November 26, 2013

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It's feeling festive up in here. I haven't put any holiday decorations up in efforts to respect The Turkey and all and I killed off every single mum I bought, BUT it's t-minus two days until I'm grubbing on some turkey and I'm checking off to-dos until it's time to hit the road for my parents house so yeah - FESTIVE! See also: hot chocolate with marshmallows in really large mugs and Christmas shopping.

I'm in charge of the mashed potatoes this year and since they are pretty easy, there'll be plenty of time for napping and watching the parade. Parades and New York are up there on my list of favorites, I tell ya. There's something about the holidays that makes me feel all warm and happy. Everything looks better with twinkly lights, right? I've got a stack of books and my favorite Pandora playlist all ready to go for our six-hour drive. Let's do this!

I'll be back on Monday...Until then, Happy Thanksgiving, xo!

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November 24, 2013

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46/52 || Can you tell we're excited about cooler weather?

47/52 || I snapped this, last minute of course, yesterday as she worked on some leaf art.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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November 22, 2013

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I don't have much to say tonight. It's been a long Friday and the night keeps stretching. But I wanted to document this past week because it happened and good moments were claimed and that's a win for us. I felt like I turned a corner with L yesterday. We avoided a meltdown. At a park. In public. I'm still pretty happily shocked about that moment. It's one of the few times I've felt that I got it right lately.

This week happened.  I slept hard. I leaned on my husband for support. We enjoyed dinner together. We broke in the new chalkboard wall. I mailed birthday cards full of love. The house is a mess but the kitchen is clean. Preschool pictures came in. And we're all excited for what's coming next week.

So, happy weekend. Enjoy it, xo!
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November 21, 2013

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We spent an afternoon at the Brooklyn Flea last month on our trip to New York. My sister-in-laws tagged along that day and we had a good time eating donuts and trying on vintage glasses. I truly love the Flea. It's full of people, all types of food and sweets and a good mix of vintage and homemade items. I wish I had a pocket full of cash when I went, but that wasn't the case. So instead, I snapped photos of my favorites and I'm kicking myself for not grabbing their business cards.

I'm in love with the stuffed dachshund above and that pizza loved phenomenal coming out of the oven.

And I'll be posting more of our trip later this week, xo!

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November 19, 2013

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I think we're taking the family dinner route for L's birthday next month in lieu of a party but these giant party balls would be a fun punch of color to brighten up the dining room for our celebration.

Also, this DIY would awesome to have on hand for birthdays and holidays.

Dairy and I don't always get along. In fact, sometimes I throw caution to the wind and risk the tummy troubles for the goodness of really good ice cream. This dairy-free ice cream recipe might be a win-win!

Veterans have a special place in my heart and this video was truly heartwarming.

Before I throw out the last of our mini pumpkins hanging around, I think I'll have some DIY fun with them first. 

A When Harry Met Sally prank. This will brighten up your morning!

I loved this amazing portrait series - Before They Pass Away.

I was just talking about how I like to give each holiday it's due justice. This Saturday Night Live clip on the subject was hilariously over the top.

Lately my brain feels like it's been pushed to it's limits making me feel not so much like a great mom. This post was a good read last week.

A few Thanksgiving printables - 1 | 2.

This is what parenthood looks like.

And this. It kind of blew my mind. I'm curious, how do you eat an apple?

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November 18, 2013

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The weekend has come and gone. I went on a mom's night out dinner last night while M held down the fort and took care of a sick L. It was a much needed break and anything involving breadsticks is pretty much a go for me. And we crafted up a fun chalkboard wall for our kitchen.

We're moving slowly this morning though. Whatever is going around - doesn't it seem that something always is? - has taken over L and she is so kindly trying to pass it go me. M and I have been joking that she has Phoebe's phlegm voice. Always an attractive quality...

So while we stuffy noses unite in a slow day, here's a picture from the afternoon we spent on The Highline in New York with a friend. What's a post without a picture? I will blog about that trip. This week! Probably.

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Happy Monday guys, xo.
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November 16, 2013

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Happy weekend, everyone! I can't believe we're half-way through November already. I'm itching to start thinking about Christmas but I'm still a pretty firm believer in giving every holiday it's due justice. 

I managed to get away for some much-needed me time this week. I escaped to the movies on a Sunday afternoon to see About Time and I fell in love with the movie. Toby finally received a perfect bill of health from his vets and things are getting back to normal with him. I'm grateful that he's usually a laid-back dog because I seriously missed that the past few weeks. L started to ask questions with a "may I" instead of a "can I" or just demanding things. It's so funny and adorable! 

Also, we painted a small wall in the kitchen with chalkboard tonight. I've got some plans for it once it's dry and ready to go - I think it's going to be good. And now, since my girl is feeling under the weather and napping (at seven PM!) and no one got any sleep last night, I'm taking this book and a few chocolate chip cookies to bed. Please tell me I'm not the only one that copes with rough days with chocolate chip cookies!

