June 30, 2015

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There's so many smart and funny and good things on the Internet. Here's just a few!

The color green sparks creativity. Here's to our newly painted emerald bedroom!

You can undo sent emails now!

Just ordered these sheets. I'm hoping they are a winner!

And, Inside Out got huge thumbs up from my little crowd!

Enjoy, xo!

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June 29, 2015

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I'm really late with this post. And when I finally got things together, he kept rolling out of the shoot. The life of a babe on the move! But, here we go anyways...

Five months...

Weighs 15 lbs.
Has cheeks for days.
And, a dreamy smile that makes me weak at the knees.
Eats 6 ounces every few hours.
Likes bananas, pears and sometimes avocados. Does not like organic sweet peas.
Is a happy, calm baby.
Still loves to be worn! 
Rolls over. And over, and over, and over...
Loves his jumperoo.
Size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes.
Is a fan of his stuffed taxi, Sophie the giraffe and squishy balls he can grasp in his hands.
Still flails around in the bath tub.
Still a big fan of being outside in the big, bright world.
Loves to stand up (with help, of course!).
Has all the heart eyes in the world for his big sister.
Big belly laughs!
Naps in his crib again.
Gave us a few weird days where fevers, viruses, screaming and not eating were involved.
And, drooly, open-mouthed mouth kisses are pretty popular.

He steals my heart every minute of every day. I swear, we're all obsessed! 

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June 28, 2015

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Lia: taking a warm bath in mama's tub brings a tiny bit of magic to a morning run by a stomach virus.

Nicolas: this jumperoo brings all kinds of magic to his day.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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June 27, 2015

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Watching... The Good Wife. M and I have been catching up on episodes on the sofa every night after the kids are tucked in bed. I have mixed emotions about this season but I'm still pretty excited for new episodes this Fall.

Spending lots of time... in the pediatrician's office. Sick visits, well visits, shot visits. And a few phone calls for good measure. 

Pinning... this marinade (for a great grilled chicken breast) and this emerald wall.

Dreaming... of writing a children's book.

Missing... our girl while she spends part of her summer at her grandparents.

But, taking advantage of the extra time by... cleaning. Summer has not been kind to our house. The messier our house, the messier my mind.

Reading... MWF Seeking BFF.

Working through... a hard parenting week.

Loving... the sunshine.

Not so crazy... about the heat!

Excited for... this ring sling to ship.

Feeling... happily exhausted.

Please feel free to link up any of your "currently" posts in the comments, xo!
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June 26, 2015

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I spent yesterday thinking it was Friday and tried to make plans to see a baseball game tonight completely forgetting about book club. It's been one of those 'can't get my head together' weeks.

But, today is Friday and things are getting done and there's a weekend of potential just waiting for us.

Lia has been in North Carolina with her grandparents since Tuesday. Poor girl has a bit of a stomach virus hanging out with her but she really didn't want to miss her week with them. We let her go and part of me knows she's making summer memories that will last forever and the other part just wants my sweet girl back home in my arms. We face-time at least once a day and she tells me what she's been eating and asks about her brother a million times and tells me how she built a tent out of chairs and blankets and it crumpled down on her.

Meanwhile, it's been Nico and me around the house. I forgot what its like to have only a baby around. We snuggle on the sofa and play with toys and walk around looking out of the windows and I tell him that beautiful, magical world is all his. And when he naps, I unload the dishwasher and clean things.

We spent a lot of time in the pediatrician's office this week. My guy brought me flowers. The sofa covers got a good cleaning. I cooked dinner a few times. Read a book or two and binged on Netflix. There was a post-office run and we strolled through Target.

And now, one very short morning nap is over and I'm off to mother a very adorable boy.

Happy weekend, xo!
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June 25, 2015

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I used to make these summer lists every year. I think I stopped a few years ago but having a wall-sized chalkboard and a five year old pretty much means these lists are back!

Lia added a few ideas for the first time. I think 'go to the zoo' and 'splash in the pool' are hers! Mostly, it's easy and (somewhat) inexpensive things to fill up our summer. Disney was like the kick-off of all summer kick-offs and it's hard to not feel like summer started and ended there. Still, it's L's last summer before she's officially in school all day so it needs to be epic.

