The funk is still happening. I find the days are passing by in a haze. The week was a quick one, but I feel like there isn't much to show for that? Being in a funk is just the worst.
On the bright side, it's Spring! Yesterday, Lia was asking me something and all I kept hearing was "swing". I told her we didn't have a swing and she said no "spwing" and that guessing game went on until finally she just pointed outside and said "mom, the weather!". Ah, Spring. She was asking if she could go outside and play in the Spring. And she woke up this morning worried whether Easter was still here or not. Spring, you've got a fan in our house.
And since yesterday was the first day of Spring and the sky was blue, we skipped nap for a girls afternoon. Rita's Italian ices, burgers and a little exploring. We may have a stubborn girl who throws tantrums at home and refuses to clean her room but she's almost golden when we're out in public. It's a blessing, for sure.
The rest of our week was mostly spent at home. After years, it seems we've hit a stride in our house where we know what we like and what we don't like. I'm constantly moving things around, selling other things and thrifting what I can. I'm in the midst of changing up our breakfast room. The lighting is off-centered and not so pretty and it's generally boring. I'm trying to decide between purchasing
this simple table or keeping our black pedestal table. We've almost always had a pedestal table and part of me wants a change and the other part isn't so sure.
This rug is on my list too. A pop of color never hurt anyone and I need something other than yellow. You can never have too much yellow...until you do. Decisions can be the worst, too.
It was a clumsy week. I tackled some Spring cleaning. We bought circus tickets. And this weekend we're hoping to go shopping for a swing set and prep the house for some minor repairs next week. Here's to a funk-free, sun shining weekend. I hope you enjoy yours, xo!