August 27, 2013

Hey, I'm out of hiding! Sorry I'm not sorry that it was so long. I just lived life and filled my social media hole with too many rounds of Candy Crush. But! I did enjoy sleeping in with my girl and going out to dinner with my loves and staying on top of the laundry and dusting. I pulled my big camera out more often to snap L in her element. And I drove the bug around to preschool and ballet. Which by the way are both total hits around here.

My girl is flourishing in big ways as of late. I mean, to keep things real though, she still throws these stubborn tantrums and asks me "what my problem is". So you know, she's pretty much a teenager now. The kind that dresses up as a princess, lives off pretzels and applesauce and thinks tea parties are what's up.

Other than that, things are things and life is being lived. L got new glasses. It's all pink forever, all the time over here. M got a new car and started another semester of college. I got shiny, yellow barstools.

And now I'm just doing my best to keep up with the pace of our quickly changing schedules and lives. Life is good, you guys.

PS. Put your toddler in weekend jeans. It's too much.

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August 12, 2013

Monday is here again and the weekend was pretty great. M had a few extra days off work so we got some serious family time clocked. But, lately, I've been kind of a crappy participant. I find myself wishing we were back in past seasons of our life, instead of embracing the now. I mean, the now is AWESOME! Don't get me wrong. But, something about living here just doesn't make me feel complete. Maybe it just isn't the right fit? I can't quite figure it out.

I've lost some spark. Some of what makes me, well me. I don't have energy. I snap into a bad mood too quickly and I find myself comparing my life/house/blog/whatever to all the inspiring things that are out there in the world of pinterest and blogs. It's not inspiring anymore, it's draining. So. Freaking. Draining. I just want to be inspired again, you know? I don't want comparison to steal all of the joy I do have. And, I've prayed the past few days for patience and energy. For the ability to be a kick-ass mom to L again. For peace. For motivation. Basically, a slew of things. It's coming back, I know it will.

But with L starting preschool and ballet, I want to focus on her. And I want to focus on me during the few hours I'll actually have to myself for a while. The house is in a constant state of disarray and I can't function like this. So, I'm taking a step back. At least for this week, there won't be any new blog posts. I'm taking a little social media sabbath.

I want to make something. I want my mind completely on my girl as I get her ready for school in the mornings. I want everything in place so that I can focus on one task, one thing and give it my entire attention. I want to curl up on the sofa and crack open a book. Or pop in a movie and just chill. I want the internet and social media to be inspiring and fun again, instead of a big black hole.

Until I get back, enjoy it all! xoxo

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let's just slow it down, okay?

August 10, 2013

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This happened this week. Where did my little girl go? We dropped her off for her first day on Thursday and other than some tears from me, all was well! I'm pretty sure it hurt me more that she didn't even look back. She was really nervous though, she gets that from me.

And now that preschool has happened, we're like "lets do all the things!!". SOCCER! BALLET! LET'S JUST DO IT! I mean, we may as well throw all of babyhood out the window, right?

Part of me is SO freaking excited for her. She gets to learn new things! Meet new friends! Learn manners and how to not yell at your parents! And, we get a little BREATHER! Seriously. I am crazy in love with my girl - but some times 24/7 while doing a lot of solo parenting gets hard, you know? It's awesome that M works so hard for us but mama needs space sometimes. I can actually pee alone once or twice a week now. But the other part is like NOO. Give me all of her, all the time. I don't know every little thing she does for six hours of the week. Did she share toys? What snacks did they give her? Did she even talk in class, like at all? I'm tempted to be the crazy mom that sends the owner an email and be like "Yo, can I get a play by play or something?" Now THAT would make me feel better.

I'm proud of her though. And just a little scared. I mean, within a few minutes of us picking her up and asking her a million questions about her first day, she said "I love boys!. I mean, I can't even...

So yeah. We can sum up her first day with teeny handprints, a poem that made me sob and she loves boys. Bring on all the new-ness!

We signed L up for ballet today. She asked where the boys were. And that's what happens when all of your friends have boys and you're all like oh, it's no big deal. Does she really need to play with girls? YES. She really does. I get it now.

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and so it goes.

August 8, 2013

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This happened today. And as much as I try, time ain't stopping. Or slowing down. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's laughing at me as I try to keep up. PS - I suck at keeping up.

But this happened. And tomorrow I'll share all the pictures and crazy mom emotions. Because tonight, I'm pretty sure a terrorist took over my daughter and her sweet and sour attitudes are giving me whiplash. So, yeah. I'm just calling it quits on anything productive happening tonight.

So, tomorrow!

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August 6, 2013

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30/52 | A moody toddler, worn out from the weekend with her grandparents in town.
31/52 | A curious toddler, looking in on the sweetest pup sleeping in the front of a small shop we found while visiting my parents.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013. Link up & find more from this project here.

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August 5, 2013

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This past week was a good one. We spent a lot of time in the car earlier on this week, driving home from my parents house. We spent one morning at the pool and another at the movies. My shy girl came out of her shell just enough to dance in the aisle in front of our seats! And we spent as much time as we could with M - Sunday was our only full day together. But we made little pockets of time for each other on the other days and I am so grateful for that.

We're spending these last few days of summer getting things ready for this week! A sweet little backpack landed on our doorstep last week and it's ready to be filled up with preschool work. We get to meet her teachers and hopefully other classmates on Wednesday before she starts on Thursday. I still can't believe it!

And we bought our girl her first pair of ballet shoes. She requested tap shoes in the store so I hope she isn't too disappointed in ballet. We're entering this new stage of motherhood and toddlerhood. It's full of mixed emotions right now. I am beyond blessed with this girl - she's seriously the most awesome little person and I'm a little sad that I have to share her. But! It's so exciting that she gets to go out in the world and be this awesome little person.

Our weekend was full of family time. We went bowling. I am terrible at it! I also get distracted easily by my two crazy loves. And we grilled out barbeque chicken and fresh corn. Because we couldn't let summer go by without grilling some corn at least once.

This morning was a rough one full of tantrums over yogurt with chocolate and sprinkles. I mean, how dare I make her eat such a thing? But nap time came and I found some quiet to work in. Summer classes end tonight for M. I think a little celebration is in order! Also, The Bachelorette finale airs tonight. Is anyone else as excited as I am?

Around the web this week...

Want to get to know our town a little better? We live in the first town on the list.

H&M has finally opened their online shop!  Which is awesome news for everyone except my bank account.

I am completely in awe of this girl.

Want it.

Adding this adorable DIY toy box to the endless list of projects I want to tackle.

A fun, fiesta wedding

And this basically sums up my "i hate getting dressed" tantrums.

Happy Monday xoxo
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