April 5, 2011


Some days are hard. Sometimes a slew of days are hard. When I'm out of my element, I'm really out of my element.

Sometimes I just don't feel pretty enough. Smart enough. Skinny enough. In control enough!

Ugh, I just feel like I am struggling lately. Don't we all? Don't we all just beat ourselves up for not being as good as the next. We crave her happiness and amazing mother skills, her cooking skills, her daring ability to step outside her clothing comfort zone.

Some days L is like this. And I feel like I am at my wits end.

And then, she smiles or looks adorable again and reality hits. It's okay. She's more than okay.

The days where I feel amazing and in control will come again. I just have to ride out the not-so-easy days with a smile and a glimmer of hope.

We girls should just remember : we are amazing.

That's it.


  1. Oh girl, I know that we all have those days! it's hard not to become blog envy/jealous sometimes. But you are perfect just the way you are as cliche as that sounds!

  2. Love it. Amazing how just when we are at our wits end they smile and make it better :)

  3. So very true. I seem to go through those valleys of doubt too. Hope that you make it to the mountaintop and the brighter days soon.

  4. I don't like those days at all but then my daughter smiles and I'm just like wow, it's all okay!

  5. Yes, I take one day at a time. You know what sucks?? To live a life that's not even close to what you want and know that you'll have to wait 2 or 3, or 4 months to make it better.
    That's when I take deep breaths and let miself be happy with what I have now.


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