December 31, 2013


2013 was good for us. It was full of cheer and madness and it worked. Here's what went down...


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+ We were SO good about taking mornings walks. And, I think I miss that.
+ I started the 52 project.
+ I tried out a spinning class and found out that while it's extremely hard, I didn't hate it.
+ Spent some time on our favorite streets of Savannah.
+ And spent our afternoons at the local farmers market.


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+ Thrift shore shopping.
+ We ventured out to Pinckney Island.
+ We painted L's room pink.
+ Potty-training officially started!
+ Valentine's Day was celebrated.
+ And we picked daffodils. It's becoming a favorite thing to do.


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+ Enjoyed quiet mornings on the front porch and dreamed of lazy, Spring afternoons.


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+ We celebrated Easter.
+ We bought a robot vacuum and it's pretty much the best.
+ We celebrated M's birthday at the zoo.
+ We kept on keeping on with potty training.
+ Some serious re-landscaping happened in the front yard.
+ The blog got a new look and "the everyday" was born!
+ Our girl spent some solo time at grandma's house.


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+ Laughed out loud at this!
+ Celebrated the end of another college semester for M.
+ Crafted up some fabric hoops.
+ Read this book.
+ Celebrated Mother's Day at the beach.
+ Ate the best BBQ.
+ Heard a lot of knock-knock jokes.
+ And celebrated our sixth anniversary.


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+ Started this book series and LOVED them.
+ L modeled some pretty awesome headbands.
+ Celebrated Father's Day.
+ Found sand dollars and baby crabs along the beach.


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+ Washed our cars and one tricycle.
+ Enjoyed some $1 movies at our local theater.
+ Went on a rare girl's night out.
+ Took a mini roadtrip to North Carolina.
+ Had my nephew as a houseguest!
+ We signed our girl up for preschool.
+ And spent many mornings at the pool.


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+ Did summer things like grill corn and play outdoor games.
+ We bought L her first pair of ballet shoes!
+ I took a break from blogging to keep things in perspective.
+ We celebrated my birthday!
+ L started ballet.


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+ M made me a weekender bag since I was coveting a fancy one.
+ Toby the Dachshund ruined one of my favorite shirts.
+ L got sick with her first ear infection.
+ My little sister came to visit!
+ I got sick. And it took a lot of doctor visits and time for things to get better.
+ Toby turned six!
+ We spent another weekend in North Carolina. My brother got married!
+ And we became fans of this show.


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+ Spent a lot of time packing and unpacking. 
+ Laughed out loud at this!
+ Decorated for Halloween in a fun, simple way.
+ Celebrated Halloween!
+ Spent an afternoon at a local Oktoberfest.
+ Tried out this bakery. It's the best.
+ L learned the pledge of allegiance!
+ We went to New York again.
+ We did Fall things like bake apple pies and wear sweaters.
+ And we did local things like eat BBQ and go to an art festival.


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+ My mom was in town.
+ M was out of town.
+ Painted a chalkboard wall.
+ I had a me date and went to the movies.
+ L got another ear infection.
+ And we celebrated Thanksgiving in North Carolina.


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+ Hung twinkly lights in our bedroom.
+ Had some Christmas fun with our elf, Pipsi.
+ Watched a movie under the stars.
+  Chopped down our Christmas tree.
+ Tried a new pizza place.
+ Painted stripes in our dining room.
+ Took some family photos on our own.
+ L was in her first ballet recital!
+ Went to a Christmas parade.
+ We celebrated Christmas.

2014, let's do this.

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself. - Neil Gaiman


  1. what a treasure is this little recap.
    looks like you had a wonderful year :)
    all the best in 2014!

    1. This year recap is one my of favorite posts to write up! And looking back, I get to remember all the good we really did have. It's so easy to forget the good for anything bad that's come along.

      I hope your 2014 is off to a good start,xo!


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