August 24, 2014

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I taped up a long piece of art paper on the wall, set out her water paints and told her to paint whatever she could imagine.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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August 22, 2014

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Today may be dragging on but the week flew by. We're getting back into a routine. M started another semester of school while L is settling into Pre-K. I'm already out of ideas besides ham and cheese sandwiches for my picky girl, but it still amazes me that I pack lunches and send her off to school twice a week!

And, she started ballet this week. It went so good. We lucked out with her class and she gets to see her best friend every week now and a few other good familiar faces! She's already excited about recitals and her new purple ballet dress.

Soccer is going to work out after all, I think. She let her guard down some and joined along during the last practice and it helps that she has a teammate from last Spring on her team this time around. I'm pretty excited about spending chilly, Fall mornings on the soccer field.

We are officially a no nap house...! Some days, most days, are still a challenge but it leaves our afternoons wide open to swing by the library and stock up on every book that she grabs off the shelf and the 7:30 PM bedtime is pretty amazing for us adults.

As for baby number two, I'm 19 weeks today. And we're down to six days until we find out if we're having another little girl or a boy! I have a feeling next weekend is just going to be one big celebration for our little family. Other than expected back pain and random, bad round ligament pains I am feeling okay most days. Working through the tired spells and getting some of my appetite back!

August is wrapping up and I think we're all ready for some cooler weather and routines to feel normal again. Here's to a fun weekend full of soccer, shopping and friends!

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August 18, 2014

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My sweet girl posing after helping her dad wash his car. The days have been so hot this week that the still warm temperatures in the evenings are starting to feel good!

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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August 12, 2014

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It was her last first day of Preschool on Thursday! She's officially in Pre-K now. She's attending the same school as last year and we're still in love with her teachers!

It's crazy to think she'll be in Kindergarten next year so I just refuse to think about that. This year, she wanted Toby in all of her pictures and he wasn't a super willing participate. Hence the blurry outake photo above...

I dropped her off alone this year and already she seems too big. She was pretty nervous and unsure about a new classroom without her best friend but after I walked her in and helped her hang up her bags and sneak a peek at her teacher from last year, her new teacher swooped in with a big hug and let me sneak away. I got a call twenty minutes later that she was settled in and happily playing and I was reassured that I could worry a little less the next four hours.

And she did great! This year she stays an hour longer and eats lunch at school. She was all smiles and told me proudly how she opened her juice box all on her own. This Pre-K thing is cool but I'm still waiting for time to slow down!

PS. Preschool, last year!
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August 11, 2014

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I've been missing this little space some kind of fierce, but at the same time I can never seem to find the right words or where to start. This season of our life has been documented so differently than past ones. Lots of iPhone snapshots while the big camera sits and collects dusts. Lots of memories stored in our hearts and minds instead of Facebook and Instagram. And so many stories that have gone untold here.

It's a bright Monday morning here and I'm feeling a little sluggish. I'm happy to say the crazy exhaustion from my first trimester has gone. Life inside the gray house has been out of control to say the least, at times. But, some mornings I wake up feeling amazing and things get done and I'm learning that with this go-around, it's just going to have to be about balance.

We've had a busy few weeks and a few scary times...

School, ballet and soccer all started together and just like that, Summer is behind us. With the exception of some most unwanted humidity. Our girl is having a tough time adjusting to all the change - new teacher/classroom, new soccer coach, new team, new leotard color for an older class age. And while we sat in the sweltering heat Saturday morning, our girl screamed and cried and refused to join in on her first soccer practice while telling me she does NOT like change. And a piece of my heart broke. Because I can see how hard it is for her. But, I'm a firm believer in giving things a good try and I think change can be amazing sometimes. But she's struggling, and I'm struggling with how to patiently parent her through this little storm while making the right decisions for her.

We've been busy crafting up a very large cardboard robot and sweet mini donuts for a friend's baby shower while I've worked hard getting the house clean and in order again. M finished off another semester of college and I realized we never took a few moments out to celebrate that. He's got a few weeks off to enjoy the last of summer with us before his busy schedule kicks back in. And scarily enough, crime has been up in our little neighborhood and we've been trying to feel safe and diligent!

The rest of our days have been dotted with mornings at the movies, playing with friends, doctor appointments and hearing a sweet tiny heartbeat. And in three weeks, we'll have our big ultrasound!

So here's to a good week, xo!
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August 10, 2014

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We made a rocket ship this week and blasted off to the moon, met Aliens and had our first taste of astronaut food. I don't think anyone was a huge fan of astronaut ice cream sandwiches!

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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A shirt has never been more true.

I'm doing this series - a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2014. Follow along, link up & find more from this project here.
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