March 25, 2014

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There's so many smart and funny and good things on the Internet. Here's just a few!
Spread the word to end the word.

Have you seen the new Oh Joy! line at Target? Quick, give me a reason for a party!

Hopscotch on the floor. We have the perfect hallway for this!

Excited about this upcoming movie.

We're halfway through the week and honestly, it's not shaping up to be my favorite so here's to a better second half! Enjoy, xo.
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March 24, 2014

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Her tongue pops out when she's thinking really hard or just being silly. Between that and the gap in her grin, it's impossible not to have my heart bursting with joy when we're together.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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The babe and I threw caution to the wind last week and headed to the island for the afternoon instead of our usual lunch & nap routine. We found a tucked-away theatre with these fun painted walls. Even Lia wanted to get in on the photo-taking.

She was golden. It was a pretty perfect afternoon.
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March 21, 2014

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The funk is still happening. I find the days are passing by in a haze. The week was a quick one, but I feel like there isn't much to show for that? Being in a funk is just the worst.

On the bright side, it's Spring! Yesterday, Lia was asking me something and all I kept hearing was "swing". I told her we didn't have a swing and she said no "spwing" and that guessing game went on until finally she just pointed outside and said "mom, the weather!". Ah, Spring. She was asking if she could go outside and play in the Spring. And she woke up this morning worried whether Easter was still here or not. Spring, you've got a fan in our house.

And since yesterday was the first day of Spring and the sky was blue, we skipped nap for a girls afternoon. Rita's Italian ices, burgers and a little exploring. We may have a stubborn girl who throws tantrums at home and refuses to clean her room but she's almost golden when we're out in public. It's a blessing, for sure. 

The rest of our week was mostly spent at home. After years, it seems we've hit a stride in our house where we know what we like and what we don't like. I'm constantly moving things around, selling other things and thrifting what I can. I'm in the midst of changing up our breakfast room. The lighting is off-centered and not so pretty and it's generally boring. I'm trying to decide between purchasing this simple table or keeping our black pedestal table. We've almost always had a pedestal table and part of me wants a change and the other part isn't so sure. This rug is on my list too. A pop of color never hurt anyone and I need something other than yellow. You can never have too much yellow...until you do. Decisions can be the worst, too.

It was a clumsy week. I tackled some Spring cleaning. We bought circus tickets. And this weekend we're hoping to go shopping for a swing set and prep the house for some minor repairs next week. Here's to a funk-free, sun shining weekend. I hope you enjoy yours, xo!
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March 17, 2014

It's been a sloooow morning around here. With teddy bear toasts, gray skies and a bowl of strawberries and bananas spilled under the breakfast table.

We had a pretty chill weekend and while I can get down with lazy weekends here and there, this one found me in a funk. It didn't do much good to my head space and I feel like this Monday has started with our own personal cloud hanging out over us. So, I'm going to post some happy snapshots from our trip to the daffodil farm a few weeks ago and huddle down with my girl in her playroom for a bit. Here's hoping I can clear my head!

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PS. I'm not opposed to anyone sending us a little bit of sunshine and happy "get things done" thoughts!
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March 16, 2014

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A still from our girls morning at the beach last week.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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March 14, 2014

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Happy Weekend! I'm popping in tonight real quickly just to say we had a good week. I meant to blog earlier but L was napping and hanging out on the sofa with a magazine sounded better.
The babe is finishing up a really late dinner and as soon as I tuck her into bed, I'm going to sneak away to the living room for a date night in with my guy. It's rare that we don't fall into bed as soon as L does!

The week was pretty ordinary and I didn't really take many photos. I feel like we didn't really do anything except clean the house and grocery shop. And laundry, always the constant mountain. There was a windy trip to the Farmers Market but otherwise, nothing too exciting happened.

But we're happy and it's the weekend so that's worth mentioning! Enjoy yours, xo!

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March 12, 2014

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A few nights ago, Lia was running around the house and playing while M and I were in the kitchen. So, she was doing her thing and Manny said to her "look at you and your bad ass self"! 
It came out pretty funny and I don't think he meant to say it at all. While I'm pretty sure L didn't hear him, I did and I don't think I'll let him live it down just yet!
Tell me friends, what are some of your parent bloopers? 
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March 11, 2014

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Some friends messaged me Saturday night with a great plan for a girls morning at the beach. I almost backed out. I'm, no doubt, an introvert and sometimes canceling plans sounds far more attractive than going out. Anyone with me there?

