August 19, 2019

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I'm still dreaming of the fried chicken & green beans that I had last week when we had family in town. Taking our family to our favorite restaurants is something we love to do. And, as usual, it didn't disappoint! 

But, this week is about getting back on routines. First day of school, another year of ballet, Nico's new season of soccer, preschool + speech therapy. Our weeks are filling back up so meal planning is a must for us! 

Here's to getting to an exciting week of firsts + getting back to routines! 
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August 18, 2019

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I dropped the "blogging" ball again! It's summer and it was bound to happen. But, summer is ending! Today is officially our last day of summer vacation. And, as sad as I am that summer has come to an end, I'm excited for a new start, a new year, and getting back to some solid routines. 

I am feeling like those solid routines are going to include a little more consistency here, bringing in some more content, and really letting myself grow into this space. It's hard to know exactly what I want this space to do - but I am hoping to explore that more in the coming months!
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August 15, 2019

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This kid is a few days into his pre-k year! And, I'm over here in disbelief that this is our last year before both kids are in elementary school. It's kind of nuts!

It's a little different this year - a lot of his friends switched to a different preschool and his favorite preschool teacher left too! It's going to be a little bit of an adjustment but I think he's going to have a great year.

And look how much he's grown since his first day of preschool

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August 14, 2019

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After our Disney trip last month, we stopped in Amelia Island for the day. We fell in love with it a few years ago and my mom has always wanted to go, so this was the perfect time!

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August 13, 2019

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School, and schedules, and all things FALL (!) are right around the corner. Nico started pre-k last week and L starts 4th grade next week. We've got a weird limbo week where summer is still sort of happening but also, I'm packing school lunches and the backpacks have made an appearance from the depths of our hall closet. I'm actually excited about a new school year. Blame it on my love of Fall or 'You've got Mail' but I really do like this time of the year. And, I really like shopping for new school supplies! 

1. A bento-style lunch container - My kids are big snackers. Bento-style boxes let me send them to school with a little bit of all of their favorites. They get a variety of foods and most of it gets eaten - its a win all around! These are another favorite!

2. Our favorite sneakers for kids - New Balance kicks have been our go-to for school sneakers. They have all the colors and styles we could want, including the fun collaborations they do with J. Crew. We usually get the no-tie styles for the early elementary years! 

3. Cartwheel shorts - For my dress-lover so she can be totally comfortable (and covered!) at school. 

4. Fun socks to brighten up uniforms - L's school requires uniforms but they allow fun socks so the kids can show off some personality. I love to stock up on fun, knee-high socks for her school wardrobe.

5. Backpack flair - Elementary school girls LOVE to personalize their backpacks (and tablet cases!) with keychains. The cuter, fluffier, and more glittery - the better!  

6. An insulated lunchbox - We've gone through our share of lunch boxes and surprisingly, the cheaper ones have held up just as good as the not-as-cheap ones. So, this year we let the kids pick up their favorite choice at Target. As long as it's insulated and holds their bento containers, we are good! 

7. A cool water bottle - That keeps water cold all day! L's school has water fountains with built-in filtered water bottle fillers. Sending them with a reusable water bottle is the perfect choice. The kids each have a smaller, character version but I'm digging this fun mint color in a larger size.

8. Whimsical school supplies - School supply lists here come pretty standard but specific. It leaves very little options in the way of fun school supplies. I picked up these macaroon erasers to add a little whimsy to L's pencil box.

9. Fun & quality backpacks - We love Pottery Barn backpacks! They hold up for several years and are the perfect size to hold all of the stuff the kids bring home. Plus, they are full of pockets and pouches! L.L. Bean is another quality favorite if you're looking for something a little more basic but still full of quality. 

I hope you guys are soaking up the end of summer like we are! Here's to some amazing first days of school!
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August 8, 2019

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It's the middle of the week and I've actually kept on top of my to-do lists every day! The house is clean, I've made dinner the past three nights, and I'm fitting in time to get some early prep work done for a event I'm styling this weekend.

So, I thought I'd share a little room tour of my girl's room! Lia loves pink and all things girly. I am the opposite. But, this room is a great little mashup of both of our styles and it's one of my favorite rooms in the house!

Book ledges (and floating shelves!) are one of my favorite design pieces. These were handmade by my amazing husband! He used this DIY tutorial. I spray-painted them white. They came out a little more rustic than I envisioned but I tend to roll with the punches on DIY. Style-lover or not, I'm not the best do-it-yourself gal. It is what it is! 

But filled with sweet trinkets and her favorite books, they are perfect.

When we first moved into this house, L requested a pink room and that's what we gave her! But, a year or two ago, I decided she needed a room makeover. Her room was feeling very young and the style of it wasn't changing and stretching and growing along with us, unlike the style in the rest of our house.

I picked out a coral-y peachy color and redid her room. And, I hated it. I styled the space and let it go for a little while but I eventually couldn't take it anymore and it got repainted another light pink. This color is Benjamin Moore's wispy pink and I couldn't love it more! It's soft and light and just perfect.

Both of my kid's rooms are works in progress, much like the rest of our house. But, if I waited to share them when they were 100% done - they'd never get shared! I am always re-arranging, changing up the pillows, adding new artwork. I want to create rooms that grow WITH my kids!

That being said, she desperately needs something over her bed and I've been on the hunt for a big floor rug. I'm also getting the itch to change her comforter (I'm a big fan of duvets and hers is the only room without one right now so I think it's time for a switch!) and her nightstands need some love. We recently replaced the ones in our bedroom and passed these down so she'd have two matching ones. I just haven't gotten around to styling them yet. Although, there's always a stack of books on them so I guess she's styled them herself! 

Really I just want rooms that my kids love. Rooms that will love them back. A soft, space landing to recharge when the world gets to be too much. 

Nightstands, IKEA
Dresser, IKEA
Sheets, Target
Book shelves, DIY
Floral prints, Rifle Paper Co.
White frames, IKEA
Swiss cross blanket, Amazon
Unicorn lamp, Target
Fringe baskets, Target
Wire basket, Target
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August 5, 2019

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Happy Monday, friends. This is going to be our craziest week of August. Nico starts pre-k! And, I'm not ready! Why does summer always go by so quickly? I've got a couple jobs to tackle this week (I'm styling a vow renewal and I am SO excited to see it all come together!), the kids have some birthday parties to go to, and we've got family coming in town.

Not to mention, our house is in serious need of a clean! But, as always, we welcome the crazy just as much as we welcome the calm times.

So, here's our last official summer meal plan to get us through the week. Short, simple, delicious.

Soak up the last of these summer days, friends!
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