So, I did it. I'm officially enrolled in college. Again. Nine years later...
In high school, I had big dreams of going to college and figuring out my entire life while making money and then eventually settling down with the faceless husband of my dreams.
Then, sometime between then and the years following high school, I lost that spark. I ended up attending a local community college while working at a grocery store. And to be honest, I only took college serious part of the time. I kept my grades up but my attendance wasn't stellar. I didn't know what I wanted to do and my dreams didn't seem to reach very high either. Then, I met M. And our whirlwind relationship had us walking down the aisle a year later and college faded from my life quickly. I can't even remember why I didn't continue with school.
I always said that I would go back "one day". It only took years, two kids and a husband who's gone back to school full-time while working full-time to convince me I should chase a dream or two.
I had to repeat "be brave with your life" over and over as I drove to the local college in the next town over. And, I had to keep repeating it as I went in to take a placement test that I felt completely unprepared for.
But, I did it. I'm now a full-time student. So, somewhere between making peanut butter sandwiches and bottles and changing diapers and playing Candy Land and library trips and getting a 5 year old off to kindergarten & ballet and making dinner, I'll stretch my brain out taking online courses and work towards a dream I quit on years ago.
I should have my associates finished by Summer and then I'm thinking the next step is a Bachelor in English.
I still don't know "what I want to be when I grow up". But I do know that I want to write children's books and I like tossing around the idea of being a book editor or working in a library setting.
I'm just going to remember to be brave and see what comes.
ahh, sooo very exciting! you are amazing, and you totally have this! it's interesting how much more driven and dedicated you are as busy mom then when you are young and free. talking from experience here! sending good vibes your way, sweet ma!