So, here's to warm nights and family and love!
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June 23, 2015

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We got ourselves a great guy! He's always there to listen, lend a hand with the dishes, get up with a babe when it's not his night, encourage me to act on my dreams, plays barbies and trains with Lia and is always up to take the kids on a walk when they just need to get out of the house.

He slept in Sunday while I scooped up the babies and made breakfast. Lia hand-painted wrapping paper and the kids gave him a copy of this book. We're all fans of Jimmy Fallon! M chose to take the kids to see Inside Out and we spent the rest of the day hanging out in the pool and grabbing dinner at a local mexican restaurant. Lia helped me bake an upside pineapple cake after dinner. She liked cracking the eggs but thought the cake didn't taste so great. Ha!

He's pretty amazing and we thank our lucky stars for him every day.

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June 22, 2015

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Summer is here! It's getting really hot out and most days the idea of spending a few hours outside seems unbearable. I try to keep the kids happy and cool with air conditioning and Popsicles for the big one but they get a little stir-crazy when it's summer and they are stuck inside.

So, I looked through my pinterest board, saw this and was inspired to create one!

You'll need :
A box or a tray. We had one leftover from some Melissa and Doug play food.
Beans or rice. I picked up a cheap bag of lentils.
And some small toys.

Just fill your box with beans, add a few toys and let your kids have fun!

L loves the dinosaur box. I picked up a bag of the dinos & trees for a dollar at Target. The trucks are great for scooping and dumping when you can't get to the park. And, possibly my favorite - a word game! We used tiles from this game to hide letters from a list of words that we can find.

I think we'll store our beans in a ziploc bag and pull the tray out on those days we need a little something extra!

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June 20, 2015

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Lia: she gets herself dressed most days now and when she ran into my room, all dressed by herself, all I could say was she looked perfect. because, she did. but she should stop growing so fast!
Nicolas: smiling big after he finally broke his streak of 24 hours of high fevers.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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June 19, 2015

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It's Friday and I think that calls for a few extra smiles! We've been cooped up inside the house every single day this week. It's just been too hot to take the kids to the park or even the backyard. And as charming as our town is, there's not really a good choice for a public outdoor pool. Womp, womp....

I think we're all itching to get out and do something fun. Which means, Father's Day needs to be great! In the meantime, I'm looking for fun indoor things that help break up our day. We did escape to the movies on Tuesday. Popcorn and air conditiong, for the win. It was Nico's first movie and the boy rocked it.

He also rocked his 4 month well-visit, only he wasn't so well. He's been running a high fever for about 24 hours from a viral throat infection. It finally broke this morning and he's been acting more like himself. We even got a few belly laughs out of him.

Other favorites from the week:
Milkshakes and watching The Astronaut Wives Club with my guy.
Organizing art supplies and seeing the artwork that comes from a little girl having more access to it.
A little shopping. Gap has some of the best rompers for babes.
And, watching a movie after dinner with my girl!

Here's to a great weekend and a Happy Father's Day to all of the guys!
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June 18, 2015

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Oh, Animal Kingdom. You were HOT. And it made us extra tired and cranky. And maybe Nicolas managed to pee on M. And maybe, we ended up having to buy a $30 "souvenir tee".

So, maybe just maybe, this wasn't our best day. But, it was still great! The kids met Mickey and Minnie together. Hung out with Goofy and Pluto in Dinoland. And, had lunch with Donald and Daisy!

I sent M off to get on a ride while I hung out with the kids and shared the best strawberry popsicle with Lia. We played a carnival game, bought the kids mickey ears and filled up L's autograph book! We caught the Finding Nemo and Lion King shows. Finding Nemo, hands down, my favorite part of the day!

We rode the safari and bumped into Tarzan, shared a Dole Whip. Watched some fun, bright birds fly around and met some of the Up characters.

And then, around 4:30, it was all too much and we ditched the park for a cool swim in the pool and Cars 2 with some popcorn and snuggles.

Those poolside nights get all the heart eyes.

And, those kids. All the poolside heart eyes and MORE. They were so good. Nico let us know when he was hungry and then chilled out the entire rest of the time. He fell asleep poolside. Didn't blink when characters in huge costumes came around. Shared the stroller with his sister and pretty much rocked it. Lia did amazing with the long days and late bedtimes. We gave her basically no "food rules" except to stay hydrated with water and tried to focus on just having fun.

I think it worked! Now, when can we go back?
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