July 2, 2017


It's the middle of a long holiday weekend and we're soaking it all up. There's watermelon chilling in the refrigerator, red, white, + blue outfits waiting to be worn, and a fireworks celebration on the calendar! And, I'm pretty sure our night is going to end poolside.

This weekend has been house-update central. We're painting the guest room and freshening it up. Manny's sister is spending some time with us this month and we want the space to feel bright + welcome! And, we finished up a slew of other projects around the house as well.

Can you believe it's July already? Enjoy summer you guys, because it's going by in a blink.

And while this weekend has been about house projects, this past week was all about the kids. Manny went home to New York City for a few days while the kids and I stayed home and ate a lot of take-out and focused on crossing things off our summer to-do list. Making slime, reading stacks of books, and hitting up the farmer's market for slushes and fresh produce.

 I'm off to get the littlest up from his nap now and check on our guest room. Here's a few things around the web I'm loving this week...

Thank you Founding Fathers for ice cream! I know a couple of little kids who wouldn't make it through summer (or the rest of the year!) without it.

Drink more water because this bottle is really, really pretty, you guys!

A gorgeous bathroom makeover. I'll be honest and tell you that a little love of navy blue and indigo is creeping into my obsession with black and white.

Twitter wars from the White House? I don't even know what to say about this one.

How to be mindful on vacation.

The NY Times taste-tested ten hot dogs. Surprise! The only brand we buy for our house was a winner with them. Are hot dogs on your menu this weekend? If so, you should try them with chili + cheese, too!

A tie-dye rainbow cake!

Anxiety tips from real women. I go through patches with my anxiety. Some days it's almost like I don't have anxiety at all but most days it's bubbling at the surface. Reading tips and comments from others and being open + honest about my own journey and experience with anxiety helps out so much.

We're looking for the perfect spot for a mini family vacation this summer! So far, the idea of somewhere in Florida and Atlanta, Georgia are the top contenders. The best cities in the south according to Southern Living and the best places to travel in 2017 says Conde Nast.

Enjoy the weekend, friends! May it be long and and filled with BBQs, summer breezes, and good company.

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