Enjoy your Saturday night, xo.
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November 14, 2013

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Our afternoons usually look like this...

Peanut butter sandwiches at the kitchen table. Books scattered across L's floor. A favorite show on TV before nap. And then a quiet two hours for me. Some days I clean, some days I relax. It sounds much calmer when it's written out. But, there's always whining about taking a nap, she's usually indecisive about what shape her sandwich should be and then she takes well over 30 minutes to eat. 

That's our day-to-day afternoon. I'm trying to slow down and remember that these are the sweet spots of our days together. I only get so many of these types of days and I want to know that I made them good for her amongst the imperfections. What do your afternoons look like?

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November 13, 2013

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My hello is a bit late this month, but hello November. I love that November is squeezed between the hustle and bustle of holidays. Other than prepping a grocery list or deciding if/who to visit, Thanksgiving is a pretty easy holiday for me so November is a little breather before next month punches us in the face.

While it looks like Christmas exploded in Target, I'm still hanging on to the last bit of Fall. Guys - sweaters, leaves, hot chocolate, turkey and cozy blankets - Fall is still kicking and it's the best. Pardon me while I cling to my sweaters and avoid all Christmas music.

Am looking forward to...

That Meg Ryan marathon I didn't get around to.
The return of the beloved turkey coma.
Maybe visiting family.
Trips to Farmer Market.
Cozy nights catching up on favorite shows with my love.
Getting L's school pictures in.
Things slowing down and getting back to our "normal".
Exploring a new park in town.
Cleaning out closets.
Finding time for the stack of books I want to read.
Hot butter rum scented candles.

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November 12, 2013

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Honestly, the bare minimum around the house got done while my mom was in town last week and L pretty much ruled the roost.

We did a lot of shopping. We visited this bakery - it's a favorite of ours. L had an extra ballet class to catch up on rehearsal for her dance recital next month. She's cast as a clown doll in The Littlest Nutcracker. I only snapped photos with my iPhone. And, we watched movies and caught up on things while L played with her new ponies every chance she could.

M flew home on Friday and other than tackling the grocery list, we spent most of the long weekend at home.

Here's to a smooth new week and me picking up the big camera again, xo!

PS. Scuffed toes drive me a little nuts. L somehow scuffs all of her shoes almost right away. What gives? I'm on the hunt for something to fix up a few pairs of her shoes. Any tips?

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November 10, 2013

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44/52 || I pretty much live for that smile. Also, she loves finding sticks. I'm thinking we should go on a stick-finding adventure pretty soon and paint them.

45/52 || I'm going to be honest and admit that this picture was really hard to get and I probably bribed her for it. We were almost out the door but she just looked so grown, so much older. I just needed to document it.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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November 8, 2013

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How do you convince a three year old not to be a princess for Halloween? We compromised on two costumes this year - it's more fun that way, right? A very fancy princess and, my favorite, Pippi Longstocking.

Just like past Halloweens, I kept her costumes on a made-at-home level.

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Fancy princess details:
Hat, from her dress-up box \\ Dress, flower girl dress from my brother's wedding with a pink sash tied on to cover the existing blue one \\ Shirt|Leggings|Shoes, all from her closet \\ Wand, clearance find at Target

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Pippi Longstocking details:
Dress|Shirt|Tights|Boots, from her closet \\ Monkey, from her playroom \\ Pirate eye patch, Target
Along with a crazy amount of hairspray and gel, I braided pipe cleaners into her hair to attempt give the signature Pippi look. I "sewed" small pieces of fabric to the dress using this and then drew on freckles with eye liner.

You can see her past costumes here!

PS. I loved how her fancy princess costume turned out and even though a pink princess costume wouldn't be my first choice, I'm happy to stand back and watch her make the decisions that make her the happiest.
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November 7, 2013

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It's the obligatory but fun (and late!) Halloween post. This spooky night had some pretty scary moments - the worst braids to make ever, a few toddler tantrums, a sick dog... but when I sat down to edit and write up this post, the bad parts are pretty vague.

It was our third year trick-or-treating in this state which is crazy for us. But our first time in the new neighborhood and they did not disappoint. L got a ton of candy and I was surprised by the many kids that live around us that we haven't seen or met yet.

We did our pumpkin carving and painting the night before after we ate our festive meal. L wasn't so impressed by my culinary skills, as usual! And that kept Halloween night simple. M had school so we went out as soon as he got home and grabbed a pizza after.

See that frightfully tall stack of hay bales up there? This was the first year our girl conquered them. She ran straight to the top AND she ran straight through the tunnel that runs through the hay. I couldn't decide if I was more afraid or damn proud that she actually did it. L is extremely cautious, so this was a big thing for her.

Also, the picture above at the library was taken at a horrible angle and it's slightly blurry - but, when your favorite librarian dresses up as Luna Lovegood you document it.

It was a good day. Happy very late Halloween, xo!
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