Anyone else really excited the weekend is here? We had a big week!
We dealt with some not so pretty house issues but we're working on scheduling the last of our warranty appointments which means pretty soon, we can paint our walls and do whatever we'd like!
The dog decided he'd just randomly start chewing carpet while we're out of the house. Then he chewed up my favorite baskets. Then he pulled some Houdini moves and escaped from his locked dog house a few times. That dog...
But in other non-chewing related news, L had her four year well visit yesterday. I'm still shocked at how she handled the appointment. She was brave and patient and she really showed us how much she's grown in the past year. She's a very healthy little girl. She's a little short, but she's perfect. And, we finally got out of the house for some fun and she was reunited with one of her best friends.
We signed her up for soccer yesterday and we got a sneak peak of her Spring recital costume and she'll be playing a part in the dance of the Queen's Rose Garden from Alice in Wonderland. And we're signing her up for Pre-K soon. The only way I forget that time flies is by keeping us busy!
Also, Target, for the win this week. I snagged some black and white napkins for our
new napkin holder that brightens up the breakfast nook and this perfectly striped calendar. I'm planning to use it for keeping up with blog things. It was blank for a few days and there's just something inviting about a empty calendar, no? Also, I may be addicted to stripes...
And, oh, the weather. The sun came out and it's been in the 70s for a few days. We've been sleeping with the windows open and waking up to birds chirping. And every morning, L asks me "did Spring come yet, mama?" She's excited to fix up her little garden and plant some things. I thought I missed Winter, and while I sort of do, days like yesterday remind me why we were happy to move back to the South.
I'm ready for a productive weekend. My back is out of sorts again and the effects of a muscle-relaxer taken last night are making me feel like my head is in the clouds. So, here's to a good Friday where I can maybe get some work done. Happy weekending, xo!
PS. If you put your four-year old in a maxi dress, be prepared for her to age another four years in an instant. Why do our babes grow so fast?!