April 23, 2013


by nature, i'm not a nature girl. i've always chosen books and cozy spots over dirt and bugs. but i have to admit, the idea of bringing the indoors to the outdoors lately is making me change my ways.

lia, on the other hand, loves nature. dirt, flowers, water, rainbows, mr sunshine. those are some of her favorite things. and however long we stay in this house, i want her to have delicious memories of it. i want her to remember the parties we held in the backyard and the mornings we ate breakfast on the porch. i want to instill her her the importance of our earth and how fun it is to plant things and watch them grow.

a warm breeze, crunchy grass between my toes, watching airplanes "scratch" the sky with my girl. they are becoming some of my favorite things. they block out the hustle and bustle of every day life. deadlines, unfinished projects, messy kitchens, tantrums and bad days. they are becoming such a part of the ebb and flow of daily life for us.

and lately i've been leaving the doors and windows open as much as i can. savoring the way the sun streams in across the hardwood floors. i've got plans of neon-dipping some pots, planting a small succulent garden and this week we're making something special just for L in the backyard. there just may be strawberries, pink flowers and her own space.

but this weekend, we tackled the front yard. ironically, i didn't realize it was earth day until we were mid-way into our project. when we first moved in, we had okay landscaping. i didn't hate it, but i didn't love it. and all we knew for sure was that we loved the tree but the pine straw had to go. and color, we needed color!

we dug up everything, raked it clean, transplanted some bushes to other parts of the yard and made the flower bed smaller. i am impatiently waiting for the new plants to mature so i can know if i LOVE love it. it looks and feels much simpler and cleaner now. i still wish we had found some bigger greener bushes i liked but i am really happy with the finished project. now we are just waiting on sod for the side of the porch and the project is done.

m and i are not green thumbers. we're closer to black thumbers. i've killed about 3ish plants in the past month. it's a learning process and we decided to dive in and DIY it.

other than being chilly and windy, our earth day was good. i'm sunburned and all of my bones ache but we pulled off a major DIY project and thats pretty awesome. how was your earth day?

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