July 31, 2012

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taking an idea from our summer bucket list and enjoying the only day last week where we had M with us all day, we took a little road trip on saturday to the children's museum in charleston.

and of course, i can't resist walking around downtown, anywhere. any little taste of city life, anything that reminds me of new york is something i grab and run with.

we had lots of fun. exhausting, hot fun, but fun. we've learned to soak in moments like these since they are pretty rare lately. and despite typical tantrums, lia has hit this age where it's just incredible to watch her take on the world. she's a blast.
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July 27, 2012

these days lia surprises me all.the.time with the things she says. a few days ago after i asked if she wanted to get dressed, she replied with "i busy". oh, okay. and yesterday she walked up to me and said "happy birthday".

i forget how much she really listens and pay attention to her surroundings. she's always talking about the ice cream truck. birds in the blue sky. and she's always singing along to her favorite songs on Yo Gabba Gabba and now asking to watch new shows like Dino Dan & Umi Zoomi.

she just keeps growing and changing. does it ever slow down!?

well tonight, she thew me a new one. i mentioned it was almost time for bed but we could snuggle in mommy's bed & watch some tv. she asked to sleep in mama's bed. hmm. now i am all for sleeping close to l, but she is a bed-hog and noone but her sleeps well. so we tend to keep her in her own bed. when i told her no, her little face crumpled up and she got SO upset. then she asked to sleep in her playpen. she actually learned to say playpen. and we keep it set up in our room because she wakes up a lot during the night. i said no to that too. i know, i know - mean mama. she was SO SO hurt. and then she just had to make me feel even worse. she asked to sleep on the sofa and said she'd be quiet for me.

oh kid. it broke my heart tonight but i promise i have a good reason when i put you to bed in your own room. i even promised her a sleepover in my room tomorrow night. but it didn't stop her little face from being so sad & upset.

anyways, i got a video of her asking to sleep on the sofa. my heart swells every time i hear her learn new words and put sentences together.

ps. she is asleep in her own bed & gave me no problems!!
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featured sponsor | meet natalie!

July 26, 2012

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Hi! I’m Natalie, wife to The Mister, and super mom extraordinaire to E (and dog).  The Mister and I were both born and raised in southern NJ.  We go down the shore and not to the beach.  That’s a very important piece of information!

Oddly enough we have lived about 10 miles apart our entire lives and never met until our last year of college {The Mister’s last undergrad class to be exact}.  Actually that isn’t true, we have pin pointed a handful of times that we were both in the same place at the same time, but never realized until much later on in life.  We both have undergraduate degrees in physics, and The Mister has a super awesome Master’s degree as well.  I like to tell him he’s adorkable.

 I am a former analytical chemist; current corporate America pencil pusher, and certified domestic failure.  The Mister would make a fabulous house wife; I on the other hand would not.  So it’s probably best that I remain tucked away in corporate America for now.  Cleaning and organize are not my fortes, but I’m a wiz with a mixer and some frosting.

I am a lover of shoes, wine, bacon, and shiny objects.  In my free time which is rare and fleeting these days I LOVE to take pictures of everything.  If you look around a little you will see an intense amount of photographs of my daughter.  I take so many pictures of her that she now looks when she hears my lens focusing.  It’s a small addiction, but in the end I’m OK with that.  All in all I enjoy bloggingpinning, cheese, wine, and shoes.  I can be found blogging most about everyday life, and very little is off limits {you have been warned}.

The Mister and I met in a class called Statistical Mechanics way back in January of 2005.  I decided that he was pretty to look at and that he would be mine.  Obviously I was successful.  We became engaged in April 2007 and were married on June 6th, 2008.  In August 2010 we found out that we would start on another new adventure together when we found out I was pregnant with E.  She was born into our lives in April 1st, 2011.  We will never be the same.  This is also about the time that I lost all of my dignity.

 I am a cloth diaperingbaby food making, please stop eating the table sort of mom.  I have no parenting style except to just wing it on the best and worst of days.  Both The Mister and I are doing our best to be the greatest parents to E.  We’ve had our ups and downs, but all in all I think everyone will be OK.

We also have the most amazing and beloved little dog EVER; Oscar.  He is our first baby and terribly spoiled.  Almost two months after his fifth birthday we found out that he has a liver issue.  We are hoping that through a diet change and medication we can still expect to have 5+ more good years with him.  He is more then a pet in our household and is an important member of our family.

Sadly on February 18th, 2012 we said good-bye to Oscar.  He took a turn for the worst and we knew it was for the best.  We will one day get another dog for E, but for now we are just missing our little furry monster.

 I hope you come and visit, check out some posts, and enjoy a glass of wine with us!
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July 24, 2012

last week, a coworker of m's met up with us on parris island and took some photos of our family. it wasn't my first location preference and it ended up being really windy. but we still got some good family photos out of it. i can't wait to hang them up in our new house!

