December 31, 2013

2013 was good for us. It was full of cheer and madness and it worked. Here's what went down...


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+ We were SO good about taking mornings walks. And, I think I miss that.
+ I started the 52 project.
+ I tried out a spinning class and found out that while it's extremely hard, I didn't hate it.
+ Spent some time on our favorite streets of Savannah.
+ And spent our afternoons at the local farmers market.


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+ Thrift shore shopping.
+ We ventured out to Pinckney Island.
+ We painted L's room pink.
+ Potty-training officially started!
+ Valentine's Day was celebrated.
+ And we picked daffodils. It's becoming a favorite thing to do.


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+ Enjoyed quiet mornings on the front porch and dreamed of lazy, Spring afternoons.


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+ We celebrated Easter.
+ We bought a robot vacuum and it's pretty much the best.
+ We celebrated M's birthday at the zoo.
+ We kept on keeping on with potty training.
+ Some serious re-landscaping happened in the front yard.
+ The blog got a new look and "the everyday" was born!
+ Our girl spent some solo time at grandma's house.


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+ Laughed out loud at this!
+ Celebrated the end of another college semester for M.
+ Crafted up some fabric hoops.
+ Read this book.
+ Celebrated Mother's Day at the beach.
+ Ate the best BBQ.
+ Heard a lot of knock-knock jokes.
+ And celebrated our sixth anniversary.


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+ Started this book series and LOVED them.
+ L modeled some pretty awesome headbands.
+ Celebrated Father's Day.
+ Found sand dollars and baby crabs along the beach.


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+ Washed our cars and one tricycle.
+ Enjoyed some $1 movies at our local theater.
+ Went on a rare girl's night out.
+ Took a mini roadtrip to North Carolina.
+ Had my nephew as a houseguest!
+ We signed our girl up for preschool.
+ And spent many mornings at the pool.


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+ Did summer things like grill corn and play outdoor games.
+ We bought L her first pair of ballet shoes!
+ I took a break from blogging to keep things in perspective.
+ We celebrated my birthday!
+ L started ballet.


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+ M made me a weekender bag since I was coveting a fancy one.
+ Toby the Dachshund ruined one of my favorite shirts.
+ L got sick with her first ear infection.
+ My little sister came to visit!
+ I got sick. And it took a lot of doctor visits and time for things to get better.
+ Toby turned six!
+ We spent another weekend in North Carolina. My brother got married!
+ And we became fans of this show.


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+ Spent a lot of time packing and unpacking. 
+ Laughed out loud at this!
+ Decorated for Halloween in a fun, simple way.
+ Celebrated Halloween!
+ Spent an afternoon at a local Oktoberfest.
+ Tried out this bakery. It's the best.
+ L learned the pledge of allegiance!
+ We went to New York again.
+ We did Fall things like bake apple pies and wear sweaters.
+ And we did local things like eat BBQ and go to an art festival.


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+ My mom was in town.
+ M was out of town.
+ Painted a chalkboard wall.
+ I had a me date and went to the movies.
+ L got another ear infection.
+ And we celebrated Thanksgiving in North Carolina.


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+ Hung twinkly lights in our bedroom.
+ Had some Christmas fun with our elf, Pipsi.
+ Watched a movie under the stars.
+  Chopped down our Christmas tree.
+ Tried a new pizza place.
+ Painted stripes in our dining room.
+ Took some family photos on our own.
+ L was in her first ballet recital!
+ Went to a Christmas parade.
+ We celebrated Christmas.

2014, let's do this.

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself. - Neil Gaiman
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December 30, 2013

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Oh, Lia. You went and turned four and time is leaving us all in the dust.

When you were born, I could never imagine you being any bigger than your teeny six pound self. And now that you're four, it seems every bit as normal that I have a four year old as it should. Sometimes, I get a glance of mothers and their teen daughters shopping or out for lunch and I think about what those days will look like for us. It makes me excited for the future, we have so much to look foward too.

But for now, I'm happy to stay in the present. And four year old you...

