March 20, 2015


Reading... A Fault in Our Stars for book club. And, I'm excited to start this one for me.

Pinning... this piece of art.
Smiling... when N giggles.

Thrifting... all the wooden finds I can. Chunky candlesticks, frames and toys.

Excited for... Spring and tiny rompers and getting outside.

Putting away... tiny newborn clothes.

Wearing... Nicolas everywhere I can.

Binging... on Orange is the New Black during late night feedings.

Eating... peanut butter cups.

Planning... some fun things for Easter and M's birthday!

Listening to... all the funny and smart things my girl has been saying lately. Also, all of her tantrums and "I'm mad at you"s.

Feeling... tired and anxious and overwhelmed but still somehow at peace many days and so blessed. It's a weird mix of emotions.

Making... pizza for dinner on this Friday night.

Signing... L up for kindergarten and still not sure how that's possible!

Please feel free to link up any of your "currently" posts in the comments, xo!

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