July 13, 2020


I'm back with this week's meal plan! If I'm being honest, I'm burned out by meal plans. And grocery shopping. And cooking and washing dishes and doing it all over again the next day and the next day and the next day. But, when I sat down on Saturday to make this week's plan, I found a little bit of inspiration and grabbed on. I was going for summery vibes and fresh ingredients!

Also, we had a little mishap where we thought we broke our refrigerator after filling it up with all the groceries. We may have panicked and I blame it all on Covid-19, because doesn't everything feel like it's the fault of covid!? After some late night googling, shoving what we could into the freezer, and vacuuming the coils, it's working again. We were pretty excited to not spend Sunday appliance shopping. I mean, I am all for new appliances but maybe when we're better prepared. Late Saturday night isn't my ideal time for that, ya know!?

Here's what's on the menu this week! We've got 3 soccer games this week so I'm relying on the crockpot and meals that can be turned into something different the next night!

 Enjoy those working refrigerators, friends! 

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