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July 23, 2012

this past weekend was full of summer, sunshine and family. we finally got a few days of great weather. meaning super hot, but no thunder storms. it's odd here. when we moved in october, it almost never rained. but once summer hit, there's clouds or a storm almost every day. 

so we hit up the beach, a baseball game, the pool. had a big breakfast at cracker barrel and roasted hot dogs & marshmallows. and we squeezed in some quiet time under the stars while m and his sister played with sparklers.

lots of fun summer moments. and we crossed off quite a few things from our summer list. lia is at such a good age. she really enjoys getting out and doing fun things with us. we just dodge tantrums the best we can!
PicMonkey Collagesummer1

and today has been filled with splashing in the pool and some grocery shopping. tonight we're heading out for bedtime stories at panera bread (a fun, free program through the library) and movie night under the stars at a local park!

happy monday!
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July 20, 2012

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lately, it has been jam-packed. lately, it's been a bit crazy. lately, the days seem to swirl together as july slips through my fingers like sand.

we jumped into the swing of summer and as the days get longer & hotter, i rack my brain for things to do. mornings aren't L's strong suit these days. some mornings are like a battlefield and the tantrums and tears get thrown at me until the evening. 

we've spent lots of time with family lately. my sister-in-law is staying with us. my nephew spent a week with us and we got to spend a day with my sister when she came to pick him up. 

we're crossing things off our summer to-do list. i even wrote it on the chalkboard so it could become more of a family affair.

our new house is coming along! all the permits came in and we've signed more papers. the frame of the floor is up and plumbing & the foundation should go in within 2 weeks. it's still a bit surreal but we are SO excited for this new chapter in our lives. it's inspiring me to dream and create.

we had family pictures taken a few nights ago. our original plan fell through but i am hoping we got some good shots in. it's been about a year since our last photos and l-bug is so different now.

other than all that, our month has been full of yummy food, trips to the library, mini-date with my nephew for ice cream & a trip to the comic book shop. learning to fishtail braid and lots of manicures. movie night in the park & l's first movie in theaters (we saw dophin tale!). and we tossed in a little thrifting at yard sales and a trip to krispy kreme for good measure.

july has been a whirlwind so far.

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July 13, 2012


just some things that can be heard around here lately.

my turn, my turn, my turn. about everything.

i explained to her that daddy was away at work for a week. so when i asked her where he was, she'd say papi work. then we video chatted a few times. i asked her again, where's papi? she says, papi in phone.

if we drop food on the ground outside, she'll start yelling birds eat.

if she's somewhere she doesn't want to be, she points around and says back home, back home.

i lub. and sometimes she'll say you. mostly just, i lub. and only after i tell her i love you and she has a giggle fest about it.

help me! whenever she wants to help me.

she now calls my mom gan-dma in the cutest voice ever. as opposed to months of calling her mom.

and everything is silly or funny these days.

ha ha. she deliberately laughs. funniest thing. ever.

go away.  while shaking her hands and head. it's funny, but not funny.

she now says pease and tank you. sometimes.
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my little swimmer.

July 12, 2012

l-bug is officially a swimmer. my girl can kick those little legs and paddle her arms with all her might. she wears a swim vest that goes around her arms and chest and when i took her to a pool playdate a few weeks ago, i knew she was showing signs of swimming. but that was in the 1 ft section of a zero entry pool.

sunday afternoon we all headed to the pool by our house. it's a regular pool. and as usual, we carried L into the water. until she said "my turn, my turn". uh? and then, M let go of her. and just like that, she was laughing & splashing. which turned into asking to jump on the pool steps. and my jump, she at in the water on the steps and just walked off of them. but the look on her face? guys, she was SO proud of herself. i was so proud too. part of me couldn't believe it & hoped she was shrink back down to being my little baby. and the other, much bigger part wanted to shout to the world that my girl is growing into the most amazing little girl. 

i went straight home and looked into swim lessons. the local place is completely booked throughout summer. and the closest YMCA, 45 minutes away, offers mommy & me classes for her age but i feel like she's too advanced for that. she's already 2 1/2 and clearly doesn't need introduction to the water. i think we're gonna wait until next summer, she'll be 3 1/2, and she can take the classes where she's in the water with the instructor, getting one-on-one lessons.



but guys, she's a swimmer!!

Mrs Stephanie T
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thirty one giveaway!!

July 11, 2012

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i'm hosting a very fun giveaway over here today. 

to help get my thirtyone business adventure off the ground, reach new customers and meet some awesome new friends, i'm giving away a thermal tote in awesome blossom.


be sure to enter & good luck!
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a little late, but better than never

                                                                     Source: crushculdesac.tumblr.com via kristy on Pinterest

looking forward to...

fourth of july fireworks
visiting my family
my sis-in-law & nephew staying with us
lazy, beach days
sun tanned skin & summer clothes
another weekend afternoon in savannah
painting our nails bright, fun colors
another month to take my thirty-one business further
crossing off items from our summer bucket list
getting new family pictures taken
playdates with new friends
hanging out by the pool
movies under the stars
discovering more things about our new town

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