April 30, 2015

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There's so many smart and funny and good things on the Internet. Here's just a few!

I fell in love with this edition of the Living With Kids series on Design Mom.

This post made me want to honestly put the idea of a wardrobe capsule to life.

Our small town has plenty of charm but lacks some major culture so I'll file these tips to enjoy museums with kids for later!

The prettiest weeds.

This cinco de mayo cake looks amazing.

A great Mickey tee for our Disney trip.

The perfect shirt for Nicolas.

A Full House spin-off?

Girl power!

An interview with Patrick Demspey.

I'm excited for this book to come in the mail.

And that wraps up April, xo!
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April 29, 2015

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Reading... The Good Father.

Counting down... the days until our trip to Disney!
Finding joy... in the cooler weather we're having lately.
Watching... reruns of Gilmore Girls.

Eating... all the fresh strawberries.

Excited for... the new hammock that came in the mail today!

Working on... a cleaning schedule. It sounds boring but I need to manage time better in that area...
Listening to... this. And that video makes it 1,000 times better.

Deciding... on new glasses. This pair is top on my list.

Pretending to be... a character from one of L's favorite TV shows. The imagination this girl has on her.

Planning... a costume for L to take part in a local favorite book character parade!

Please feel free to link up any of your "currently" posts in the comments, xo!
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April 28, 2015

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Lia: helping dad do the yard work really means catching a ride around the yard!

Nicolas: this little guy is busy losing his hair. why?? :(
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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April 27, 2015

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We've settled into a new Monday routine. We get up and stretch and eat a little breakfast before we head downtown for story time and an afternoon at the park. And after we've had fun and L has ran off some energy, we always visit the little free library to see what books are in this week then we head home for lunch and naps.

Mondays are long around here and getting out helps us start the day off in a good way. And this Monday has been no different.

There was a little more emotion today over a canceled play date and not having time to play with someone's toy dump truck at the park. The little free library was stocked full of children books so we came home with two and made plans to add some next week. No one else showed up for story time so L got the beloved Ms. Wendy all to herself. It was seriously 40 minutes of L being in book store heaven! And the kids came home from Target with the coolest shark pillow while I went a little crazy picking the right sunscreen...

Now dinner is in the crock pot, L is already crying over not wanting to eat it, I'm forcing my eyes to stay open while N naps and I think about crossing something off the to-do list.

Again, I'm repeating...this is our season...
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April 24, 2015

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Our sweet girl is back and she's been busy running around the house and taking care of her teeny tiny plants. Those grass kits grow amazingly well for this black-thumb household!

This week was a little rough getting back in the swing of things after a week off from everything. Nico has been practicing his screaming this week which is really unusual for him and I don't know if his drool is a sign of teething or if he just needed a little extra love and food this week.

I stocked up on some children's books at the library last week so we'd have a new stockpile for bedtime this week. Lia has fallen in love with this one and this one. It's the whole interactive thing that pulls her in. I've been reading stacks of books too. This one had so many good things in it, it's like my brain couldn't take it all in at once so I ordered a copy to dig into in smaller chunks.

And somehow, April is almost over. I feel like we're on the verge of things changing. Lia graduates from pre-k in a month. M is working towards his bachelor degree and he's a few weeks from this semester ending. Then we have a summer chock full of things to do and places to go.

I think I'll enjoy the slower pace days while I have them. Here's to the weekend! M is off on today so we have a family lunch planned and then I get to sneak away for book club which is always more mama talk than book talk but it lets me go home feeling lighter with a little more sanity!

Enjoy yours!
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April 22, 2015

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 Three months...

Has me obsessed with babywearing.
Is a wiggle worm and likes to scoot backwards when he's on his back.
Million dollar smile, guys.
Holding things tight is his comfort jam. Security blankets, a toy, a chunk of mama's hair...
And the way he holds my chest balled up in his fist when we snuggle. I'm a puddle.
Has a bad habit of scratching up his face many nights.
Says good morning with that grin of his.
Wears 0-3 clothing and size 1 diapers, still.
Weighs between 10 and 11 lbs!
Is laughing these days.
Especially when getting dressed.
Obsessed with his daddy.
Always sucking on his fingers.
Babbles. Alot.
Was sleeping through the night for awhile. And then he wasn't.
But the swaddling is still going strong.
Not a fan of tummy time anymore. But likes hanging out under his play gym.
Is squishy and happy and smells like milk.

He's pretty much the best. 

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April 20, 2015

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So, apparently we dig selfies?
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April 19, 2015

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Lia: spent the week in North Carolina with her grandparents. I used one of the photos my sister sent me. I'm pretty sure that big smile was on her face every single day!
Nicolas: he's got this smile. And it's not just any smile. It's a million dollar smile. I don't even have to work hard to get one either. I can literally say "hey" and he greets me back with that smile. I know making him happy won't always be as easy as this so for today, for now, I relish in the ease and comfort of that million dollar smile.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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April 17, 2015

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It's been such a quiet week with our girl at her grandparents house. Turns out that five year olds can really fill up a house with noise and chatter. Babies - not so much.

There was lots of Netflix and organizing photos on the computer. I'm now impatiently waiting for season three of Orange Is the New Black. Doing a puzzle with my guy! It sounds like such a retro hobby but as it turns out, doing puzzles is one of the only things that turns my brain off at night. In a perfect world, we'd always have time to sit at the table and do a puzzle together but honestly, most nights that we aren't doing house stuff or tucking the kids into bed late we just crash in front of the TV.

We painted the bathroom black! It's bold. And a little dark in there. It's done for now until we figure out when and how to put up subway tile. You have to love Pinterest inspiration. 

And I managed to get the house clean and the laundry mountain tackled.

I'm excited for the weekend though. We're spending the day in Charleston before we get our girl back. I've walked past her room countless times this week between cleaning up and putting away laundry and getting Nico down for naps. It's never this clean or quiet in there and it just feels weird.  We can't wait to get her back home tomorrow!

Enjoy your weekend, friends!
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April 16, 2015

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April 14, 2015

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April 12, 2015

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Lia: her excited face, lately.
Nicolas: always with his hands in his mouth. It's his comfort thing and it's really adorable.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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April 9, 2015

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Around here our days are a blur of babywearing, cleaning up messes and playing together.

Around here we've been celebrating lots!

Around here we're planning a trip to Disney World! I can't stop looking for new blogs or websites with lots of tips to jot down.

Around here we're venturing out more - to the park, storytime, the farmers market and grocery store. Anything to break up our long days.

Around here Lia is learning to crack eggs and is always around to lend a hand with mixing things up!

Around here are baby giggles and jokes from a 5 year old.

Around here there is a mama who's trying to write everything down to stay organized and has figured out that working on a large puzzle helps me unwind and turn my brain off.

Around here everyone is happy and tired and normal yet slightly crazy and we're all well.

PS. This post was basically a brain and photo dump while I work out a post schedule so thanks for sticking around!
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