February 22, 2010

Bugs. Super mama cape. To-Do lists. Oh my!

My bug is sick. She's coughy/sneezy/stuffy. She's a pint-sized germ! She's trying to be so good but I can tell she doesn't feel good. It breaks my heart every time a cough escapes that tiny mouth. Her pediatrician said it was just a viral infection and would hopefully pass on its own. I hope thats true. And soon. I don't like when "bugs" take over my own bug.

Of course, i'll have to put on my super mama cape for her. M is out of town for the week, so it's all up to me to get her back and better than ever! All I can do for her is to love on her so lovin' on her is what i'll be doing all week! That's pretty easy, I mean have you seen this baby? She. Is. Adorable.

I'm the (wo)man of the house this week. Woot! Not. I'm totally kidding, it doesn't excite me. But...I am going to take advantage by doing what I need to do that usually doesn't get done because I'd much rather spend time with M & L. So my gigando to-do list is going to get some lines through it.

Please, oh please. Self control, get a grip on me. I NEED to do these things.

By the way, for those book lovers out there, i just started reading "Handle with care" by Jodi Picoult. It. Is. Good. I'm only on the second chapter and I am hooked. You should pick it up. Along with all of her other books.

Now i'm off to be super wo(man) of the house and clean up a good part of the downstairs while bug snoozes. My reward is the new episode of One Tree Hill! I heart that its based in North Carolina (my home!).

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