July 10, 2012

back home.

i am back home and finally ready to blog. it's been a hectic week. but oh how i have looked forward to sitting down to my blogger account and just writing. i don't like going this long without writing up a blog post.

we got home on saturday afternoon. the ride from nc was really easy. probably because it was half the ride we had taken twice just days before. my sister-in-law and nephew came along with us so we've got a full house and L is super happy about that.

we unpacked, ran a few errands and M went to work on saturday night. he worked sunday night too, so after i got the grocery shopping done, we all hit the pool for the afternoon. and you know, l-bug just happened to learn to swim while she was in there. no big deal. BIG FREAKING DEAL! i will post more about that later but seriously, my mommy heart is still full of pride and love for my baby girl.

yesterday i did some quick cleaning around the house, tackled the laundry, blah blah boring stuff. but last night, we went to a movie in the park! i've been searching for something like this and a few months ago, we stumbled upon a small ice cream shop downtown. i took L to it last week on a super hot day and noticed he had a sign advertising monday night movies. turns out, this guy built his own screen and sets it all up in the small grassy park in front of his shop. and every monday night, there's  a movie under the stars. i packed up blankets, bags of popcorn & bugspray and we got to watch 'the big miracle'. and for south carolina summer heat, it was nice, cool & breezy. a serious gift from god. it screamed summer.

i spent today scrubbing the house, finishing up some laundry and i've already got dinner in the crockpot. i'll be taking my nephew on a date tonight. to the comic book store. i guess i am a pretty cool aunt, haha.

happy tuesday!

ps. lots more blog posts to come this week.

1 comment:

  1. M learned to swim on her own last week too! Just out of the blue, BAM, she was a swimmer!! Can these kids stop growing up so quickly!? And I'm so jealous y'all have a place for movies in the park! We don't have anything like that here, but I'm sure M would love it!!

    Glad to hear y'all are back home safe and sound!!


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