September 13, 2014


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I'm posting this a day late because life through us a curve ball Thursday night. M was busy with school that night and L and I were hanging out on the sofa reading books when I noticed her scratching her head. Yep, lice again. And after a anxious panic from me followed by tears (also me), we ran to the store for shampoo, movies and a candy bribe. It took us all night and lots of candy, but I think the situation might not be as bad this time around. As long as I don't have it...

But seriously, I am knocking on wood and praying that it's gone, gone, gone. Manny took a day off from work to help me with all the laundry and cleaning up that comes with a case of head lice and he and L got to spend a few hours together at the park while I may have binge watched The Good Wife and snacked on bacon.

The rest of our week though went pretty smoothly. Our routine is settled and we're all pretty used to it. We stocked up at the library again and spent a rare not-so-hot afternoon at the park. I may have bought Nicolas a few more teeny little things and grabbed another black & white rug for our bathroom. And, we got almost all of the walls downstairs painted grey. We're hoping to finish up this month and add another chalkboard wall.

And some funny words from Lia's mouth this week - "Because I know about mans and houses."

On that note, have a great weekend!

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