it's spring | inspired.

March 23, 2013

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the gray house has some landscaping in the front yard that isn't my favorite and the side/back yards are just blank canvases. after leaving hawaii and all the beautiful nature there is to take in, i think we're both inspired to tackle things this spring.

i'm dreaming of lazy afternoons where i soak up sun and read books. picnics in the backyard. growing our own fruits and vegetables. planting trees. bright, blooming flowers. a place where lia can play and let her imagination run wild. a trellis over the patio. twinkling lights. rocking chairs on the front porch. a place to roast hot dogs and marshmallows. i don't have a green thumb, but i am determined to have an outside that is as livable as the inside.

normally i bypass spring while waiting impatiently for summer. but these days i am learning to love what season we are in and to embrace it. and i am excited for spring. 

i've got a growing bucket list in my head. go to the zoo. plant a garden. have an easter egg hunt. fly a kite. have dinner outside. family picnic. farmer market visits. pick daffodils and fresh fruit. 

here's whats inspiring me this month.

LOVE the flowers this sweet little family picked out.

these fun DIY dip-dyed totes.

watercolor nail polish. my nails would love to look this happy.

THIS. this is exactly how the inspiration i need for our backyard.

this post on how to arrange supermarket flower bunches.

don't get mad. get the camera!

tell me, what's inspiring you this spring?

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a love letter to thursday.

March 21, 2013

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thursday, you may not always get credit for being such a good day. but in my book? you're a favorite.

since i stay home with L all week, i try to keep our days pretty full. we spread errands out. or more likely, i forget something and find myself always running out somewhere. we take lots of trips to the library and have play dates. we do a preschool co-op. we almost always have somewhere to go or something to do. 

which is great at times. but then thursday comes around and i can breathe. we can take our time waking up. i can make our beds and toss in a load of laundry before heading downstairs. i have time to pick up and load the dishwasher. make a breakfast that doesn't consist of granola bars and applesauce pouches on the go. i can blog. we can paint and do puzzles and play outside. 

thursday is a breath of fresh air around here. it has a calmer vibe to it most weeks. we can stay home in our pajamas all day if we please. which is exactly what we're doing today. and we love it.

thursday, you are a dear.
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March 20, 2013

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our flight landed early in the evening on our first day. so the next morning while M handled getting us a rental car, my friend sonia & i gathered the kids and headed to a local beach. this particular beach was the officers beach on the base they are stationed. luckily my handsome guy met us at the beach later on.

i think the excitement of getting out of the house got to us because we packed nothing but a few snacks and an extra diaper or two. we ended up stripping them down to their undies and diapers and let them be free. it reminded me of this post by joanna about naked babies on the beach.

it got a little messy but honestly? the kids were SO happy. they dried off quickly enough and most of the sand just brushed off. typically i am the crazy mom who hates sand getting everywhere. and i pack enough for one beach trip to last weeks. i'm a serious over-packer. but that first morning in hawaii was perfect in the simplest form. 

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this is where we are.

March 19, 2013

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spring is almost here. it seems like it's been colder here than usual, but the weather is warming up and the sun is shining. today, at least.

it took me most of last year to learn to love where we are and to appreciate the town we live in. i still miss snowy mornings and i am sure to curse the too-hot temps when summer hits, but i'm finally content. this is where we are. 

i am trying to soak up all of the good i can find here. i've had the windows open all week and wearing a tank top and sandals today felt like i had a part of hawaii with me. 

i fell hard for hawaii. the lifestyle. the culture. the turquoise oceans with sandy beaches. shaved ice. funky little shops spread out. the aloha spirit. the bright yellow hibiscus flowers. pineapples. the way the air smelled. the foggy mountains. the feeling of adventure.

it was just what i needed. i came back with a more positive outlook on everything in my life. minus the plane rides. those were not cheery at all. but i feel more alive and happy. it was heartbreaking to leave there. we left behind some amazing friends and that place just crawls into your heart and makes you want to stay. so i tucked a part away, a part that i can carry with me everywhere. i never want to forget hawaii. 

our skins are a little darker, our hearts a bit fuller, our outlook cheerier. we've unpacked and put away, i've tackled laundry and cleaning and we're back to our daily routine. i'm finding more moments to sneak in blogging and i've got a stack of books to devour. my mind is running a million miles per hour with all the things i need to do and want to do and plans to fill up our spring with even more happy moments.

this is where we are. this is where we are.

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a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013.

this can sum up my girl's personality lately. and those huge brown eyes still melt me into a puddle.

linking up here.
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let's play the catch-up game.


my sweet little napper. by the way, nap time is still a regular thing around here. i love the quiet moments i get in the afternoons. and i know that the days when naps don't occur are just lingering around the corner. do naps still happen in your home?


our first day in hawaii/L's first time touching the pacific ocean.

a portrait of my child, once a week, every week, in 2013.

find more from this project here.
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a little housekeeping.

March 18, 2013


we're finally back and settling in to our usual routines. sleeping habits are still a mess and so is the laundry situation. but we seriously had an amazing time in hawaii and i came back feeling more inspired than i have in awhile.

i've got lots of moments from our trip to share and plenty of other blog ideas jotted down everywhere but today i wanted to pop in for a little housekeeping.

so,  google reader and GFC are ending this summer. i made the switch to bloglovin about a monthish ago and i love it. my google reader was getting too cluttered and i couldn't delete any feeds. it just wasn't working for me.

even though i don't use it anymore, i know a lot of you are following my blog through GFC. i want you all to stick around so i've added my blog to bloglovin and you can follow us there!

bloglovin has an awesome app too which makes reading blogs on the go that much easier.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

ps. feel free to leave your link here so i can follow you back!
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aloha (guest post & free printable!)

March 8, 2013

aloha! we're in Hawaii this week and we're loving it. the sun and warm temperatures. the sticky, sweet smell of the air. vibrant colors and gorgeous flowers everywhere. its truly an inspiring, amazing place.
while we catch some more rays and relax, i've got something awesome for you today. my really talented, sweet friend emily (who just came back from Hawaii herself!) has created a sweet printable for you all!
so i will hand it over to emily now!
I’m Emily, (but I mostly go by Emmie or Em) the writer behind the blog, “Love, Emmie: Writings of an Air Force Wife”.
I’ve knitted my blog into an infinity scarf of all things happy and creative. I fill this space with my musings, happy happenings, photography, my DIY projects, along with a dash of my commissioned artwork. Living a creative life and embracing our small and ever-changing everyday moments is what makes my life oh so satisfying.
Today, I’m offering a printable—free for download off of my Flickr account.
I hand-drew this printable with a little girl in mind—pretty, soft toned colors with dainty, feminine floral touches.
 I believe the quote, “Be YOU tiful”, is very important for toddlers turning into little girls and little ladies turning into young woman to understand. Because being YOU is beautiful; being YOU is brave; being YOU is fierce; being YOU is powerful.
This prints to an 8x10, click link to download from Flickr:

To see more free printables or to follow along in our happenings, you can find me here:
Much Love,

enjoy this printable! and be sure to hop over to emily's blog and catch a glimpse of her happenings. i'll be back in about a week with plenty to catch up on, but for now you can always find us on twitter & instagram!

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