Is obsessed with all things pink and princessy.
Also, anything My Little Pony.
Can name the president, the state you live in, the days of the week and the months of the year.
Says funny things like "ugh, not again!" or "that's more like it".
Loves fiercely.
You also state your opinion fiercely
In true toddler form, you say what you want, when you want.
Also, I can't really call you a toddler anymore. You're a preschooler.!.!
Takes your responsibilities serious. But you take them more serious once you've gotten in trouble for not doing them!
LOVES your dog.
Is really shy.
And also, really un-shy at home.
Is doing amazing in preschool.
Gives THE best hug-your-neck-and-squeeze-tight hugs.
Has the best belly laugh.
And the cutest squishy tooshie.
Waves goodbye from the window to everyone leaving our house.
Has such a big imagination. I love to listen to you play because you create these imaginary story lines and talk them out for toys and my heart swells every time.

And mostly - four year old you, like every other version of you I'll have, is my favorite. Because you are undeniably the brightest light in my life. Except on the days where you throw epic tantrums. But yes, probably even then. Because that's how moms love. And I do love you so, my little mamacita. I do love you so.

PS. Her birthday was incredibly simple and happy. She wanted to go bowling, open presents and play. And that's what we did. Little girl rocked it in the present department. And after using most of her birthday money, we've got new toys for days. And a very happy, super big four year old. It was a good one.

PPS. We took her to Outback the night before her birthday and surprised her with a candle-lit sundae and a round of happy birthday. She burst into tears and obviously hates any kind of attention directly & solely on her!

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We did a little beach-hopping on our last day. It's incredible how different each beach is. The last beach was definitely a favorite. The sand was soft and the water was clear and blue. The day was bittersweet as we watched the kids splash around and play knowing we had to catch a flight out that night.

This trip remains one of my favorite family adventures. Here's hoping we can plan another trip!

And that pretty much does it for the Hawaii posts. It's funny to post them all in one day and relive all the memories as I write and edit. It gives me a huge sense of remembering who we were at that time and how happy a time Hawaii was for us.

Stay tuned for a year re-cap tomorrow. Can you believe 2014 is just days away? Enjoy the very last moments of 2013, xoxo!

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The Honolulu Zoo. This day...I am pretty sure I'll never forget this one. I think my favorite part was despite the all-day downpour and the fact that we ended up soaked from head to toe, we literally did not care. Hawaii does that to you. We were just happy that we were together in Hawaii. 

But it did rain, despite the weather reports. There was so much rain. So we really didn't spend much time in the zoo. We tried to wait out one storm in a local burger place across the street. The rain stopped about an hour later and we thought we were good until we got just far enough into the zoo and then it all came down. And after that, we headed to some shops in Wakiki to buy an umbrella and make something of the afternoon.

This was hands down "the wettest day".

PS. That last picture is the last one from that day. After that, we made a mad dash to the car for shelter and then we were all soaked from head to toe.

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We spent an afternoon at Pearl Harbor and despite the smiles on our faces (because we did enjoy it), it's a very humbling place be. You're literally standing where hundreds of men died for freedom, yet it's in the middle of paradise and it's beautiful. We didn't go to the Arizona Memorial but there was so much else do see and do in the museums and on the grounds. 

I've actually been once before on a trip with my mom and sisters so it was really great to see it through Lia's eyes this time. The musuem was equal parts engaging and somber. Real, tragic history happened here which makes some of it so hard to see but then it's great for the kids to interact with exhibits and learn from our history's past.

And after, we grabbed Chinese food and called it an afternoon. No matter what you're doing in Hawaii, it seems like it just can't get any better.
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After the morning at the Dole Plantation, we drove up the coast to the North Shore. It's famous for the beaches and shave ice. We weren't disappointed!

We came prepared with bathing suits under our clothes and a bag full of sunscreen and sand toys so we could hit up any beach that looked fun from the road. And that's pretty much what we did. We drove and stopped at Matsumoto grocery store for shaved ice. I'm pretty sure I got banana and cherry and as I remember, it was kind of amazing. We picked up some amazing hand-crafted wooden serving spoons at a local shop. And then, hopped in the truck in search of some waves and sand.

After we left a beach or two, I'm pretty sure it rained for awhile on our way back to the other side of the island. And in Hawaii, it's really hard for rain to get your spirits down. We just cruised around with the windows up instead.

This was probably one of my favorite days in Hawaii.

PS. Those onion potato chips are my favorite.

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