I went though. I turned it into a surprise morning for Lia and honestly, it was one of the best mornings we've had. As soon as the sun comes out, the sky turns bright blue and the weather turns just the slightest bit warmer, I remember why I fell in love with our town.

I quickly packed up a bag of snacks and sand toys & other beach essentials and we hit the road to spend our Sunday morning at the beach. It was sunny and great.
PS. Did you know that baby powder is the perfect trick to get sand off little hands and feet? Big hands and feet too. The kids think it's magic. I'm kind of with them there!
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March 10, 2014

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Lia was in a "balance like a flamingo because I'm a ballerina" kind of mood. I've got about fifty outakes of her, plus a couple of us joining in. While I will say that I want to get more creative with locations and etc, these photos were entertaining to take this month!

PS. We upgraded from books on a bar stool to a fairly inexpensive camera stand! If only I can learn to get a straight photo...
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March 9, 2014

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Showing off her sweet ballet moves. I feel like this age is kind of the best.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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March 7, 2014

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Happy Friday! It's a quiet evening over here with a little girl who's practicing the art of saying "no". I'm pretty sure the evening is gonna include stromboli and old episodes of How I Met Your Mother and me trying not to lose my patience. And we've got big plans to finally tackle the garage and clean it all out this weekend!

The week started off a little rough but things are smoothing out. We had a few rainy days and L got to use her umbrella. It looks like a panda and she's pretty over the moon about it!

The daffodil fields opened up and the girl and I spent an afternoon there. This year was really fun because she finally understood how to pick the flowers without crushing them at the same time.

Is anyone excited about The Bachelor finale coming up? The show (and guy) have gotten lame this season, but it's almost so lame I can't stop watching!

And the babe got new shoes! It's her first pair of Toms. I think they make her feet happy.

Here's to an awesome weekend. Enjoy it, xo!
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March 6, 2014

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It all came quite easily for me when L was born. I slid into the role of being her mama and that was that.. It was easy to put her every need before mine and it was easy to feel like nothing in the world mattered except her.

I stumble over my mothering now. This gig is hard for me, and has been for the past year or so, as she's entered a new stage. Not still a toddler, not yet a big-kid. I make mistakes daily and I am hard on myself about them. 

Finding grace in motherhood is something I struggle with. Being a mom is humbling, to say the least. To know that God hand-picked me to mother this little girl is kind of a heart-stopping fact. So I try to find grace in every day. Even on the worst days, I try to find some moment to be whole and good in. And the lessons never cease. The first moment your kid calls you out on doing something wrong and you know you need to apologize and ask for forgiveness, well, that's a big moment. And since that first time, there's been many. Many times I've cried and asked my girl for forgiveness. There's been times I've forgotten book day at school or pajamas for story time or the time I left her favorite stuffed flamingo in a car dealership and I've had to find the grace within me to know that it's okay and I don't have to beat myself up over these things. Because I do and I will. Because to my girl, book day at school was her whole world that day and losing her flamingo was like losing a best friend.

I'm not perfect and I don't believe any mother is because the essence of motherhood is in the imperfections that we learn and grow from. But I am the perfect mom for her. I know that she only likes peanut butter on her sandwiches and she wants the crusts off. I know she's a quick thinker and loves to compliment us. I know she thrives on routine and knowing what comes next. I know she's amazing and I know how to love her.
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March 5, 2014

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March is here and it's bringing a slew of birthdays, some sunny days despite the dreary gray one we're having today and it's almost time to break out the flip-flops!

I'm looking forward to...
Extra time with M! It's Spring break for him and we're loving that he's home an extra two nights this week.
Getting outside!
A little Spring cleaning.
Catching this movie in the theatres.
Picking daffodils.
And another girls night for supper club. I think a cozy fire and s'mores are happening.

Let's enjoy it!

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March 2, 2014

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We let L ride her tricycle around the house this week and she thinks it's just the best.
I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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