stephanie t. go link up!

Mrs Stephanie T
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April 18, 2012

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if you follow me on instagram (my name is alittlesomething), you've probably seen all these. but here's what we've been up to lately.

we've been spending tons of time outside. a certain little girl is turning so brown it makes me jealous. it's officially bbq, pool & sandbox weather around here and we're soaking up every minute of it. i had a fun girls night out in old navy. we made muffins from scratch the other night and they were really yummy. and speaking of food, i've decided to start counting calories, trying to work out and get fit. i even got some new jeans for motivation. go me!

everything else is our norm. play dates and story times with l-bug. trying to get her sleeping habits back on track and the tantrums to a minimum. my back is doing SO much better, which makes me a real happy mama. and tobes is driving me nuts, as usual.

i think we're looking at a low-key weekend coming up. if it doesn't rain, maybe we'll hit the beach or a bike ride. something fun!

happy wednesday.

if anyone has any good healthy eating/track calories/getting fit tips or wanna be buddies in this thing, email me or comment here. i'd love to hear what you got!
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let's have a blog party!

April 17, 2012

it's that time of the year again. time for the ultimate blog party 2012.

so, who's the gang over here at a little something?


i'm kristy. the wife, mom, blogger, bookworm and baker wanna-be that tries to keep up with my everything and everyone. there's m, the amazing guy in our life. he likes to joke around a lot but he's super smart with computers and he's a great dad. oh, and he's a marine corp veteran. we're really proud of what he's done for our country! then there's lia. she's two, and she knows it. she loves to laugh and hop, twirl and run her way through life. she's obsessed with yo gabba gabba and her sandbox. and, she throws a mean tantrum but she's pretty good at melting our hearts too.


we have a dog too. this is toby. he also answers to the tobster, or tobes and sometimes, tolberone (after our favorite chocolate bar, of course). he's small, but he can be pretty fiesty and over protective. he's mastered the sad puppy-dog look and he's best friends with lia. they hug and high-five all day long. he likes being lazy, laying outside in the grass, barking, bacon treats and jumping on the couches when we're gone.

we like to hang out and be silly together with dance parties in the kitchen, take bike rides & play board games, you'll almost always find brownies & sweet tea in our home and there's always a pile of laundry hanging out too.

we're just a low-key little family that adores each other.

i like to post lots of pictures and stories about the comings and goings in our life. i also share recipes, a tutorial here and there and other random stuff!

other places you can find us

thanks for coming by to meet us! 
and if you want to join the party, link up here.

 Ultimate Blog Party 2012
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dressed for spring.

April 15, 2012

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last night included some epic weekending. i was lucky enough to take three friends to old navy and treat us all to a pair of bottoms and a pair of shoes. and it cost me nada. it was all free, thanks to the awesome companies crowdtap and old navy.

crowdtap is a company that partners with other companies (like tampax, old navy, verizon) to reach out to consumers and get honest opinions on products. you start off by taking quick hits, which are quick, multiple choice questions and participating in group conversations/surveys. and you can earn points to work your way up to samples and parties!

this month, old navy's style council hosted a sample for the member and three friends to hit up old navy to try out their bottoms and shoes to get ready for the awesome weather coming up. so, i picked a few friends and we all met up at old navy to do some kid-free shopping and just have a good time! we all picked out the bottoms of our choice. i even tried on a pair of pink skinny jeans. let's just say i didn't leave with them, haha! and we had lots of fun picking out shoes. we tried on flats and sandals. they also have an awesome stock of cute wedges. we all found something we love and had a great time! but hey old navy, stock more bigger sizes in your shoes! two of us needed a 10 and we just happened to stumble upon one in each style we wanted. thanks to pregnancy, my feet are no longer small.


i ended up with a favorite staple jean i used to wear after l-bug was born. the size i grabbed doens't quite fit and the next size up is way to big so, now they are hanging in my bathroom for getting-fit motivation. and i picked out some super cute brown sandals. they may give me funky tan-lines but they sure do make my feet happy!



want to have your own chance at amazing freebies like this? join crowdtap!


*disclaimer: i received these free products for a review. all opinions are 100% mine. no compensation was given to me other than an awesome hour out with friends and great freebies!
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April 12, 2012

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we went to the beach this past weekend. our guy had a birthday and we wanted to celebrate him. but this girl stole the show. and our hearts.

linking up with mrsstephaniet.

Mrs Stephanie T
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April 10, 2012

                                                                                            Source: via kristy on Pinterest

every morning, i wake up to face a new challenge. be it big or small, it's a test of my patience. of my sanity. of how fun a mom i'll be that day.

lia is sassy. she's a girl. and we all know how we can be, right? she wants what she wants when she wants it. she loses her little temper at the snap of a finger. she can go from a sweet angel to oh my god, there has to be something wrong with my kid in a second. she's your normal two year old.

now, i'll give her credit. she's good at pushing my buttons so i really should just change them often. maybe i should start yoga to keep my inner peace.

today's challenge include endless whining, juice spilled all over the freshly laundered sheets, dog puke right under my feet as i ate lunch, screams over applesauce because it came from a jar and not a pouch and anger because really i should not have been taking a shower this morning instead of laying in bed watching cartoons.

it's all good.

we went to story time earlier. and my heart soared as i watched my shy, quiet little girl join along in dancing and hand games. she clapped her hands like an alligators chomp and she shook her musical toy up and down and in circles and she's got the moves to skinamarinky dinky dink down.

and then she insisted on sitting in the main section of the library. but someone had the wiggles and didn't really want to sit still. so, she ended up bumping her head and i ended up knocking over several cases of brochures. then she almost knocked down an easel. 

so we got out of the library as fast as we could. and her little legs made her fall down in the parking lot.

everything comes full circle. motherhood is amazing. it's beautiful and rewarding and fun and the very best thing i've ever done. and then there's all the bad stuff. and no matter how frustrated i get or how many times i look up at the ceiling and wonder what i'm doing wrong or how many days naptime can't come fast's all good.

seriously. i love being a mom. it's the best thing i've ever been called.
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April 9, 2012

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oh man. some days i have lots to blog and as i sit here, i just don't have the energy to get the words out. ever felt like that?

we spent the morning at a fun playdate and i got to meet some new mamas. then we stopped by the library and headed home for lunch. i finally got l-bug down for a nap in her room after promising to take her outside to play in the water later. 

and here i am. happy that it's been a good day with minimal tantrums. but i'm telling the dog to stop whining every other minute because he wants to go outside where he can escape under the fence and terrorize the neighborhood. and i'm feeling tired from our busy weekend and the words just aren't coming.

so i'll leave you with a quick recap (and lots of pictures!) of m's birthday and easter. 


we celebrated hard this weekend. 

there was a trip to the beach complete with a picnic and bike ride. we tried to fly a kite. we grilled out a few times and ate tacos on the patio. we played with l's water table. there were lots of plastic eggs, colorful eggs and treats. l-bug got some new outdoor toys (bubbles, chalk, etc). we had a birthday cookie cake. we played a board game and soaked up every minute of the weekend together. 

it was busy. it was fun. it was exactly how weekends should be.

now we're gearing up for another normal week around here. 
happy monday.
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