May 3, 2012

lia alexyss.


 our girl is sweet. she has big brown eyes that twinkle. long eyelashes that adorably smush up against her glasses. a small button nose with a battle scar from birth. hair that is the perfect blend between mine and his.

she's creative and smart. she's happy. she loves to run, hop & gallop. anything but actually walking. her vocabulary has just blown me away lately. she loves bubbles, balloons and yo gabba gabba. she surprises me every time she picks up a new puzzle and masters it. she is who she is. and she knows what she wants.

but she has a temper. a temper that is the perfect blend between mine and his. the more she becomes a kid, the more the temper grows. she doesn't take 'no' very well. she kicks things, throws things or runs into doors & walls the minute she gets upset or hurt. sometimes she throws herself into the floor and screams. a lot of times she'll ignore us and try to do what she wants anyways. 

she's fierce.

most days, i try to remain calm. i try to be firm but nice. i stick to my grounds when she disobeys or acts nasty. but it's been rough for me this week. i've struggled a lot. i find myself raising my voice or looking at her during an epic tantrum and having absolutely no clue what to do.

as i've gotten older and more settled in life and marriage, i find my temper and personality changing. i am becoming who i want to be. i am working hard at it. and motherhood is something i have to work hard at right now. 

i guess i wish i knew all the answers. what to do better or different. when this stage ends. mothering a toddler is indescribable. there is just so much good and so much not-so-good.

tonight i am taking a much needed break and getting out of the house. i'm going shopping alone. i'll be able to check out the sale racks without a little person grabbing everything and asking for agua, cereal, to draw, her book, walk, ball and being totally whiney. and i will do it all with a large dr pepper in my hand.


  1. Sweetie we all have our moments! No one is a perfect parent, promise.
    Lia is a lucky girl cause she's got an awesome momma! Take that break and
    enjoy it tonight... We all need one sometimes! :)

  2. Yayyy! Glad you get a momma night! Enjoy sweet girl

    1. thanks girl!! its hard to find the time to get a mama night but SO worth it when i do :)

  3. Te voy a escribir esto en español porque no se como explicarlo en ingles. Cada padre tiene su forma de criar a sus hijos, y nadie es quien para quejarse o criticarlo.
    Yo estoy en la universidad, estudiando 8vo semestre de psicologia y resulta que muchos de esos libros de autoayuda donde te dicen como criar a tus hijos estan totalmente equivocados. Debes elegir la forma que mejor te funcione y que no vaya a dañar a tu hija.
    Siendo de estas latitudes, nuestra forma de criar puede parecer brusca, dura o cavernicola para algunas personas. Pero pienso, creo y he visto los resultados de que una nalgada a tiempo evita muchos malos momentos. Mi hija solia tirarse en el piso a llorar cuando no hacia lo que ella queria, siendo firme no es suficiente. Asi que le di una nalgada sobre el pañal, sono duro pero no le dolio y con eso fue suficiente.
    He visto niños de 8 años gritando y llorando como bebes y es verdaderamente vergonzoso, yo no lo permitiria.

    In other topics, it's normal to feel like your loosing it. I'll tell you a secret, when the day reaches 8pm I'm wishing my baby would go to sleep because I feel like I honestly can't take it anymore. So, no. Nobody is perfect ;)


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