We've hit 6 months with Nico and this kid is the happiest babe. Seriously! He's pretty chill throughout the day unless he's hungry or tired. He's always willing to give us a big gummy grin and watching his big sister is his favorite thing to do.
Somedays it seems that as long as this kid has us, milk and a dry diaper, he would stay happy as a clam.
And then sometimes, I rely heavily on these products that have been in constant rotation the past few months.
1. Sophie the Giraffe. This was originally Lia's toy and she just didn't take to it. I tucked it away with her baby things just in case and Nico is more than happy to chew away on her!
2. I'm a huge fan of baby wearing since I had Nico. Having my hands free can make a world of difference in our days and I'm not going to turn down extra snuggles with my guy. We love our Ergo! I also have a wrap and a ring sling in my stash but our Ergo is hands down the one that we rely on in a pinch. Even M enjoys wearing him in it!
3. When N was around 4 months old, we transitioned him from the swaddle to a sleepsack. Of course, we couldn't leave our favorite brand though. These aden + anais sleeping bags are soft with lots of stretch. He likes to kick out his feet up high and sometimes try to eat his toes while he's falling asleep and he has plenty of room!
4. Skip Hop is another favorite brand in our house and the bath ducks don't disappoint! The come in fun colors and they are the perfect shape to wash off tiny babe's without getting water where you don't want it.
5. We've started solids and this OXO high chair has been a must-have. It took Nico almost a full month to get the hang of eating solids. He'd often push them out of his mouth with his tongue instead of towards his throat. Which meant - messes! It's an easy to clean chair that looks great in our home. I was pretty against anything with patterns or that looked too cheesy. It also rolls smoothly - which was something M really wanted.
6. These Baby B. balls stay hooked onto N's car seat and they are his absolute favorite toy.
7. And finally, our beloved jumperoo. I picked this one up at a yard sale and it's the best $20 I've spent lately. N loves to bounce so much, he's constantly bouncing even when he's not in it. It's a lifesaver to entertain him for a few minutes while I clean up or start dinner.
What are some of your mama-approved favorite items (or brands!)?
What are some of your mama-approved favorite items (or brands!)?
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