October 7, 2020


All those good intentions of keeping up with the strong "keep our mess" together vibes I had going on that first week of virtual school are tucked away under the sofa and in the corners with all of the dust bunnies.

Shit got real, real quick. 

There was the original adjustment to full-time virtual school with zoom classes scheduled throughout the day, at different times, for both kids. Days of sitting in the car while the kids alternated testing in-person. Just finding our way together. Then, there was the district choice to open up a hybrid option this week and the chaos that goes along with it. Even though we opted to keep our crew 100% virtual for now, their teachers and schedules have changed slightly and some of the routine and comfort we built in the first couple of weeks is a little shaky now. 

Add in another miscarriage last month, busy weeknights, and a total lack of keeping a routine or schedule for myself has made the last few weeks feel like a lot.

It is what it is. My very fitting 2020 motto.

So, I made a to-do list and forced myself to find time to get things done this week. I meal planned and grocery shopped and scrubbed toilets and we're getting somewhere.

And, here's what we're eating this week!

Good, comfort eats is where it's at this week. We're bouncing from ballet to soccer almost every night this week! A good dish of fried rice is a good cure-all for a hectic night. 

Let's jump into the flow of the season, friends. Eat some good food and enjoy those hectic nights!

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