July 23, 2018


I don't know what it is about summer books. Is it the classic nostalgic summer qualities that they hit spot on? The sprawling, beach houses on the shore. The ocean side drama. Long nights under a star-lit sky. Fried fish baskets and icy, cold treats all around. I don't even like fish, but in a summer book? Throw me a basket! 

Summer just holds all of the quintessential elements. Red checkered picnic blankets. Wedges of watermelon and all the cold salads. Baseball games and vacations to the shore. I love that even if I can't capture all of these moments in our actual summer, the books I read can.

But, like any other season, I need some dark drama thrown in the mix. Something to read at night until my eyes can't stay open anymore. Something so intriguing that I can't put it down. 

So, I give to you, my top 6 books for this summer. All of which are on my library holds list. Again, can we just thank modern technology for how far beloved libraries have come? I will never not be in love with public libraries. 

The Woman in the Window is the only book from my list that I've finished so far. It's the perfect summer thriller. It's dark and a little edgy. It found it's way into my mind and even after putting it down, I didn't totally leave the story! 

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