July 31, 2015

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Our plans to go see a baseball game tonight are rained on, so I think we'll be hunkering down at home tonight.

We had a good week. L was so excited to see packages full of school things come in the mail for her. We played with friends. Went to the beach and had milkshakes. I was accepted to a local college (!). There were mornings filled with donuts and movies at home. And bowling and family time.

Here's to the weekend.
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July 30, 2015

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There's so many smart and funny and good things on the Internet. Here's just a few!

This hastag. That frog!

Judy Blume wrote a new book!

There's a new converse sneaker hitting the markets.

Chalkboard coasters.

I am kind of loving this teeny apartment.

Made me laugh out loud.

A beach museum!

We rarely make it to the movies so I'll be excited when this one hits the rental box.

And, this post about dishes had me thinking. It was a good, super quick read.

Just a few links for you!

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July 29, 2015

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July 28, 2015

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Back in May, we took Lia to a birthday party on a farm. I honestly wasn't sure how she'd do around the animals but she got a kick out of feeding the deer and riding the ponies!

There were all kinds of horses, including a large Clydesdale along with chickens, deer, cows and a very aggressive goat. He may have taken a bite from our food cups and tried chewing M's shirt.

It was a fun little family outing!
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Or when in New York, you should hit the ground running.

FAO Schwarz closed their doors the night we flew into town. I couldn't bear the thought of not having one more walk inside the store. We've taken Lia since I was pregnant with her. It's always on our list of things to do. 

Honestly, it was bittersweet. The store was empty and half closed so we snapped a picture with the inconic soldiers, said our goodbyes and crossed the street to Central Park where Lia talked her aunts into joining her super fast girls super hero trio. Or, something like that.

Sometimes, our best plans are when we literally have nowhere to go and we just pick a direction and start walking.

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July 27, 2015

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Six months...

Pretty much spends all day smiling.
Loves when his sister reads stories to him in the morning.
Wears 3-6 months and a few 6-12 things.
Size 2 diaper.
Becoming more of a fan of eating every day. He's a fan of all the orange foods (peaches, squash, sweet potatoes).
Is so close to sitting up on his own.
Wants to move, move, move all the time.
Has chunky thighs that I love, love, LOVE.
Naps good, eats good, lives good.
Finally clearing up the cradle cap.
Has a little excema that flairs up now and then.
Hammed it up in New York meeting all kinds of new people.
And, loved his first swing ride!
Rolls over and over and over.
Everything goes straight to his mouth these days.
Is outgrowing his sleepsack.
Mostly a side sleeper now.
And, I caught him sleeping on his stomach, curled up with his stuffed frog early this morning and it hit me so hard just how much he looked like a kid and not a baby.

This boy is almost 7 months old (because mama is behind, again) and growing like a weed. He changes daily and my heart loves him more and more each minute.

He's just the happiest and the best and I love him so much it hurts in the best way possible.

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July 26, 2015

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Lia: taking a summer bath. The kind where are feet are dirty from playing outside and her mouth is sticky from s'mores.
Nicolas: always with the feet.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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Lia: she was running around a fountain in Central Park when I asked for a picture. There's always a pose these days...

Nicolas: he was a fan of new york.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.

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July 25, 2015

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Reading... I just finished Still Alice and I really liked it. I've got a stack from the library and I'm still choosing my next book.

Pinning... these words and this cake (because I've got to plan a birthday in the next 6 months!).

Listening to... the Pitch Perfect channel on Pandora. I'm pretty excited there's going to be a third movie.

Picking out... a backpack for Lia!

Watching... The Astronaut Wives Club. We're officially hooked!

Thinking about... going back to school. It feels kind of crazy and scary, mostly in good ways.

Checking off... items from our summer manifesto.

Happy... to be settled back in home for good (for a few weeks anyways).

Wearing... a new favorite maxi skirt.

Sitting back in awe... at how fast these kids are growing. Lia starts kindergarten in a few weeks and Nico changes daily.

Dreaming of.... Fall. It's around the corner, I just know it. And while, I'm sure the heat isn't leaving us anytime soon, my mind is full of caramel candles, all things back-to-school, You've Got Mail, cardigans for my babes and crunchy leaves.

Please feel free to link up any of your "currently" posts in the comments, xo!
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July 24, 2015

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We're home, we're home, we're home! I don't know if it's been all the traveling we've done this summer and the few trips we've still got to make but I missed our home the most this past week we were in New York.

Like crazy missed it. I missed our comfy sofa and our green bedroom and all our spacious bathrooms. Silly little things, really. But home is just the best, I think.

As soon as we landed on Tuesday and grabbed lunch and naps were taken, we stocked up on food and fresh flowers at the grocery store and made dinner at home. I've cleaned like a mad woman the past few days, tackled laundry piled high as mountains, finished up a book and relished being home.

We have no solid plans for the weekend and I kind of like it that way. I hope you enjoy yours, xo!
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